// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/sequence_bound.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/container_names.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer_stream.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/media_log.h"
#include "media/base/media_track.h"
#include "media/base/pipeline_status.h"
#include "media/filters/chunk_demuxer.h"
#include "media/filters/hls_data_source_provider.h"
#include "media/filters/stream_parser_factory.h"
namespace media {
// Declared and defined in manifest_demuxer.cc.
class ManifestDemuxerStream;
// This class provides an interface for ManifestDemuxer::Engine to talk to
// ManifestDemuxer about the internal ChunkDemuxer, without allowing it to call
// any of the methods that the pipeline uses, like Seek or Stop.
class MEDIA_EXPORT ManifestDemuxerEngineHost {
virtual ~ManifestDemuxerEngineHost() {}
// Adds a new role to the chunk demuxer, and returns true if it succeeded.
virtual bool AddRole(std::string_view role,
RelaxedParserSupportedType mime) = 0;
// Removes a role (on the media thread) to ensure that there are no
// media-thread-bound weak references.
virtual void RemoveRole(std::string_view role) = 0;
// Sets the sequence mode flag for a |role| which has been created with
// `AddRole`
virtual void SetSequenceMode(std::string_view role, bool sequence_mode) = 0;
// Sets the chunk demuxer duration.
virtual void SetDuration(double duration) = 0;
// Get the ranges that chunk demuxer has loaded, which allow seeking to avoid
// fetching new data, if the seek is into a loaded range already.
virtual Ranges<base::TimeDelta> GetBufferedRanges(std::string_view role) = 0;
// Removes all data from the chunk demuxer between `start` and `end`.
virtual void Remove(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta start,
base::TimeDelta end) = 0;
// Removes all data from the chunk demuxer between |start| and |end| for a
// given role, and resets the parser state while updating the parse offset.
virtual void RemoveAndReset(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta start,
base::TimeDelta end,
base::TimeDelta* offset) = 0;
// Checks to see if we're parsing a media segment and if it is the case, then
// resets the group start timestamp.
virtual void SetGroupStartIfParsingAndSequenceMode(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta start) = 0;
// Evicts frames from chunk demuxer.
virtual void EvictCodedFrames(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta time,
size_t data_size) = 0;
// Appends data to the chunk demuxer, parses it, and returns true if the new
// data was parsed successfully.
virtual bool AppendAndParseData(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta end,
base::TimeDelta* offset,
base::span<const uint8_t> data) = 0;
// Reset the parser state in chunk demuxer.
virtual void ResetParserState(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta end,
base::TimeDelta* offset);
// Allow seeking from within an implementation.
virtual void RequestSeek(base::TimeDelta time) = 0;
// Handle errors.
virtual void OnError(PipelineStatus error) = 0;
virtual void SetGroupStartTimestamp(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta time) = 0;
virtual void SetEndOfStream() = 0;
virtual void UnsetEndOfStream() = 0;
// A Demuxer designed to allow implementation of media demuxers which don't
// rely on raw media data alone, such as HLS or DASH. This demuxer owns an
// implementation of an engine and handles the seeking and event dispatching
// for the engine so that it can focus on keeping internal manifest states up
// to date.
class MEDIA_EXPORT ManifestDemuxer : public Demuxer, ManifestDemuxerEngineHost {
using DelayCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(base::TimeDelta)>;
// Seeks respond with either:
// - an error
// - kIsReady: buffers are full and chunk demuxer can seek normally.
// - kNeedsData: buffers are empty and need more data before chunk demuxer
// would otherwise finish seeking.
enum class SeekState {
using SeekResponse = PipelineStatus::Or<SeekState>;
using SeekCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(SeekResponse)>;
class Engine {
virtual ~Engine() {}
// Set for the engine, such as fetching manifests or content.
virtual void Initialize(ManifestDemuxerEngineHost* demuxer,
PipelineStatusCallback status_cb) = 0;
// Get the name of the engine impl.
virtual std::string GetName() const = 0;
// A tick signal indicating that the state of the engine should be
// checked. `time` is the current player time. `playback_rate` is the
// current playback rate. `loaded_ranges` is the current set of loaded
// ranges in the chunk demuxer. `cb` should be called with the amount of
// time to delay until the next event is requested.
