// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <mferror.h>
#include <mfidl.h>
#include <wrl/implements.h>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "media/base/decoder_buffer.h"
#include "media/cdm/aes_decryptor.h"
namespace media {
enum class StreamType { kUnknown, kVideo, kAudio };
// This transform (decryptor) decrypts the encrypted content or bypasses the
// clear content. An instance for audio or video gets created by
// `IMFInputTrustAuthority::GetDecrypter()`.
// - Once an instance is created and the streaming is about to start, a set of
// Set and Get interfaces (i.e., `SetInputType`, `GetOutputAvailableType`,
// `SetOutputType`, `GetStreamCount`, `GetStreamIDs` and etc) are getting called
// to set up the transform to be ready for processing the stream data.
// - `ProcessMessage()` receives `MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_START_OF_STREAM` when the
// streaming begins.
// - The input samples are getting fed into `ProcessInput()` while
// `MediaFoundationStreamWrapper` produces the input stream data.
// - As a synchronous MFT decryptor, the input sample is simply stored for
// `ProcessOutput()` to process it later. Note that `ProcessOutput()` can be
// called first before `ProcessInput()`. In this case it should return
// `MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT` saying the transform cannot produce output
// data until it receives more input data.
// `ProcessMessage()` receives `MFT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_END_OF_STREAM` message once
// the stream reaches the end of stream.
class MediaFoundationClearKeyDecryptor final
: public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass<
Microsoft::WRL::FtmBase> {
~MediaFoundationClearKeyDecryptor() override;
HRESULT RuntimeClassInitialize(
_In_ scoped_refptr<AesDecryptor> aes_decryptor);
// IMFTransform
STDMETHODIMP GetStreamLimits(_Out_ DWORD* input_minimum,
_Out_ DWORD* input_maximum,
_Out_ DWORD* output_minimum,
_Out_ DWORD* output_maximum) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetStreamCount(_Out_ DWORD* input_streams,
_Out_ DWORD* output_streams) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetStreamIDs(_In_ DWORD input_ids_size,
_Out_ DWORD* input_ids,
_In_ DWORD output_ids_size,
_Out_ DWORD* output_ids) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetInputStreamInfo(
_In_ DWORD input_stream_id,
_Out_ MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO* stream_info) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetOutputStreamInfo(
_In_ DWORD output_stream_id,
_Out_ MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO* stream_info) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetAttributes(_COM_Outptr_ IMFAttributes** attributes) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetInputStreamAttributes(
_In_ DWORD input_stream_id,
_COM_Outptr_ IMFAttributes** attributes) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetOutputStreamAttributes(
_In_ DWORD output_stream_id,
_COM_Outptr_ IMFAttributes** attributes) override;
STDMETHODIMP DeleteInputStream(_In_ DWORD stream_id) override;
STDMETHODIMP AddInputStreams(_In_ DWORD streams_count,
DWORD* stream_ids) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetInputAvailableType(_In_ DWORD input_stream_index,
_In_ DWORD type_index,
_COM_Outptr_ IMFMediaType** type) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetOutputAvailableType(
_In_ DWORD output_stream_index,
_In_ DWORD type_index,
_COM_Outptr_ IMFMediaType** type) override;
STDMETHODIMP SetInputType(_In_ DWORD input_stream_index,
_In_ IMFMediaType* type,
_In_ DWORD flags) override;
STDMETHODIMP SetOutputType(_In_ DWORD output_stream_index,
_In_ IMFMediaType* type,
_In_ DWORD flags) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetInputCurrentType(_In_ DWORD input_stream_index,
_COM_Outptr_ IMFMediaType** ptype) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetOutputCurrentType(_In_ DWORD output_stream_index,
_COM_Outptr_ IMFMediaType** ptype) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetInputStatus(_In_ DWORD input_stream_index,
_Out_ DWORD* flags) override;
STDMETHODIMP GetOutputStatus(_Out_ DWORD* flags) override;
STDMETHODIMP SetOutputBounds(_In_ LONGLONG lower_bound,
_In_ LONGLONG upper_bound) override;
STDMETHODIMP ProcessEvent(_In_ DWORD input_stream_id,
_In_ IMFMediaEvent* event) override;
STDMETHODIMP ProcessMessage(_In_ MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE message,
_In_ ULONG_PTR param) override;
STDMETHODIMP ProcessInput(_In_ DWORD input_stream_index,
_In_ IMFSample* sample,
_In_ DWORD flags) override;
STDMETHODIMP ProcessOutput(_In_ DWORD flags,
_In_ DWORD output_samples_count,
MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER* output_samples,
_Out_ DWORD* status) override;
// IMFShutdown
STDMETHODIMP Shutdown() override;
STDMETHODIMP GetShutdownStatus(_Out_ MFSHUTDOWN_STATUS* status) override;
HRESULT GetShutdownStatus() {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
return (is_shutdown_) ? MF_E_SHUTDOWN : S_OK;
// Generates a DecoderBuffer from a Media Foundation sample.
HRESULT GenerateDecoderBufferFromSample(
IMFSample* mf_sample,
GUID* key_id,
scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>* buffer_out);
// Flushes all stored data as the transform receives a flush command or a
// request to release all resources.
void FlushAllStoredData();
// For IMFShutdown
bool is_shutdown_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = false;
// AES decryptor
scoped_refptr<AesDecryptor> aes_decryptor_;
// The media type for an input stream on the transform.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFMediaType> input_media_type_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// The media type for an output stream on the transform.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFMediaType> output_media_type_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// The available media type for an output stream on the transform.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFMediaType> available_output_media_type_
// The input sample data to the input stream on the transform.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFSample> sample_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// The input stream type (either Audio or Video).
StreamType stream_type_ GUARDED_BY(lock_) = StreamType::kUnknown;
// To protect access to data from multiple threads. GetAttributes,
// GetInputCurrentType, GetOutputCurrentType, GetStreamCount, GetStreamIDs,
// GetOutputStreamInfo, GetInputAvailableType, GetOutputAvailableType,
// SetInputType, SetOutputType, ProcessMessage ProcessInput and ProcessOutput
// methods can run from MF work queue threads.
base::Lock lock_;
} // namespace media