
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <array>

#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/cdm/api/content_decryption_module.h"

// A library CDM interface is "supported" if it's implemented by CdmAdapter and
// CdmWrapper. Typically multiple CDM interfaces are supported:
// - The latest stable CDM interface.
// - Previous stable CDM interface(s), for supporting older CDMs.
// - Experimental CDM interface(s), for development.
// A library CDM interface is "enabled" if it's enabled at runtime, e.g. being
// able to be registered and creating CDM instances. Experimental CDM interfaces
// must not be enabled by default.
// Whether a CDM interface is enabled can also be overridden by using command
// line switch switches::kOverrideEnabledCdmInterfaceVersion for finer control
// in a test environment or for local debugging, including enabling experimental
// CDM interfaces.

namespace media {

struct SupportedVersion {};

constexpr std::array<SupportedVersion, 2> kSupportedCdmInterfaceVersions =;

// In most cases CdmInterface::kVersion == CdmInterface::Host::kVersion. However
// this is not guaranteed. For example, a newer CDM interface may use an
// existing CDM host. So we keep CDM host support separate from CDM interface
// support. In CdmInterfaceTraits we also static assert that for supported CDM
// interface, CdmInterface::Host::kVersion must also be supported.
constexpr int kMinSupportedCdmHostVersion =;
constexpr int kMaxSupportedCdmHostVersion =;

constexpr bool IsSupportedCdmModuleVersion(int version) {}

// Returns whether the CDM interface of |version| is supported in the
// implementation.
constexpr bool IsSupportedCdmInterfaceVersion(int version) {}

// Returns whether the CDM host interface of |version| is supported in the
// implementation. Currently there's no way to disable a supported CDM host
// interface at run time.
constexpr bool IsSupportedCdmHostVersion(int version) {}

// Returns whether the CDM interface of |version| is enabled by default.
constexpr bool IsCdmInterfaceVersionEnabledByDefault(int version) {}

// Returns whether the CDM interface of |version| is supported in the
// implementation and enabled at runtime.
MEDIA_EXPORT bool IsSupportedAndEnabledCdmInterfaceVersion(int version);


// Returns true if all versions in the range [min_version, max_version] and no
// versions outside the range are supported, and false otherwise.
constexpr bool CheckVersions(VersionCheckFunc check_func,
                             int min_version,
                             int max_version) {}

// Ensures CDM interface versions in and only in the range [min_version,
// max_version] are supported in the implementation.
constexpr bool CheckSupportedCdmInterfaceVersions(int min_version,
                                                  int max_version) {}

// Ensures CDM host interface versions in and only in the range [min_version,
// max_version] are supported in the implementation.
constexpr bool CheckSupportedCdmHostVersions(int min_version, int max_version) {}

// Traits for CDM Interfaces
template <int CdmInterfaceVersion>
struct CdmInterfaceTraits {};

// TODO(xhwang): CDM_9 support has been removed; consider to use a macro to
// help define CdmInterfaceTraits specializations.
template <>
struct CdmInterfaceTraits<10> {};

template <>
struct CdmInterfaceTraits<11> {};

}  // namespace media