// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next min version: 16
module cros.mojom;
import "components/chromeos_camera/common/jpeg_encode_accelerator.mojom";
import "components/chromeos_camera/common/mjpeg_decode_accelerator.mojom";
import "media/capture/video/chromeos/mojom/camera_common.mojom";
import "media/capture/video/chromeos/mojom/cros_camera_client.mojom";
import "media/capture/video/chromeos/mojom/effects_pipeline.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
// CameraClientType indicates the type of a CameraHalClient.
// It should be kept in sync with the ChromeOSCameraClientType enum in
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml in chromium.
enum CameraClientType {
// CameraPrivacySwitchState indicates the state of the camera privacy switch.
// This can represent both software and hardware privacy switch statuses.
enum CameraPrivacySwitchState {
// [HW] For devices which can only read the privacy switch status while the
// camera is streaming, it is possible that the state of privacy switch is
// currently unknown.
// [SW] If the CrOS Camera Service is not reachable, UNKNOWN will be returned
// as the result of GetCameraSWPrivacySwitchState.
// State when the privacy switch is on, which means the black frames will be
// delivered when streaming.
ON = 1,
// State when the privacy switch is off, which means camera should stream
// normally.
OFF = 2,
// CameraAutoFramingState indicates the state of the camera autozoom feature.
// Note that this enum is saved into user prefs, so enum values should not be
// reordered, deleted or repurposed.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum CameraAutoFramingState {
// Auto framing is disabled.
OFF = 0,
// Auto framing is enabled and set to single person mode.
// Auto framing is enabled and set to multi people mode.
// Interface called by CrosCameraService to notify Chrome of Kiosk Vision
// events. The data being transferred and the processes involved are trusted.
// Next method ID: 3
interface KioskVisionObserver {
// Notifies the observer that a new detection has happened.
OnFrameProcessed@0(KioskVisionDetection detection);
// Notifies the observer that a track has completed. Emitted when a previously
// detected person goes undetected long enough and the tracker forgets them.
OnTrackCompleted@1(KioskVisionTrack track);
// Notifies the observer that an error has happened.
OnError@2(KioskVisionError error);
// Output detection of the Kiosk Vision graph.
struct KioskVisionDetection {
// The timestamp in microseconds of this detection.
int64 timestamp_in_us;
// The persons detected.
array<KioskVisionAppearance> appearances;
// A track is the full sequence of appearances of a given person.
struct KioskVisionTrack {
// The ID of the person in this track.
int32 person_id;
// The timestamp in microseconds for when this track started.
int64 start_timestamp_in_us;
// The timestamp in microseconds for when this track ended.
int64 end_timestamp_in_us;
// The appearances in this track. Must be non-empty. All appearances must have
// the same `person_id`. Appearances are sorted by `timestamp_in_us`.
array<KioskVisionAppearance> appearances;
// An appearance represents one person in a detection set.
struct KioskVisionAppearance {
// The timestamp in microseconds of this appearance.
int64 timestamp_in_us;
// The tracking ID of this person.
int32 person_id;
// The face detection of this person. At least one of `body` and `face` must
// be present.
KioskVisionFaceDetection? face;
// The detection of this person. At least one of `body` and `face` must be
// present.
KioskVisionBodyDetection? body;
// The face angles of a person detected.
struct KioskVisionFaceDetection {
// The confidence level of this detection. Value in the [0,1] interval.
double confidence;
// The roll angle of this face in the [-180, 180] interval.
float roll;
// The pan angle of this face in the [-180, 180] interval.
float pan;
// The tilt angle of this face in the [-180, 180] interval.
float tilt;
// The bounding box of this face.
KioskVisionBoundingBox box;
// The body description of a detected person.
struct KioskVisionBodyDetection {
// The confidence level of this detection. Value in the [0,1] interval.
double confidence;
// The bounding box of this body.
KioskVisionBoundingBox box;
// Describes the size and coordinates of a bounding box.
struct KioskVisionBoundingBox {
// The x of the top-left point of the bounding box.
int32 x;
// The y of the top-left point of the bounding box.
int32 y;
// The width of the bounding box.
int32 width;
// The height of the bounding box.
int32 height;
// Describes errors that may happen when running the Kiosk Vision feature.
enum KioskVisionError {
[Default] UNKNOWN = 0,
// E.g. failed to open the shared library from the DLC path.
// E.g. failed to start or run the ML model.
// The CrOS camera HAL v3 Mojo dispatcher. The dispatcher acts as a proxy and
// waits for the server and the clients to register. There can only be one
// server registered, with multiple clients requesting connections to the
// server. For each client, the dispatcher is responsible for creating a Mojo
// channel to the server and pass the established Mojo channel to the client in
// order to set up a Mojo channel between the client and the server.
// Next method ID: 8
// Deprecated method IDs: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
interface CameraHalDispatcher {
// A CameraHalClient calls RegisterClient to register itself with the
// dispatcher. CameraHalDispatcher would authenticate the client with the
// given |type| and |auth_token|.
[MinVersion=4] RegisterClientWithToken@5(
pending_remote<CameraHalClient> client,
CameraClientType type,
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken auth_token) => (int32 result);
// CrosCameraServiceObserver is an interface for CrosCameraService to notify
// observers for any changes on the server side, for example when a
// CameraHalClient opens or closes a camera device.
// Next method ID: 5
interface CrosCameraServiceObserver {
// Fired when a CameraHalClient opens or closes a camera device. When a
// CameraHalClient loses mojo connection to CameraHalServer, CameraHalServer
// would also use this to notify that cameras are closed (not being used).
CameraDeviceActivityChange@0(int32 camera_id,
bool opened,
CameraClientType type);
// Fired when the camera privacy switch status is changed. If the device has
// such switch, this observer will get the notification.
CameraPrivacySwitchStateChange@1(CameraPrivacySwitchState state,
int32 camera_id);
// Fired when the camera software privacy switch status is changed.
CameraSWPrivacySwitchStateChange@2(CameraPrivacySwitchState state);
// Fired when the camera effect is changed.
[MinVersion=14] CameraEffectChange@3(EffectsConfig config);
// Fired when the auto framing state is changed.
[MinVersion=15] AutoFramingStateChange@4(CameraAutoFramingState state);
// A client can request the CrosCameraService service from Mojo Service Manager
// and get the camera module or set/get the camera states.
// Next method ID: 9
interface CrosCameraService {
// A caller calls GetCameraModule to create a new Mojo channel to the camera
// HAL v3 adapter.
GetCameraModule@0(CameraClientType type)
=> (pending_remote<CameraModule> camera_module_receiver);
// Enable or disable tracing.
SetTracingEnabled@1(bool enabled);
// Enable or disable auto framing.
SetAutoFramingState@2(CameraAutoFramingState state);
// Get the current camera software privacy switch state.
GetCameraSWPrivacySwitchState@3() => (CameraPrivacySwitchState state);
// Enable or disable the camera software privacy switch.
SetCameraSWPrivacySwitchState@4(CameraPrivacySwitchState state);
// Get if the HAL supports auto framing.
GetAutoFramingSupported@5() => (bool supported);
// Turn ON/OFF and configure specified effect.
SetCameraEffect@6(EffectsConfig config) => (SetEffectResult result);
// Add an obersever which observes the event of the camera service.
pending_remote<CrosCameraServiceObserver> observer);
// Start and observe Kiosk Vision detections. There is no separate "stop"
// method. The feature should remain active for the lifetime of the
// connection to the observer remote.
string dlc_path, pending_remote<KioskVisionObserver> observer);