virtual void OnTimeUpdate(base::TimeDelta time,
double playback_rate,
DelayCallback cb) = 0;
// A synchronous seek, mostly intended to reset parts of the chunk
// demuxer. returns whether the chunk demuxer needs more data.
virtual void Seek(base::TimeDelta time, SeekCallback cb) = 0;
// Start waiting for seek, usually means canceling outstanding events
// and network fetches.
virtual void StartWaitingForSeek() = 0;
// Abort any pending reads, parses, or network requests. calls CB when
// finished.
virtual void AbortPendingReads(base::OnceClosure cb) = 0;
// Returns whether this engine supports seeking. Some live stream content
// can't be seeked.
virtual bool IsSeekable() const = 0;
// Gets the memory usage of the engine.
virtual int64_t GetMemoryUsage() const = 0;
// Stop demuxing and clean up pending CBs.
virtual void Stop() = 0;
// ManifestDemuxer takes and keeps ownership of `impl` for the lifetime of
// both.
ManifestDemuxer(scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> media_task_runner,
base::RepeatingCallback<void(base::TimeDelta)> request_seek,
std::unique_ptr<Engine> impl,
MediaLog* media_log);
~ManifestDemuxer() override;
// `media::Demuxer` implementation
std::vector<DemuxerStream*> GetAllStreams() override;
std::string GetDisplayName() const override;
DemuxerType GetDemuxerType() const override;
void Initialize(DemuxerHost* host, PipelineStatusCallback status_cb) override;
void AbortPendingReads() override;
void StartWaitingForSeek(base::TimeDelta seek_time) override;
void CancelPendingSeek(base::TimeDelta seek_time) override;
void Seek(base::TimeDelta time, PipelineStatusCallback status_cb) override;
bool IsSeekable() const override;
void Stop() override;
base::TimeDelta GetStartTime() const override;
base::Time GetTimelineOffset() const override;
int64_t GetMemoryUsage() const override;
void SetPlaybackRate(double rate) override;
std::optional<container_names::MediaContainerName> GetContainerForMetrics()
const override;
void OnEnabledAudioTracksChanged(const std::vector<MediaTrack::Id>& track_ids,
base::TimeDelta curr_time,
TrackChangeCB change_completed_cb) override;
void OnSelectedVideoTrackChanged(const std::vector<MediaTrack::Id>& track_ids,
base::TimeDelta curr_time,
TrackChangeCB change_completed_cb) override;
// `ManifestDemuxerEngineHost` implementation
bool AddRole(std::string_view role, RelaxedParserSupportedType mime) override;
void RemoveRole(std::string_view role) override;
void SetSequenceMode(std::string_view role, bool sequence_mode) override;
void SetDuration(double duration) override;
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> GetBufferedRanges(std::string_view role) override;
void Remove(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta start,
base::TimeDelta end) override;
void RemoveAndReset(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta start,
base::TimeDelta end,
base::TimeDelta* offset) override;
void SetGroupStartIfParsingAndSequenceMode(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta start) override;
void EvictCodedFrames(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta time,
size_t data_size) override;
bool AppendAndParseData(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta end,
base::TimeDelta* offset,
base::span<const uint8_t> data) override;
void ResetParserState(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta end,
base::TimeDelta* offset) override;
void OnError(PipelineStatus status) override;
void RequestSeek(base::TimeDelta time) override;
void SetGroupStartTimestamp(std::string_view role,
base::TimeDelta time) override;
void SetEndOfStream() override;
void UnsetEndOfStream() override;
// Allow unit tests to grab the chunk demuxer.
