// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/types/id_type.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/status.h"
#include "media/formats/hls/types.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace media {
class HlsDataSourceStream;
// Interface which can provide data sources, given a URI and an optional
// byterange. This interface should be used via `base::SequenceBound` to proxy
// requests across the media thread and the main thread.
class MEDIA_EXPORT HlsDataSourceProvider {
virtual ~HlsDataSourceProvider() = 0;
struct ReadStatusTraits {
enum class Codes : StatusCodeType {
static constexpr StatusGroupType Group() {
return "HlsDataSourceProvider::ReadStatus";
using ReadStatus = TypedStatus<ReadStatusTraits>;
using ReadResult = ReadStatus::Or<std::unique_ptr<HlsDataSourceStream>>;
using ReadCb = base::OnceCallback<void(ReadResult)>;
// Represents reading from a specific URI at the given byte range. Multiple
// segments can be added to a read queue to join chunks together from either
// multiple URIs or from multiple disjoing ranges on the same URI.
struct UrlDataSegment {
const GURL uri;
const std::optional<hls::types::ByteRange> range;
using SegmentQueue = base::queue<UrlDataSegment>;
// Kicks off a read to a chain of segments, and replies with a stream
// reference which can be used to continue fetching partial data.
virtual void ReadFromCombinedUrlQueue(SegmentQueue segments,
ReadCb callback) = 0;
// Continues to read from an existing stream.
virtual void ReadFromExistingStream(
std::unique_ptr<HlsDataSourceStream> stream,
ReadCb callback) = 0;
// Aborts all pending reads and calls `callback` when finished.
virtual void AbortPendingReads(base::OnceClosure callback) = 0;
// Helper function for reading from a single segment by creating a queue of
// size 1 for use with `ReadFromCombinedUrlQueue`
void ReadFromUrl(UrlDataSegment segment, ReadCb callback);
// A buffer-owning wrapper for an HlsDataSource which can be instructed to
// read an entire data source, or to retrieve it in chunks.
class MEDIA_EXPORT HlsDataSourceStream {
// The response to a stream read includes a raw pointer back to the stream
// which allows accessing the data from a read as well as caching a partially
// read stream handle for continued downloading.
using StreamId = base::IdType32<HlsDataSourceStream>;
// Create a stream where `on_destructed_cb` is used to give notice that this
// class is being destroyed. This class isn't safe to access from anything
// except for an ownership-holding smart pointer, as the destruction cb may
// do work across threads.
HlsDataSourceStream(StreamId stream_id,
HlsDataSourceProvider::SegmentQueue segments,
base::OnceClosure on_destructed_cb);
// Streams use an ID associated with a MultiBufferDataSource without
// owning it.
StreamId stream_id() const { return stream_id_; }
// This is the byte position in the MultiBufferDataSource where new data
// will be read from. This only ever goes up, because these streams are not
// rewindable.
size_t read_position() const { return read_position_; }
size_t buffer_size() const { return buffer_.size(); }
std::optional<size_t> max_read_position() const { return max_read_position_; }
const uint8_t* raw_data() const { return buffer_.data(); }
uint64_t memory_usage() const { return memory_usage_; }
bool would_taint_origin() const { return would_taint_origin_; }
// Allows the stream creator to update memory usage after the first or after
// subsequent reads.
void set_total_memory_usage(uint64_t usage) { memory_usage_ = usage; }
// A stream's origin is considered tainted if any backing data source involved
// in this playback is tainted.
void set_would_taint_origin() { would_taint_origin_ = true; }
// Often the network data for HLS consists of plain-text manifest files, so
// this supports accessing the fetched data as a string view.
std::string_view AsString() const;
// Determines whether the current segment has finished reading, and there are
// more segments in the queue to read from.
bool RequiresNextDataSource() const;
// Gets the next segment URI from the queue of segments. It is invalid to call
// this method if `RequiresResetForNewSegment` does not return true. This
// method will also update the internal range if the segment has one set.
GURL GetNextSegmentURI();
// Has the stream read all possible data?
bool CanReadMore() const;
// Clears the internal buffer of data. Continual reads will refill the buffer
// and reading without clearing will append to the end of the buffer.
void Clear();
// Used by a HlsDataSourceProvider implementation to finish adding data to
// the internal buffer.
void UnlockStreamPostWrite(int read_size, bool end_of_stream);
// Used by a HlsDataSourceProvider implementation to start adding new data,
// which means ensuring that there is enough space for the expected write, as
// well as returning the correct buffer address to write into.
uint8_t* LockStreamForWriting(int ensure_minimum_space);
const StreamId stream_id_;
// Active buffer data. Reading without clearing will append new data
// to the end of the buffer. Clearing will not reset the read-head, but will
// empty this buffer.
// TODO(crbug.com/40057824): Consider swapping out the vector with a more
// size-flexible data structure to avoid resizing.
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer_;
// This is critical to security. Once set to true, it must _never_ be set back
// to false.
bool would_taint_origin_ = false;
// The memory usage represents the total memory usage for _all_ streams used
// in this playback.
uint64_t memory_usage_ = 0;
size_t read_position_ = 0;
// The write index into `buffer_`. This gets reset on flush.
size_t write_index_ = 0;
// If this optional value is set, then data can't be read past this maximum
// value.
std::optional<size_t> max_read_position_;
// The data source read response indicated that the stream has ended.
bool reached_end_of_stream_ = false;
// The stream is unable to start a second write or clear until it is unlocked
// by UnlockStreamPostWrite.
bool stream_locked_ = false;
// The queue of segments to read from.
HlsDataSourceProvider::SegmentQueue segments_;
// Does this stream require a reset to get the next data source.
bool requires_next_data_source_;
base::OnceClosure on_destructed_cb_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<HlsDataSourceStream> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace media