
 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/skcms_public.h"  // NO_G3_REWRITE
#include "src/skcms_internals.h"  // NO_G3_REWRITE
#include "src/skcms_Transform.h"  // NO_G3_REWRITE
#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
    #include <arm_neon.h>
#elif defined(__SSE__)
    #include <immintrin.h>

    #if defined(__clang__)
        // That #include <immintrin.h> is usually enough, but Clang's headers
        // "helpfully" skip including the whole kitchen sink when _MSC_VER is
        // defined, because lots of programs on Windows would include that and
        // it'd be a lot slower.  But we want all those headers included so we
        // can use their features after runtime checks later.
        #include <smmintrin.h>
        #include <avxintrin.h>
        #include <avx2intrin.h>
        #include <avx512fintrin.h>
        #include <avx512dqintrin.h>


static bool sAllowRuntimeCPUDetection =;

void skcms_DisableRuntimeCPUDetection() {}

static float log2f_(float x) {}
static float logf_(float x) {}

static float exp2f_(float x) {}

// Not static, as it's used by some test tools.
float powf_(float x, float y) {}

static float expf_(float x) {}

static float fmaxf_(float x, float y) {}
static float fminf_(float x, float y) {}

static bool isfinitef_(float x) {}

static float minus_1_ulp(float x) {}

// Most transfer functions we work with are sRGBish.
// For exotic HDR transfer functions, we encode them using a tf.g that makes no sense,
// and repurpose the other fields to hold the parameters of the HDR functions.
struct TF_PQish  {};
struct TF_HLGish {};
// We didn't originally support a scale factor K for HLG, and instead just stored 0 in
// the unused `f` field of skcms_TransferFunction for HLGish and HLGInvish transfer functions.
// By storing f=K-1, those old unusued f=0 values now mean K=1, a noop scale factor.

static float TFKind_marker(skcms_TFType kind) {}

static skcms_TFType classify(const skcms_TransferFunction& tf, TF_PQish*   pq = nullptr
                                                             , TF_HLGish* hlg = nullptr) {}

skcms_TFType skcms_TransferFunction_getType(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {}
bool skcms_TransferFunction_isSRGBish(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {}
bool skcms_TransferFunction_isPQish(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {}
bool skcms_TransferFunction_isHLGish(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {}

bool skcms_TransferFunction_makePQish(skcms_TransferFunction* tf,
                                      float A, float B, float C,
                                      float D, float E, float F) {}

bool skcms_TransferFunction_makeScaledHLGish(skcms_TransferFunction* tf,
                                             float K, float R, float G,
                                             float a, float b, float c) {}

float skcms_TransferFunction_eval(const skcms_TransferFunction* tf, float x) {}

static float eval_curve(const skcms_Curve* curve, float x) {}

float skcms_MaxRoundtripError(const skcms_Curve* curve, const skcms_TransferFunction* inv_tf) {}

bool skcms_AreApproximateInverses(const skcms_Curve* curve, const skcms_TransferFunction* inv_tf) {}

// Additional ICC signature values that are only used internally
enum {};

static uint16_t read_big_u16(const uint8_t* ptr) {}

static uint32_t read_big_u32(const uint8_t* ptr) {}

static int32_t read_big_i32(const uint8_t* ptr) {}

static float read_big_fixed(const uint8_t* ptr) {}

// Maps to an in-memory profile so that fields line up to the locations specified
// in ICC.1:2010, section 7.2


static const tag_Layout* get_tag_table(const skcms_ICCProfile* profile) {}

// s15Fixed16ArrayType is technically variable sized, holding N values. However, the only valid
// use of the type is for the CHAD tag that stores exactly nine values.

bool skcms_GetCHAD(const skcms_ICCProfile* profile, skcms_Matrix3x3* m) {}

// XYZType is technically variable sized, holding N XYZ triples. However, the only valid uses of
// the type are for tags/data that store exactly one triple.

static bool read_tag_xyz(const skcms_ICCTag* tag, float* x, float* y, float* z) {}

bool skcms_GetWTPT(const skcms_ICCProfile* profile, float xyz[3]) {}

static int data_color_space_channel_count(uint32_t data_color_space) {}

int skcms_GetInputChannelCount(const skcms_ICCProfile* profile) {}

static bool read_to_XYZD50(const skcms_ICCTag* rXYZ, const skcms_ICCTag* gXYZ,
                           const skcms_ICCTag* bXYZ, skcms_Matrix3x3* toXYZ) {}


static bool read_curve_para(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size,
                            skcms_Curve* curve, uint32_t* curve_size) {}


static bool read_curve_curv(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size,
                            skcms_Curve* curve, uint32_t* curve_size) {}

