
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "media/cast/logging/logging_defines.h"
#include "media/cast/logging/proto/raw_events.pb.h"
#include "media/cast/logging/raw_event_subscriber.h"

namespace media {
namespace cast {

// Number of packets per frame recorded by the subscriber.
// Once the max number of packets has been reached, a new aggregated proto
// will be created.
static const int kMaxPacketsPerFrame =;
// Number of events per frame/packet proto recorded by the subscriber.
// Once the max number of events has been reached, a new aggregated proto
// will be created.
static const int kMaxEventsPerProto =;
// Max number of AggregatedFrameEvent / AggregatedPacketEvent protos stored for
// a frame. Once the max number of protos has been reached for that frame,
// further events for that frame will be dropped.
static const int kMaxProtosPerFrame =;


// A RawEventSubscriber implementation that subscribes to events,
// encodes them in protocol buffer format, and aggregates them into a more
// compact structure. Aggregation is per-frame, and uses a map with RTP
// timestamp as key. Periodically, old entries in the map will be transferred
// to a storage vector. This helps keep the size of the map small and
// lookup times fast. The storage itself is a circular buffer that will
// overwrite old entries once it has reached the size configured by user.
class EncodingEventSubscriber final : public RawEventSubscriber {};

}  // namespace cast
}  // namespace media