
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "media/filters/audio_timestamp_validator.h"

#include <memory>

namespace media {

// Defines how many milliseconds of DecoderBuffer timestamp gap will be allowed
// before warning the user. See CheckForTimestampGap(). Value of 50 chosen, as
// this is low enough to catch issues early, but high enough to avoid noise for
// containers like WebM that default to low granularity timestamp precision.
const int kGapWarningThresholdMsec =;

// Limits the number of adjustments to |audio_ts_offset_| in order to reach a
// stable state where gaps between encoded timestamps match decoded output
// intervals. See CheckForTimestampGap().
const int kLimitTriesForStableTiming =;

// Limits the milliseconds of difference between expected and actual timestamps
// gaps to consider timestamp expectations "stable". 1 chosen because some
// containers (WebM) default to millisecond timestamp precision. See
// CheckForTimestampGap().
const int kStableTimeGapThrsholdMsec =;

// Maximum number of timestamp gap warnings sent to MediaLog.
const int kMaxTimestampGapWarnings =;

    const AudioDecoderConfig& decoder_config,
    MediaLog* media_log)

AudioTimestampValidator::~AudioTimestampValidator() = default;

void AudioTimestampValidator::CheckForTimestampGap(
    const DecoderBuffer& buffer) {}

void AudioTimestampValidator::RecordOutputDuration(
    const AudioBuffer& audio_buffer) {}

}  // namespace media