// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/gpu/android/video_frame_factory_impl.h"
#include <memory>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/bind_post_task.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/shared_context_state.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/texture_owner.h"
#include "gpu/config/gpu_finch_features.h"
#include "media/base/media_switches.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
#include "media/gpu/android/codec_image.h"
#include "media/gpu/android/codec_image_group.h"
#include "media/gpu/android/codec_wrapper.h"
#include "media/gpu/android/maybe_render_early_manager.h"
#include "media/gpu/command_buffer_helper.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/callback_helpers.h"
#include "ui/gl/scoped_make_current.h"
namespace media {
namespace {
gpu::TextureOwner::Mode GetTextureOwnerMode(
VideoFrameFactory::OverlayMode overlay_mode) {
switch (overlay_mode) {
case VideoFrameFactory::OverlayMode::kDontRequestPromotionHints:
case VideoFrameFactory::OverlayMode::kRequestPromotionHints:
return features::IsAImageReaderEnabled()
? gpu::TextureOwner::Mode::kAImageReaderInsecure
: gpu::TextureOwner::Mode::kSurfaceTextureInsecure;
case VideoFrameFactory::OverlayMode::kSurfaceControlSecure:
return gpu::TextureOwner::Mode::kAImageReaderSecureSurfaceControl;
case VideoFrameFactory::OverlayMode::kSurfaceControlInsecure:
return gpu::TextureOwner::Mode::kAImageReaderInsecureSurfaceControl;
// Run on the GPU main thread to allocate the texture owner, and return it
// via |init_cb|.
static void AllocateTextureOwnerOnGpuThread(
VideoFrameFactory::InitCB init_cb,
VideoFrameFactory::OverlayMode overlay_mode,
scoped_refptr<gpu::RefCountedLock> drdc_lock,
scoped_refptr<gpu::SharedContextState> shared_context_state) {
if (!shared_context_state) {
GetTextureOwnerMode(overlay_mode), shared_context_state,
std::move(drdc_lock), gpu::TextureOwnerCodecType::kMediaCodec));
} // namespace
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> gpu_task_runner,
const gpu::GpuPreferences& gpu_preferences,
std::unique_ptr<SharedImageVideoProvider> image_provider,
std::unique_ptr<MaybeRenderEarlyManager> mre_manager,
std::unique_ptr<FrameInfoHelper> frame_info_helper,
scoped_refptr<gpu::RefCountedLock> drdc_lock)
: gpu::RefCountedLockHelperDrDc(std::move(drdc_lock)),
gpu_preferences.enable_threaded_texture_mailboxes &&
frame_info_helper_(std::move(frame_info_helper)) {}
VideoFrameFactoryImpl::~VideoFrameFactoryImpl() {
void VideoFrameFactoryImpl::Initialize(OverlayMode overlay_mode,
InitCB init_cb) {
overlay_mode_ = overlay_mode;
// On init success, create the TextureOwner and hop it back to this thread to
// call |init_cb|.
auto gpu_init_cb =
overlay_mode, GetDrDcLock());
void VideoFrameFactoryImpl::SetSurfaceBundle(
scoped_refptr<CodecSurfaceBundle> surface_bundle) {
scoped_refptr<CodecImageGroup> image_group;
// Increase the generation ID used by the shared image provider, since we're
// changing the TextureOwner. This is temporary. See ImageSpec.
if (!surface_bundle) {
// Clear everything, just so we're not holding a reference.
codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_ = nullptr;
} else {
// If |surface_bundle| is using a CodecBufferWaitCoordinator, then get it.
// Note that the only reason we need this is for legacy mailbox support; we
// send it to the SharedImageVideoProvider so that (eventually) it can get
// the service id from the owner for the legacy mailbox texture. Otherwise,
// this would be a lot simpler.
codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_ =
? nullptr
: surface_bundle->codec_buffer_wait_coordinator();
// TODO(liberato): When we enable pooling, do we need to clear the pool
// here because the CodecImageGroup has changed? It's unclear, since the
// CodecImage shouldn't be in any group once we re-use it, so maybe it's
// fine to take no action.
