// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/sysmem/cpp/fidl.h>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "media/fuchsia/common/stream_processor_helper.h"
namespace media {
class DecoderBuffer;
// Abstract interface for media stream processors. SysmemBufferStream takes a
// stream of buffers in DecoderBuffer, processes them and then writes the output
// to sysmem buffers.
class MEDIA_EXPORT SysmemBufferStream {
class Sink {
// Called to set BufferCollectionToken for the output buffer collection.
virtual void OnSysmemBufferStreamBufferCollectionToken(
fuchsia::sysmem2::BufferCollectionTokenPtr token) = 0;
// Called when a packet has been processed. The client should drop the
// |packet| only after it's finished using it.
virtual void OnSysmemBufferStreamOutputPacket(
StreamProcessorHelper::IoPacket packet) = 0;
// Called when the end of stream has been reached.
virtual void OnSysmemBufferStreamEndOfStream() = 0;
// Called on error.
virtual void OnSysmemBufferStreamError() = 0;
// Called to notify the sink that the SysmemBufferStream has stopped
// because it doesn't have a key. It will resume automatically once a new
// key is received.
virtual void OnSysmemBufferStreamNoKey() = 0;
virtual ~Sink() = default;
SysmemBufferStream() {}
virtual ~SysmemBufferStream() {}
// Allocates a buffer collection for the output and starts processing the
// stream, passing the output to the specified |sink|. |min_buffer_size| and
// |min_buffer_count| specify the minimum number of packets in the output
// buffer collection.
virtual void Initialize(Sink* sink,
size_t min_buffer_size,
size_t min_buffer_count) = 0;
// Enqueues the specified buffer to the input queue. Caller is allowed to
// queue as many buffers as it needs without waiting for results from the
// previous Process() calls. May be called before Initialize(). Queued buffers
// will be processed only after Initialize().
virtual void EnqueueBuffer(scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> buffer) = 0;
// Stops processing queued buffers and drops them. Keeps the |sink| passed to
// Start() and the output buffer collections.
virtual void Reset() = 0;
} // namespace media