#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Set up everything for the roll.
# --prompt: require user input before taking any action. Use in conjunction
# with (before) other options.
# --setup: set up the host to do a roll. Idempotent, but probably doesn't
# need to be run more than once in a while.
# --auto-merge: do the merge. Requires --setup to be run first.
# --test: configure ffmpeg for the host machine, and try running media
# unit tests and the ffmpeg regression tests.
# --build-gn: build ffmpeg configs for all platforms, then generate gn config.
# --patches: generate chromium/patches/README and commit it locally.
import optparse
import os
import sys
from subprocess import check_output
import robo_branch
from robo_lib import shell
from robo_lib import errors
from robo_lib import config
import robo_build
import robo_setup
def AreGnConfigsDone(cfg):
# Try to get everything to build if we haven't committed the configs yet.
# Note that the only time we need to do this again is if some change makes
# different files added / deleted to the build, or if ffmpeg configure
# changes. We don't need to do this if you just edit ffmpeg sources;
# those will be built with the tests if they've changed since last time.
# So, if you're just editing ffmpeg sources to get tests to pass, then you
# probably don't need to do this step again.
if cfg.force_gn_rebuild():
return False
return robo_branch.IsCommitOnThisBranch(cfg, cfg.gn_commit_title())
def BuildGnConfigsUnconditionally(robo_configuration):
# Run sanity checks on the merge before we commit.
# Write the config changes to help the reviewer.
# TODO(liberato): Add the 'autodetect' regex too.
# Handle autorenames last, so that we don't stage things and then fail.
# While it's probably okay, it's nicer if we don't.
# Array of steps that this script knows how to perform. Each step is a
# dictionary that has the following keys:
# desc: (required) user-friendly description of this step.
# pre_fn: (optional) function that will be run first to test if all required
# prerequisites are done. Should throw an exception if not.
# skip_fn: (optional) function that will be run after |pre_fn| to determine if
# this step is already done / not required. Should return True to
# skip the step, False to do it.
# do_fn: (required) function that runs this step.
steps = {
"install_prereqs": {
"desc": "Install required software.",
"do_fn": robo_setup.InstallPrereqs
"ensure_toolchains": {
"desc": "Download mac / win toolchains",
"do_fn": robo_setup.EnsureToolchains
"ensure_new_asan_dir": {
"desc": "Create ninja ASAN output directory",
"do_fn": robo_setup.EnsureNewASANDirWorks
"ensure_x86_dir": {
"desc": "Create ninja x86 output directory",
"do_fn": robo_setup.Ensurex86ChromeOutputDir
"ensure_nasm": {
"desc": "Compile chromium's nasm if needed",
"do_fn": robo_setup.EnsureChromiumNasm
"ensure_remote": {
"desc": "Set git remotes if needed",
"do_fn": robo_setup.EnsureUpstreamRemote
# Convenience roll-up for --setup
"setup": {
lambda cfg: RunSteps(cfg, [
"install_prereqs", "ensure_toolchains", "ensure_new_asan_dir",
"ensure_x86_dir", "ensure_nasm", "ensure_remote"