ChunkDemuxer* GetChunkDemuxerForTesting();
bool has_pending_seek_for_testing() const { return !pending_seek_.is_null(); }
base::TimeDelta get_media_time_for_testing() const { return media_time_; }
bool has_pending_event_for_testing() const { return has_pending_event_; }
bool has_next_task_for_testing() const {
return !cancelable_next_event_.IsCancelled();
// This wrapper class allows us to capture the results of Read() and use
// DecoderBuffer timestamps to update the current media time within the
// loaded buffer, without having to make modifications to ChunkDemuxer.
class ManifestDemuxerStream : public DemuxerStream {
~ManifestDemuxerStream() override;
using WrapperReadCb =
ManifestDemuxerStream(DemuxerStream* stream, WrapperReadCb cb);
void Read(uint32_t count, DemuxerStream::ReadCB cb) override;
AudioDecoderConfig audio_decoder_config() override;
VideoDecoderConfig video_decoder_config() override;
DemuxerStream::Type type() const override;
StreamLiveness liveness() const override;
void EnableBitstreamConverter() override;
bool SupportsConfigChanges() override;
WrapperReadCb read_cb_;
raw_ptr<DemuxerStream> stream_;
void OnChunkDemuxerInitialized(PipelineStatus init_status);
void OnChunkDemuxerOpened();
void OnProgress();
void OnEncryptedMediaData(EmeInitDataType type,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
void OnChunkDemuxerParseWarning(std::string role,
SourceBufferParseWarning warning);
void OnChunkDemuxerTracksChanged(std::string role,
std::unique_ptr<MediaTracks> tracks);
void OnDemuxerStreamRead(DemuxerStream::ReadCB wrapped_read_cb,
DemuxerStream::Status status,
DemuxerStream::DecoderBufferVector buffers);
// Maps ChunkDemuxerStream instances to our internal ones for track changes.
void MapDemuxerStreams(TrackChangeCB cb,
const std::vector<DemuxerStream*>&);
std::vector<MediaTrack::Id> MapTrackIds(
const std::vector<MediaTrack::Id>& track_ids);
// Helper for the `Seek` call, so that returning from an event when a seek
// is pending can continue the seek process.
void SeekInternal();
void OnEngineSeeked(SeekResponse seek_status);
void OnChunkDemuxerSeeked(PipelineStatus seek_status);
void OnSeekBuffered(base::TimeDelta delay_time);
// Allows for both the chunk demuxer and the engine to be required for
// initialization.
void OnEngineInitialized(PipelineStatus status);
void MaybeCompleteInitialize();
// Trigger the next event, and based on it's expected delay, post a
// cancellable callback to TriggerEvent again.
void TriggerEvent();
void TriggerEventWithTime(DelayCallback cb, base::TimeDelta current_time);
void OnEngineEventFinished(base::TimeDelta delay_time);
base::RepeatingCallback<void(base::TimeDelta)> request_seek_;
std::unique_ptr<MediaLog> media_log_;
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> media_task_runner_;
// Pending callbacks.
PipelineStatusCallback pending_seek_;
PipelineStatusCallback pending_init_;
// Engine implementation
std::unique_ptr<Engine> impl_;
// Wrapped chunk demuxer that actually does the parsing and demuxing of the
// raw data we feed it.
std::unique_ptr<ChunkDemuxer> chunk_demuxer_;
raw_ptr<DemuxerHost> host_;
// Updated by seek, and by updates from outgoing frames.
base::TimeDelta media_time_ = base::Seconds(0);
// Playback rate helps calculate how often we should check for new data.
double current_playback_rate_ = 0.0;
// Keeps a map of demuxer streams to their wrapper implementations which
// can be used to set the current media time. ChunkDemuxer's streams live
// forever due to the use of raw pointers in the pipeline, so these must
// also live for the duration of `this` lifetime.
base::flat_map<DemuxerStream*, std::unique_ptr<ManifestDemuxerStream>>
// Flags for the two part asynchronous initialization process.
bool demuxer_opened_ = false;
bool engine_impl_ready_ = false;
bool can_complete_seek_ = true;
// Pending an event. Don't trigger a new event chain while one is in
// progress.
bool has_pending_event_ = false;
std::optional<MediaTrack::Id> internal_video_track_id_;
std::optional<MediaTrack::Id> internal_audio_track_id_;
// A pending "next event" callback, which can be canceled in the case of a
// seek or a playback rate change.
base::CancelableOnceClosure cancelable_next_event_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ManifestDemuxer> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace media