
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "media/cast/encoding/audio_encoder.h"

#include <stdint.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "base/containers/heap_array.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/numerics/byte_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "media/base/audio_codecs.h"
#include "media/base/audio_sample_types.h"
#include "media/cast/common/rtp_time.h"
#include "media/cast/common/sender_encoded_frame.h"
#include "media/cast/constants.h"
#include "third_party/openscreen/src/cast/streaming/encoded_frame.h"
#include "third_party/opus/src/include/opus.h"

#include <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>

namespace media {
namespace cast {

namespace {

const int kUnderrunSkipThreshold =;
const int kDefaultFramesPerSecond =;

}  // namespace

// Base class that handles the common problem of feeding one or more AudioBus'
// data into a buffer and then, once the buffer is full, encoding the signal and
// emitting a SenderEncodedFrame via the FrameEncodedCallback.
// Subclasses complete the implementation by handling the actual encoding
// details.
class AudioEncoder::ImplBase
    : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioEncoder::ImplBase> {};

class AudioEncoder::OpusImpl final : public AudioEncoder::ImplBase {};

class AudioEncoder::AppleAacImpl final : public AudioEncoder::ImplBase {
  // AAC-LC has two access unit sizes (960 and 1024). The Apple encoder only
  // supports the latter.
  static const int kAccessUnitSamples = 1024;

  // Size of an ADTS header (w/o checksum). See
  static const int kAdtsHeaderSize = 7;

  AppleAacImpl(const scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment>& cast_environment,
               int num_channels,
               int sampling_rate,
               int bitrate,
               FrameEncodedCallback callback)
      : ImplBase(cast_environment,
        input_buffer_(AudioBus::Create(num_channels, kAccessUnitSamples)),
        num_access_units_(0) {
    if (ImplBase::operational_status_ != STATUS_UNINITIALIZED) {
    if (!Initialize(sampling_rate, bitrate)) {
      ImplBase::operational_status_ = STATUS_INVALID_CONFIGURATION;
    ImplBase::operational_status_ = STATUS_INITIALIZED;

  AppleAacImpl(const AppleAacImpl&) = delete;
  AppleAacImpl& operator=(const AppleAacImpl&) = delete;

  ~AppleAacImpl() override { Teardown(); }

  // Destroys the existing audio converter and file, if any.
  void Teardown() {
    if (converter_) {
      converter_ = nullptr;
    if (file_) {
      file_ = nullptr;

  // Initializes the audio converter and file. Calls Teardown to destroy any
  // existing state. This is so that Initialize() may be called to setup another
  // converter after a non-resumable interruption.
  bool Initialize(int sampling_rate, int bitrate) {
    // Teardown previous audio converter and file.

    // Input data comes from AudioBus objects, which carry non-interleaved
    // packed native-endian float samples. Note that in Core Audio, a frame is
    // one sample across all channels at a given point in time. When describing
    // a non-interleaved samples format, the "per frame" fields mean "per
    // channel" or "per stream", with the exception of |mChannelsPerFrame|. For
    // uncompressed formats, one packet contains one frame.
    AudioStreamBasicDescription in_asbd;
    in_asbd.mSampleRate = sampling_rate;
    in_asbd.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
    in_asbd.mFormatFlags =
        AudioFormatFlags{kAudioFormatFlagsNativeFloatPacked} |
    in_asbd.mChannelsPerFrame = num_channels_;
    in_asbd.mBitsPerChannel = sizeof(float) * 8;
    in_asbd.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
    in_asbd.mBytesPerPacket = in_asbd.mBytesPerFrame = sizeof(float);
    in_asbd.mReserved = 0;

    // Request AAC-LC encoding, with no downmixing or downsampling.
    AudioStreamBasicDescription out_asbd;
    memset(&out_asbd, 0, sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription));
    out_asbd.mSampleRate = sampling_rate;
    out_asbd.mFormatID = kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC;
    out_asbd.mChannelsPerFrame = num_channels_;
    UInt32 prop_size = sizeof(out_asbd);
    if (AudioFormatGetProperty(kAudioFormatProperty_FormatInfo, 0, nullptr,
                               &prop_size, &out_asbd) != noErr) {
      return false;

    if (AudioConverterNew(&in_asbd, &out_asbd, &converter_) != noErr) {
      return false;

    // The converter will fully specify the output format and update the
    // relevant fields of the structure, which we can now query.
    prop_size = sizeof(out_asbd);
    if (AudioConverterGetProperty(converter_,
                                  &prop_size, &out_asbd) != noErr) {
      return false;

    // If bitrate is <= 0, allow the encoder to pick a suitable value.
    // Otherwise, set the bitrate (which can fail if the value is not suitable
    // or compatible with the output sampling rate or channels).
    if (bitrate > 0) {
      prop_size = sizeof(int);
      if (AudioConverterSetProperty(converter_, kAudioConverterEncodeBitRate,
                                    prop_size, &bitrate) != noErr) {
        return false;

