# Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import re
from robo_lib import shell
def extract_lines_per_file(lines):
definition_pattern = re.compile(r'^[+-].*[01]$')
filemap = {}
current_file = None
for line in lines:
if match := definition_pattern.match(line):
assert current_file is not None
replaced = line.replace('#define', '').replace('%define', '')
if line.startswith('--- a/'):
current_file = line[6:]
filemap[current_file] = set()
return filemap
def get_config_flag_changes(cfg):
command = [
'git', 'diff',
cfg.origin_merge_base(), '--unified=0', '--', 'chromium/config/*'
lines = shell.output_or_error(command).split('\n')
filemapped_deltas = extract_lines_per_file(lines)
# TODO(liberato) remove this on the next possible roll.
for file in filemapped_deltas.keys():
# When the mips configs were deleted, they poisoned the config flag deltas.
if file.endswith('mips64el/config.h'):
filemapped_deltas[file] = set()
if file.endswith('mipsel/config.h'):
filemapped_deltas[file] = set()
recombined = set()
for file, deltas in filemapped_deltas.items():
recombined = sorted(list(recombined))
return recombined