# TODO(liberato): consider moving the "if needed" to |req_fn|.
"erase_build_output": {
"desc": "Once, at the start of the merge, delete build_ffmpeg output.",
"do_fn": robo_build.ObliterateOldBuildOutputIfNeeded
"create_sushi_branch": {
"desc": "Create a sushi-MDY branch if we're not on one",
"do_fn": robo_branch.CreateAndCheckoutDatedSushiBranchIfNeeded
"merge_from_upstream": {
"Merge upstream/master to our local sushi-MDY branch if needed", # nocheck
"do_fn": robo_branch.MergeUpstreamToSushiBranchIfNeeded
"push_merge_to_origin": {
"desc": """Push the merge commit, without review, to origin/sushi-MDY,
if needed. Also sets the local sushi-MDY to track it, so
that 'git cl upload' won't try to upload it for review.""",
"do_fn": robo_branch.PushToOriginWithoutReviewAndTrackIfNeeded
"build_gn_configs": {
"desc": "Build gn configs (slow), and commit the results locally.",
"skip_fn": AreGnConfigsDone,
"do_fn": BuildGnConfigsUnconditionally
"update_patches_file": {
"Rewrite chromium/patches/README and commit locally if needed.",
"skip_fn": robo_branch.IsPatchesFileDone,
"do_fn": robo_branch.UpdatePatchesFileUnconditionally
"update_chromium_readme": {
"desc": "Rewrite README.chromium to reflect the upstream SHA-1.",
"skip_fn": robo_branch.IsChromiumReadmeDone,
"do_fn": robo_branch.UpdateChromiumReadmeWithUpstream
"run_tests": {
"desc": "Compile and run ffmpeg_regression_tests and media_unittests",
"do_fn": robo_build.RunTests
"build_x86": {
"desc": "Compile media_unittests for x86 to make sure it builds",
"do_fn": robo_build.BuildChromex86
"upload_for_review": {
"desc": "Upload everything to Gerrit for review, if needed",
"skip_fn": robo_branch.IsUploadedForReview,
"do_fn": robo_branch.UploadForReview
"merge_back_to_origin": {
"desc": "Once sushi has landed after review, merge/push to origin",
"do_fn": robo_branch.MergeBackToOriginMaster
# This is a WIP, present in case you're feeling particularly brave. :)
"start_fake_deps_roll": {
"Try a test deps roll against the sushi (not master) branch", # nocheck
"do_fn": robo_branch.TryFakeDepsRoll
# This is a WIP, present in case you're feeling even more brave. :)
"start_real_deps_roll": {
"desc": "Try a real deps roll against the sushi branch",
"do_fn": robo_branch.TryRealDepsRoll
"win_the_game": {
"desc": "Print a happy message when things have completed.",
"do_fn": robo_branch.PrintHappyMessage
# Some things you probably don't need unless you're debugging.
"download_mac_sdk": {
"desc": "Try to download the mac SDK, if needed.",
"do_fn": robo_setup.FetchMacSDK
# Roll-up for --auto-merge
"auto-merge": {
lambda cfg: RunSteps(
# TODO: If the tests fail, and this is a manual roll, then the right thing
# to do is to upload the gn config / patches for review and land it.
def RunSteps(cfg, step_names):
for step_name in step_names:
if not step_name in steps:
raise Exception("Unknown step %s" % step_name)
shell.log("Step %s" % step_name)
step = steps[step_name]
if "pre_fn" in step:
raise Exception("pre_fn not supported yet")
if cfg.skip_allowed() and "skip_fn" in step:
if step["skip_fn"](cfg):
shell.log("Step %s not needed, skipping" % step_name)
except Exception as e:
shell.log("Step %s failed" % step_name)
raise e
def ListSteps():
for name, step in steps.items():
if "desc" in step:
print(f"{name}: {step['desc']}\n")
def main(argv):
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog [options]')
help='Manually set sushi branch name')
help='Prompt for each robosushi step')
help='Run initial setup steps. Do this once before auto-merge.')
help='Build and run all tests')
help='Unconditionally build all the configs and import them.')
help='Update patches file only')
help='Run auto-merge. (Usually what you want)')
parser.add_option('--list', action='store_true', help='List steps')
help='Don\'t allow any steps to be skipped')
help='Force rebuild of GN args.')
parser.add_option('--step', action='append', help='Step to run.')
options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
if options.list:
return 0
robo_configuration = config.RoboConfiguration()
exec_steps = []
if options.prompt:
if options.no_skip:
if options.force_gn_rebuild:
if options.branch:
if options.setup:
exec_steps += ["setup"]
if options.test:
if options.build_gn:
# Unconditionally build all the configs and import them.
if options.patches:
# To be run after committing a local change to fix the tests.
if not robo_branch.IsWorkingDirectoryClean():
raise errors.UserInstructions(
"Working directory must be clean to generate patches file")
if options.auto_merge:
exec_steps += ["auto-merge"]
if options.step:
exec_steps += options.step
if len(exec_steps) == 0:
return 1
# TODO: make sure that any untracked autorename files are removed, or
# make sure that the autorename git script doesn't try to 'git rm'
# untracked files, else the script fails.
RunSteps(robo_configuration, exec_steps)
# TODO: Start a fake deps roll. To do this, we would:
# Create new remote branch from the current remote sushi branch.
# Create and check out a new local branch at the current local branch.
# Make the new local branch track the new remote branch.
# Push to origin/new remote branch.
# Start a fake deps roll CL that runs the *san bots.
# Switch back to original local branch.
# For extra points, include a pointer to the fake deps roll CL in the
# local branch, so that when it's pushed for review, it'll point the
# reviewer at it.
# TODO: git cl upload for review.
if __name__ == "__main__":