void VideoFrameFactoryImpl::CreateVideoFrame(
std::unique_ptr<CodecOutputBuffer> output_buffer,
base::TimeDelta timestamp,
gfx::Size natural_size,
PromotionHintAggregator::NotifyPromotionHintCB promotion_hint_cb,
OnceOutputCB output_cb) {
gfx::Size coded_size = output_buffer->size();
gfx::Rect visible_rect(coded_size);
auto output_buffer_renderer = std::make_unique<CodecOutputBufferRenderer>(
std::move(output_buffer), codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_, GetDrDcLock());
// The pixel format doesn't matter here as long as it's valid for texture
// frames. But SkiaRenderer wants to ensure that the format of the resource
// used here which will eventually create a promise image must match the
// format of the resource(AndroidVideoImageBacking) used to create fulfill
// image. crbug.com/1028746. Since we create all the textures/abstract
// textures as well as shared images for video to be of format RGBA, we need
// to use the pixel format as ABGR here(which corresponds to 32bpp RGBA).
VideoPixelFormat pixel_format = PIXEL_FORMAT_ABGR;
// Check that we can create a VideoFrame for this config before trying to
// create the textures for it.
if (!VideoFrame::IsValidConfig(pixel_format, VideoFrame::STORAGE_OPAQUE,
coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << " unsupported video frame format";
auto image_ready_cb =
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), std::move(output_cb),
timestamp, natural_size, !!codec_buffer_wait_coordinator_,
std::move(promotion_hint_cb), pixel_format, overlay_mode_,
video_frame_copy_required_, gpu_task_runner_);
RequestImage(std::move(output_buffer_renderer), std::move(image_ready_cb));
void VideoFrameFactoryImpl::RequestImage(
std::unique_ptr<CodecOutputBufferRenderer> buffer_renderer,
ImageWithInfoReadyCB image_ready_cb) {
auto info_cb =
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), std::move(image_ready_cb));
void VideoFrameFactoryImpl::CreateVideoFrame_OnFrameInfoReady(
ImageWithInfoReadyCB image_ready_cb,
std::unique_ptr<CodecOutputBufferRenderer> output_buffer_renderer,
FrameInfoHelper::FrameInfo frame_info) {
// If we don't have output buffer here we can't rely on reply from
// FrameInfoHelper as there might be not cached value and we can't render
// nothing. But in this case call comes from RunAfterPendingVideoFrames and we
// just want to ask for the same image spec as before to order callback after
// all RequestImage, so skip updating image_spec_ in this case.
if (output_buffer_renderer) {
image_spec_.coded_size = frame_info.coded_size;
image_spec_.color_space = output_buffer_renderer->color_space();
} else {
// It is possible that we come here from RunAfterPendingVideoFrames before
// CreateVideoFrame was called. In this case we don't have coded_size, but
// it also means that there was no `image_provider_->RequestImage` calls so
// we can just run callback instantly.
if (image_spec_.coded_size.IsEmpty()) {
.Run(nullptr, FrameInfoHelper::FrameInfo(),
auto cb = base::BindOnce(std::move(image_ready_cb),
std::move(output_buffer_renderer), frame_info);
image_provider_->RequestImage(std::move(cb), image_spec_);
// static
void VideoFrameFactoryImpl::CreateVideoFrame_OnImageReady(
base::WeakPtr<VideoFrameFactoryImpl> thiz,
OnceOutputCB output_cb,
base::TimeDelta timestamp,
gfx::Size natural_size,
bool is_texture_owner_backed,
PromotionHintAggregator::NotifyPromotionHintCB promotion_hint_cb,
VideoPixelFormat pixel_format,
OverlayMode overlay_mode,
bool video_frame_copy_required,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> gpu_task_runner,
std::unique_ptr<CodecOutputBufferRenderer> output_buffer_renderer,
FrameInfoHelper::FrameInfo frame_info,
SharedImageVideoProvider::ImageRecord record) {
TRACE_EVENT0("media", "VideoVideoFrameFactoryImpl::OnVideoFrameImageReady");
if (!thiz)
gfx::ColorSpace color_space = output_buffer_renderer->color_space();
// Initialize the CodecImage to use this output buffer. Note that we're not
// on the gpu main thread here, but it's okay since CodecImage is not being
// used at this point. Alternatively, we could post it, or hand it off to the
// MaybeRenderEarlyManager to save a post.