// Parses both curveType and parametricCurveType data. Ensures that at most 'size' bytes are read.
// If curve_size is not nullptr, writes the number of bytes used by the curve in (*curve_size).
static bool read_curve(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size,
                       skcms_Curve* curve, uint32_t* curve_size) {}

// mft1 and mft2 share a large chunk of data



static bool read_mft_common(const mft_CommonLayout* mftTag, skcms_A2B* a2b) {}

// All as the A2B version above, except where noted.
static bool read_mft_common(const mft_CommonLayout* mftTag, skcms_B2A* b2a) {}

template <typename A2B_or_B2A>
static bool init_tables(const uint8_t* table_base, uint64_t max_tables_len, uint32_t byte_width,
                        uint32_t input_table_entries, uint32_t output_table_entries,
                        A2B_or_B2A* out) {}

template <typename A2B_or_B2A>
static bool read_tag_mft1(const skcms_ICCTag* tag, A2B_or_B2A* out) {}

template <typename A2B_or_B2A>
static bool read_tag_mft2(const skcms_ICCTag* tag, A2B_or_B2A* out) {}

static bool read_curves(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size, uint32_t curve_offset,
                        uint32_t num_curves, skcms_Curve* curves) {}

// mAB and mBA tags use the same encoding, including color lookup tables.


static bool read_tag_mab(const skcms_ICCTag* tag, skcms_A2B* a2b, bool pcs_is_xyz) {}

// Exactly the same as read_tag_mab(), except where there are comments.
// TODO: refactor the two to eliminate common code?
static bool read_tag_mba(const skcms_ICCTag* tag, skcms_B2A* b2a, bool pcs_is_xyz) {}

// If you pass f, we'll fit a possibly-non-zero value for *f.
// If you pass nullptr, we'll assume you want *f to be treated as zero.
static int fit_linear(const skcms_Curve* curve, int N, float tol,
                      float* c, float* d, float* f = nullptr) {}

// If this skcms_Curve holds an identity table, rewrite it as an identity skcms_TransferFunction.
static void canonicalize_identity(skcms_Curve* curve) {}

static bool read_a2b(const skcms_ICCTag* tag, skcms_A2B* a2b, bool pcs_is_xyz) {}

static bool read_b2a(const skcms_ICCTag* tag, skcms_B2A* b2a, bool pcs_is_xyz) {}


static bool read_cicp(const skcms_ICCTag* tag, skcms_CICP* cicp) {}

void skcms_GetTagByIndex(const skcms_ICCProfile* profile, uint32_t idx, skcms_ICCTag* tag) {}

bool skcms_GetTagBySignature(const skcms_ICCProfile* profile, uint32_t sig, skcms_ICCTag* tag) {}

static bool usable_as_src(const skcms_ICCProfile* profile) {}

bool skcms_ParseWithA2BPriority(const void* buf, size_t len,
                                const int priority[], const int priorities,
                                skcms_ICCProfile* profile) {}

const skcms_ICCProfile* skcms_sRGB_profile() {}

const skcms_ICCProfile* skcms_XYZD50_profile() {}

const skcms_TransferFunction* skcms_sRGB_TransferFunction() {}

const skcms_TransferFunction* skcms_sRGB_Inverse_TransferFunction() {}

const skcms_TransferFunction* skcms_Identity_TransferFunction() {}

const uint8_t skcms_252_random_bytes[] =;

bool skcms_ApproximatelyEqualProfiles(const skcms_ICCProfile* A, const skcms_ICCProfile* B) {}

bool skcms_TRCs_AreApproximateInverse(const skcms_ICCProfile* profile,
                                      const skcms_TransferFunction* inv_tf) {}

static bool is_zero_to_one(float x) {}


static skcms_Vector3 mv_mul(const skcms_Matrix3x3* m, const skcms_Vector3* v) {}

bool skcms_AdaptToXYZD50(float wx, float wy,
                         skcms_Matrix3x3* toXYZD50) {}

bool skcms_PrimariesToXYZD50(float rx, float ry,
                             float gx, float gy,
                             float bx, float by,
                             float wx, float wy,
                             skcms_Matrix3x3* toXYZD50) {}

bool skcms_Matrix3x3_invert(const skcms_Matrix3x3* src, skcms_Matrix3x3* dst) {}

skcms_Matrix3x3 skcms_Matrix3x3_concat(const skcms_Matrix3x3* A, const skcms_Matrix3x3* B) {}

