
 * Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef SkJSONWriter_DEFINED
#define SkJSONWriter_DEFINED

#include "include/core/SkStream.h"
#include "include/core/SkString.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkNoncopyable.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "src/base/SkUTF.h"

#include <cstring>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>

 *  Lightweight class for writing properly structured JSON data. No random-access, everything must
 *  be generated in-order. The resulting JSON is written directly to the SkWStream supplied at
 *  construction time. Output is buffered, so writing to disk (via an SkFILEWStream) is ideal.
 *  There is a basic state machine to ensure that JSON is structured correctly, and to allow for
 *  (optional) pretty formatting.
 *  This class adheres to the RFC-4627 usage of JSON (not ECMA-404). In other words, all JSON
 *  created with this class must have a top-level object or array. Free-floating values of other
 *  types are not considered valid.
 *  Note that all error checking is in the form of asserts - invalid usage in a non-debug build
 *  will simply produce invalid JSON.
class SkJSONWriter : SkNoncopyable {};