    // Figure out the maximum size of an access unit that the encoder can
    // produce. |mBytesPerPacket| will be 0 for variable size configurations,
    // in which case we must query the value.
    uint32_t max_access_unit_size = out_asbd.mBytesPerPacket;
    if (max_access_unit_size == 0) {
      prop_size = sizeof(max_access_unit_size);
      if (AudioConverterGetProperty(
              converter_, kAudioConverterPropertyMaximumOutputPacketSize,
              &prop_size, &max_access_unit_size) != noErr) {
        return false;

    // This is the only location where the implementation modifies
    // |max_access_unit_size_|.
    const_cast<uint32_t&>(max_access_unit_size_) = max_access_unit_size;

    // Allocate a buffer to store one access unit. This is the only location
    // where the implementation modifies |access_unit_buffer_|.
        .reset(new uint8_t[max_access_unit_size]);

    // Initialize the converter ABL. Note that the buffer size has to be set
    // before every encode operation, since the field is modified to indicate
    // the size of the output data (on input it indicates the buffer capacity).
    converter_abl_.mNumberBuffers = 1;
    converter_abl_.mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = num_channels_;
    converter_abl_.mBuffers[0].mData = access_unit_buffer_.get();

    // The "magic cookie" is an encoder state vector required for decoding and
    // packetization. It is queried now from |converter_| then set on |file_|
    // after initialization.
    UInt32 cookie_size;
    if (AudioConverterGetPropertyInfo(converter_,
                                      &cookie_size, nullptr) != noErr) {
      return false;
    auto cookie_data = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(cookie_size);
    if (AudioConverterGetProperty(converter_,
                                  &cookie_size, cookie_data.get()) != noErr) {
      return false;

    if (AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacks(
            this, &FileReadCallback, &FileWriteCallback, &FileGetSizeCallback,
            &FileSetSizeCallback, kAudioFileAAC_ADTSType, &out_asbd, 0,
            &file_) != noErr) {
      return false;

    if (AudioFileSetProperty(file_, kAudioFilePropertyMagicCookieData,
                             cookie_size, cookie_data.get()) != noErr) {
      return false;

    // Initially the input bus points to the input buffer. See the comment on
    // |input_bus_| for more on this optimization.
    for (int ch = 0; ch < input_buffer_->channels(); ++ch) {
      input_bus_->SetChannelData(ch, input_buffer_->channel(ch));

    return true;

  void TransferSamplesIntoBuffer(const AudioBus* audio_bus,
                                 int source_offset,
                                 int buffer_fill_offset,
                                 int num_samples) final {
    DCHECK_EQ(audio_bus->channels(), input_buffer_->channels());

    // See the comment on |input_bus_| for more on this optimization. Note that
    // we cannot elide the copy if the source offset would result in an
    // unaligned pointer.
    if (num_samples == kAccessUnitSamples &&
        source_offset * sizeof(float) % AudioBus::kChannelAlignment == 0) {
      DCHECK_EQ(buffer_fill_offset, 0);
      for (int ch = 0; ch < audio_bus->channels(); ++ch) {
        auto* samples = const_cast<float*>(audio_bus->channel(ch));
        input_bus_->SetChannelData(ch, samples + source_offset);

    // Copy the samples into the input buffer.
    DCHECK_EQ(input_bus_->channel(0), input_buffer_->channel(0));
    audio_bus->CopyPartialFramesTo(source_offset, num_samples,
                                   buffer_fill_offset, input_buffer_.get());

  bool EncodeFromFilledBuffer(std::string* out) final {
    // Reset the buffer size field to the buffer capacity.
    converter_abl_.mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = max_access_unit_size_;

    // Encode the current input buffer. This is a synchronous call.
    OSStatus oserr;
    UInt32 io_num_packets = 1;
    AudioStreamPacketDescription packet_description;
    oserr = AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer(
        converter_, &ConverterFillDataCallback, this, &io_num_packets,
        &converter_abl_, &packet_description);
    if (oserr != noErr || io_num_packets == 0) {
      return false;

    // Reserve space in the output buffer to write the packet.
    out->reserve(packet_description.mDataByteSize + kAdtsHeaderSize);

    // Set the current output buffer and emit an ADTS-wrapped AAC access unit.
    // This is a synchronous call. After it returns, reset the output buffer.
    output_buffer_ = out;
    oserr = AudioFileWritePackets(
        file_, false, converter_abl_.mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize,
        &packet_description, num_access_units_, &io_num_packets,
    output_buffer_ = nullptr;
    if (oserr != noErr || io_num_packets == 0) {
      return false;
    num_access_units_ += io_num_packets;
    return true;