#if defined(__clang__)
    [[clang::no_sanitize("float-divide-by-zero")]]  // Checked for by classify() on the way out.
bool skcms_TransferFunction_invert(const skcms_TransferFunction* src, skcms_TransferFunction* dst) {}

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //

// From here below we're approximating an skcms_Curve with an skcms_TransferFunction{g,a,b,c,d,e,f}:
//   tf(x) =  cx + f          x < d
//   tf(x) = (ax + b)^g + e   x ≥ d
// When fitting, we add the additional constraint that both pieces meet at d:
//   cd + f = (ad + b)^g + e
// Solving for e and folding it through gives an alternate formulation of the non-linear piece:
//   tf(x) =                           cx + f   x < d
//   tf(x) = (ax + b)^g - (ad + b)^g + cd + f   x ≥ d
// Our overall strategy is then:
//    For a couple tolerances,
//       - fit_linear():    fit c,d,f iteratively to as many points as our tolerance allows
//       - invert c,d,f
//       - fit_nonlinear(): fit g,a,b using Gauss-Newton given those inverted c,d,f
//                          (and by constraint, inverted e) to the inverse of the table.
//    Return the parameters with least maximum error.
// To run Gauss-Newton to find g,a,b, we'll also need the gradient of the residuals
// of round-trip f_inv(x), the inverse of the non-linear piece of f(x).
//    let y = Table(x)
//    r(x) = x - f_inv(y)
//    ∂r/∂g = ln(ay + b)*(ay + b)^g
//          - ln(ad + b)*(ad + b)^g
//    ∂r/∂a = yg(ay + b)^(g-1)
//          - dg(ad + b)^(g-1)
//    ∂r/∂b =  g(ay + b)^(g-1)
//          -  g(ad + b)^(g-1)

// Return the residual of roundtripping skcms_Curve(x) through f_inv(y) with parameters P,
// and fill out the gradient of the residual into dfdP.
static float rg_nonlinear(float x,
                          const skcms_Curve* curve,
                          const skcms_TransferFunction* tf,
                          float dfdP[3]) {}

static bool gauss_newton_step(const skcms_Curve* curve,
                                    skcms_TransferFunction* tf,
                              float x0, float dx, int N) {}

static float max_roundtrip_error_checked(const skcms_Curve* curve,
                                         const skcms_TransferFunction* tf_inv) {}

// Fit the points in [L,N) to the non-linear piece of tf, or return false if we can't.
static bool fit_nonlinear(const skcms_Curve* curve, int L, int N, skcms_TransferFunction* tf) {}

bool skcms_ApproximateCurve(const skcms_Curve* curve,
                            skcms_TransferFunction* approx,
                            float* max_error) {}

enum class CpuType {};

static CpuType cpu_type() {}

static bool tf_is_gamma(const skcms_TransferFunction& tf) {}

struct OpAndArg {};

static OpAndArg select_curve_op(const skcms_Curve* curve, int channel) {}

static int select_curve_ops(const skcms_Curve* curves, int numChannels, OpAndArg* ops) {}

static size_t bytes_per_pixel(skcms_PixelFormat fmt) {}

static bool prep_for_destination(const skcms_ICCProfile* profile,
                                 skcms_Matrix3x3* fromXYZD50,
                                 skcms_TransferFunction* invR,
                                 skcms_TransferFunction* invG,
                                 skcms_TransferFunction* invB) {}

bool skcms_Transform(const void*             src,
                     skcms_PixelFormat       srcFmt,
                     skcms_AlphaFormat       srcAlpha,
                     const skcms_ICCProfile* srcProfile,
                     void*                   dst,
                     skcms_PixelFormat       dstFmt,
                     skcms_AlphaFormat       dstAlpha,
                     const skcms_ICCProfile* dstProfile,
                     size_t                  nz) {}

static void assert_usable_as_destination(const skcms_ICCProfile* profile) {}

bool skcms_MakeUsableAsDestination(skcms_ICCProfile* profile) {}

bool skcms_MakeUsableAsDestinationWithSingleCurve(skcms_ICCProfile* profile) {}