// When we remove the output buffer management from CodecImage, then that's
// what we'd have a reference to here rather than CodecImage.
std::move(output_buffer_renderer), is_texture_owner_backed,
// Send the CodecImage (via holder, since we can't touch the refcount here) to
// the MaybeRenderEarlyManager.
// In case we need to get the YCbCr info, take the image holder out of the
// record before we move it into |completion_cb|.
auto codec_image_holder = std::move(record.codec_image_holder);
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> frame;
if (absl::holds_alternative<scoped_refptr<gpu::ClientSharedImage>>(
record.shared_image)) {
frame = VideoFrame::WrapSharedImage(
VideoFrame::ReleaseMailboxCB(), frame_info.coded_size,
frame_info.visible_rect, natural_size, timestamp);
} else {
gpu::MailboxHolder mailbox_holders[VideoFrame::kMaxPlanes];
mailbox_holders[0] =
frame = VideoFrame::WrapNativeTextures(
pixel_format, mailbox_holders, VideoFrame::ReleaseMailboxCB(),
frame_info.coded_size, frame_info.visible_rect, natural_size,
// If, for some reason, we failed to create a frame, then fail. Note that we
// don't need to call |release_cb|; dropping it is okay since the api says so.
if (!frame) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << " failed to create video frame";
// For Vulkan.
frame->metadata().copy_required = video_frame_copy_required;
const bool is_surface_control =
overlay_mode == OverlayMode::kSurfaceControlSecure ||
overlay_mode == OverlayMode::kSurfaceControlInsecure;
const bool wants_promotion_hints =
overlay_mode == OverlayMode::kRequestPromotionHints;
bool allow_overlay = false;
if (is_surface_control) {
allow_overlay = true;
} else {
// We unconditionally mark the picture as overlayable, even if
// |!is_texture_owner_backed|, if we want to get hints. It's
// required, else we won't get hints.
allow_overlay = !is_texture_owner_backed || wants_promotion_hints;
frame->metadata().allow_overlay = allow_overlay;
frame->metadata().wants_promotion_hint = wants_promotion_hints;
frame->metadata().texture_owner = is_texture_owner_backed;
// TODO(liberato): if this is run via being dropped, then it would be nice
// to find that out rather than treating the image as unused. If the renderer
// is torn down, then this will be dropped rather than run. While |provider_|
// allows this, it doesn't have enough information to understand if the image
// is free or not. The problem only really affects the pool, since the
// direct provider destroys the SharedImage which works in either case. Any
// use of the image (e.g., if viz is still using it after the renderer has
// been torn down unexpectedly), will just not draw anything. That's fine.
// However, the pool will try to re-use the image, so the SharedImage remains
// valid. However, it's not a good idea to draw with it until the CodecImage
// is re-initialized with a new frame. If the renderer is torn down without
// getting returns from viz, then the pool does the wrong thing. However,
// the pool really doesn't know anything about VideoFrames, and dropping the
// callback does, in fact, signal that it's unused now (as described in the
// api). So, we probably should wrap the release cb in a default invoke, and
// if the default invoke happens, do something. Unclear what, though. Can't
// move it into the CodecImage (might hold a ref to the CodecImage in the cb),
// so it's unclear. As it is, CodecImage just handles the case where it's
// used after release.
// Note that we don't want to handle the CodecImageGroup here. It needs to be
// accessed on the gpu thread. Once we move to pooling, only the initial
// create / destroy operations will affect it anyway, so it might as well stay
// on the gpu thread.
void VideoFrameFactoryImpl::RunAfterPendingVideoFrames(
base::OnceClosure closure) {
// Run |closure| after we receive an image from |image_provider_|. We don't
// need the image, but it guarantees that it's ordered after all previous
// requests have been fulfilled.
auto image_ready_cb = base::BindOnce(
[](base::OnceClosure closure,
std::unique_ptr<CodecOutputBufferRenderer> output_buffer_renderer,
FrameInfoHelper::FrameInfo frame_info,
SharedImageVideoProvider::ImageRecord record) {
// Ignore |record| since we don't actually need an image.
RequestImage(nullptr, std::move(image_ready_cb));
bool VideoFrameFactoryImpl::IsStalled() const {
return frame_info_helper_->IsStalled();
} // namespace media