  // The |AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer| input callback function. Configures
  // the provided |AudioBufferList| to alias |input_bus_|. The implementation
  // can only supply |kAccessUnitSamples| samples as a result of not copying
  // samples or tracking read and write positions. Note that this function is
  // called synchronously by |AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer|.
  static OSStatus ConverterFillDataCallback(
      AudioConverterRef in_converter,
      UInt32* io_num_packets,
      AudioBufferList* io_data,
      AudioStreamPacketDescription** out_packet_desc,
      void* in_encoder) {
    auto* encoder = reinterpret_cast<AppleAacImpl*>(in_encoder);
    auto* input_buffer = encoder->input_buffer_.get();
    auto* input_bus = encoder->input_bus_.get();

    DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(*io_num_packets), kAccessUnitSamples);
    for (int i_buf = 0, end = io_data->mNumberBuffers; i_buf < end; ++i_buf) {
      io_data->mBuffers[i_buf].mNumberChannels = 1;
      io_data->mBuffers[i_buf].mDataByteSize = sizeof(float) * *io_num_packets;
      io_data->mBuffers[i_buf].mData = input_bus->channel(i_buf);

      // Reset the input bus back to the input buffer. See the comment on
      // |input_bus_| for more on this optimization.
      input_bus->SetChannelData(i_buf, input_buffer->channel(i_buf));
    return noErr;

  // The AudioFile read callback function.
  static OSStatus FileReadCallback(void* in_encoder,
                                   SInt64 in_position,
                                   UInt32 in_size,
                                   void* in_buffer,
                                   UInt32* out_size) {
    // This class only does writing.

  // The AudioFile write callback function. Appends the data to the encoder's
  // current |output_buffer_|.
  static OSStatus FileWriteCallback(void* in_encoder,
                                    SInt64 in_position,
                                    UInt32 in_size,
                                    const void* in_buffer,
                                    UInt32* out_size) {
    auto* encoder = reinterpret_cast<const AppleAacImpl*>(in_encoder);
    auto* buffer = reinterpret_cast<const std::string::value_type*>(in_buffer);

    std::string* const output_buffer = encoder->output_buffer_;

    output_buffer->append(buffer, in_size);
    *out_size = in_size;
    return noErr;

  // The AudioFile getsize callback function.
  static SInt64 FileGetSizeCallback(void* in_encoder) {
    // This class only does writing.

  // The AudioFile setsize callback function.
  static OSStatus FileSetSizeCallback(void* in_encoder, SInt64 in_size) {
    return noErr;

  // Buffer that holds one AAC access unit worth of samples. The input callback
  // function provides samples from this buffer via |input_bus_| to the encoder.
  const std::unique_ptr<AudioBus> input_buffer_;

  // Wrapper AudioBus used by the input callback function. Normally it wraps
  // |input_buffer_|. However, as an optimization when the client submits a
  // buffer containing exactly one access unit worth of samples, the bus is
  // redirected to the client buffer temporarily. We know that the base
  // implementation will call us right after to encode the buffer and thus we
  // can eliminate the copy into |input_buffer_|.
  const std::unique_ptr<AudioBus> input_bus_;

  // A buffer that holds one AAC access unit. Initialized in |Initialize| once
  // the maximum access unit size is known.
  const std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> access_unit_buffer_;

  // The maximum size of an access unit that the encoder can emit.
  const uint32_t max_access_unit_size_;

  // A temporary pointer to the current output buffer. Only non-null when
  // writing an access unit. Accessed by the AudioFile write callback function.
  raw_ptr<std::string> output_buffer_;

  // The |AudioConverter| is responsible for AAC encoding. This is a Core Audio
  // object, not to be confused with |media::AudioConverter|.
  AudioConverterRef converter_;

  // The |AudioFile| is responsible for ADTS packetization.
  AudioFileID file_;

  // An |AudioBufferList| passed to the converter to store encoded samples.
  AudioBufferList converter_abl_;

  // The number of access units emitted so far by the encoder.
  uint64_t num_access_units_;

    const scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment>& cast_environment,
    int num_channels,
    int sampling_rate,
    int bitrate,
    AudioCodec codec,
    FrameEncodedCallback frame_encoded_callback)

AudioEncoder::~AudioEncoder() = default;

OperationalStatus AudioEncoder::InitializationResult() const {}

int AudioEncoder::GetSamplesPerFrame() const {}

base::TimeDelta AudioEncoder::GetFrameDuration() const {}

int AudioEncoder::GetBitrate() const {}

void AudioEncoder::InsertAudio(std::unique_ptr<AudioBus> audio_bus,
                               const base::TimeTicks recorded_time) {}

}  // namespace cast
}  // namespace media