
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


declare_args() {
  # Indicates if V4L plugin is used.
  use_v4lplugin = false

  # Indicates if Video4Linux2 codec is used. This is used for all CrOS
  # platforms which have v4l2 hardware encoder / decoder.
  use_v4l2_codec =
      is_chromeos_lacros && (target_cpu == "arm" || target_cpu == "arm64")

  # Indicates if VA-API-based hardware acceleration is to be used. This
  # is typically the case on x86-based ChromeOS devices.
  # VA-API should also be compiled by default on x11/wayland linux devices
  # using x86/x64.
  use_vaapi = (is_chromeos_lacros ||
               (is_linux && !is_castos &&
                (ozone_platform_x11 || ozone_platform_wayland))) &&
              (target_cpu == "x86" || target_cpu == "x64")

  # Indicates if ChromeOS protected media support exists. This is used
  # to enable the CDM daemon in Chrome OS as well as support for
  # encrypted content with HW video decoders. This is always enabled for Lacros
  # because it detects support at runtime.
  use_chromeos_protected_media = is_chromeos_lacros

  # Indicates if the ChromeOS protected media functionality should also be
  # utilized by HW video decoding for ARC.
  use_arc_protected_media = false

  # Indicates if ChromeOS protected media supports the AV1 codec. By default
  # H.264, VP9 and HEVC are enabled if protected media is enabled; AV1 is
  # optional.
  use_chromeos_protected_av1 = false

  # A platform that is capable of hardware av1 decoding.
  use_av1_hw_decoder = is_chromeos || is_linux || is_win || is_apple

if (use_arc_protected_media) {
      "use_chromeos_protected_media must be set if use_arc_protected_media is")

if (use_chromeos_protected_av1) {
      "use_chromeos_protected_media must be set if use_chromeos_protected_av1 is")

# GN requires args that depend on other args to be declared in successive
# declare_args() blocks.
declare_args() {
  # VA-API also allows decoding of images, but we don't want to use this
  # outside of chromeos, even if video decoding is enabled.
  use_vaapi_image_codecs = use_vaapi && is_chromeos_ash