
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module cros.mojom;

import "media/capture/mojom/image_capture.mojom";
import "media/capture/video/chromeos/mojom/camera_common.mojom";
import "media/capture/video/chromeos/mojom/camera_metadata.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/range/mojom/range.mojom";

// Effect that recognized by Chrome OS.
enum Effect {
  kNoEffect = 0,
  kPortraitMode = 1,

// Stream types that can be observed by camera app device.
// This is a mirror of the StreamType in camera_device_delegate.h
enum StreamType {
  kPreviewOutput = 0,
  kJpegOutput = 1,
  kJpegPortraitOutput = 2,
  kRecordingOutput = 3,
  kUnknown = 4,

// Status code for getting camera app device.
enum GetCameraAppDeviceStatus {
  kSuccess = 0,
  kErrorInvalidId = 1,

// The purpose of this capture is to help the camera device decide optimal
// configurations.
enum CaptureIntent {
  kDefault = 0,
  kVideoRecord = 1,
  kStillCapture = 2,
  kPortraitCapture = 3,

// Interface to let Chrome Camera App (Remote) get specific CameraAppDevice from
// Chrome (Receiver).
interface CameraAppDeviceProvider {
  // Gets the interface to communicate with specific camera device given by
  // |source_id|. If the |status| is not success, the |device| would be null.
  GetCameraAppDevice(string source_id)
      => (GetCameraAppDeviceStatus status,
          pending_remote<CameraAppDevice>? device);

  // Checks if the device supports direct communication between camera devices
  // and camera app. Currently only devices running camera HAL v3 support this
  // feature.
  IsSupported() => (bool is_supported);

  // Check if the device with |source_id| is in use.
  IsDeviceInUse(string source_id) => (bool in_use);

// Inner interface that used to communicate between browser process (Remote) and
// the Video Capture service (Receiver).
interface CameraAppDeviceBridge {
  // Gets the interface to communicate with specific camera device given by
  // |device_id|. If the |status| is not success, the |device| would be null.
  GetCameraAppDevice(string device_id)
      => (GetCameraAppDeviceStatus status,
          pending_remote<CameraAppDevice>? device);

  // Checks if the device supports direct communication between camera devices
  // and camera app. Currently only devices running camera HAL v3 support this
  // feature.
  IsSupported() => (bool is_supported);

  // Add/Remove a virtual device for recording stream according to |enabled|.
  // The virtual device has the same config as |device_id| except facing
  // attribute.
  SetVirtualDeviceEnabled(string device_id, bool enabled) => (bool success);

  // Check if the device with |device_id| is in use.
  IsDeviceInUse(string device_id) => (bool in_use);

// Interface for communication from the Chrome Camera App (Remote) to the camera
// device (Receiver). The Chrome Camera App is a system web app and runs inside
// a renderer process, with all the code resides in the Chrome OS rootfs. The
// camera device runs inside the browser process.
interface CameraAppDevice {
  // Takes portrait mode photos and returns the results to the observer.
  // The observer will be called by the camera device when the result is ready.
      pending_remote<StillCaptureResultObserver> observer) => ();

  // Sets the fps range for upcoming configured camera stream.
  // The caller sets the |fps_range|.
  // If the given fps range is valid and set successfully, |is_success| returns
  // true. If the given fps range is invalid, the fps range which is cached
  // previously will be cleared and |is_success| will return false.
  SetFpsRange(gfx.mojom.Range fps_range) => (bool is_success);

  // Sets the |resolution| for still capture stream which should be
  // configured later so that we can configure the most suitable properties.
  SetStillCaptureResolution(gfx.mojom.Size resolution) => ();

  // Sets the intent for the upcoming capture session. The underlying video
  // capture device should configure the streams accordingly. Returns an empty
  // response after the intent is set, which could be used to sequence the
  // other calls such as getUserMedia().
  SetCaptureIntent(CaptureIntent intent) => ();

  // Adds the remote of a ResultMetadataObserver to CameraAppDevice.
  // The |observer| will have a remote call from camera device.
  AddResultMetadataObserver(pending_remote<ResultMetadataObserver> observer,
                            StreamType stream_type) => ();

  // Adds an observer for camera events. The |observer| is the remote of the
  // observer to be added.
  AddCameraEventObserver(pending_remote<CameraEventObserver> observer) => ();

  // Sets whether to disable the camera frame rotation at source. Sets
  // |is_success| to true if |is_enabled| is correctly set.
  SetCameraFrameRotationEnabledAtSource(bool is_enabled) => (bool is_success);

  // Gets the clock-wise rotation in degree applied, or needs to be applied if
  // the rotation is disabled at source, on the raw camera frame in order to
  // display the camera preview upright in the UI. The only valid values for
  // |rotation| are 0, 90, 180, and 270.
  GetCameraFrameRotation() => (uint32 rotation);

  // Registers the document corners observer for preview.
      pending_remote<DocumentCornersObserver> observer) => ();

  // Enable/Disable the multiple streams feature for video recording on the
  // device given by its |device_id|.
  SetMultipleStreamsEnabled(bool enabled) => ();

  // Registers the observer to monitor the camera info update.
    pending_remote<CameraInfoObserver> observer) => ();

  // Sets the crop region to CameraAppDevice. The value will be consumed by
  // RequestManager to set it to the capture request repeatedly on every frame,
  // until the new crop region value is set, or reset to the full crop region.
  SetCropRegion(gfx.mojom.Rect crop_region) => ();

  // Resets the crop region set by |SetCropRegion|. It is no-ops if there is no
  // crop region value set.
  ResetCropRegion() => ();

// Interface for camera device to send camera metadata to Chrome Camera App.
interface ResultMetadataObserver {
  // Remotely invoked by camera device whenever a |camera_metadata| of a frame
  // is produced.
  OnMetadataAvailable(CameraMetadata camera_metadata);

// Interface for observing camera events such as shutter done.
interface CameraEventObserver {
  // Triggered when the shutter is done for a still capture image.

// Interface for document corners detection.
interface DocumentCornersObserver {
  // Triggered when the detected document |corners| should be updated.
  // The amount of corners will be either 0, indicating there are no corners
  // detected, or 4, which are in top-left => bottom-left => bottom-right =>
  // top-right order. The value of the coordinate of a corner will be in [0, 1).
  OnDocumentCornersUpdated(array<gfx.mojom.PointF> corners);

// Interface for monitoring the change of camera info.
interface CameraInfoObserver {
  // Triggered when the camera info is updated, generally happened when the
  // underlying camera is restarted.
  OnCameraInfoUpdated(CameraInfo camera_info);

// Interface for the returned still capture results.
interface StillCaptureResultObserver {
  // Triggered when capture done for target |effect|.
  OnStillCaptureDone(Effect effect, int32 status, media.mojom.Blob? blob);