
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "media/gpu/h264_rate_controller.h"

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace media {
namespace {
constexpr uint32_t kCommonAvgBitrate =;   // bits per second
constexpr uint32_t kCommonPeakBitrate =;  // bits per second
constexpr int kCommonFps =;
constexpr int kCommonFpsMax =;
constexpr uint32_t kCommonFrameHeight =;
constexpr uint32_t kCommonFrameWidth =;
constexpr size_t kCommonHRDBufferSize =;  // bytes
constexpr base::TimeDelta kCommonGopMaxDuration =;
constexpr uint32_t kCommonQpMax =;
constexpr uint32_t kCommonQpMin =;
constexpr size_t kLayer0Index =;
constexpr size_t kLayer1Index =;

// Test H264RateControllerTest executes various operations on the H264 Rate
// Controller component. A test sequence of predefined frames is filled into the
// rate controller and the controller state is compared with the expected
// values.
class H264RateControllerTest : public testing::Test {};

// Test Cases

// The test runs a predefined sequence of frame sizes and checks the Rate
// Controller status after running the sequence.
TEST_F(H264RateControllerTest, RunH264RateController1TemporalLayerTest) {}

TEST_F(H264RateControllerTest, RunH264RateController2TemporalLayersTest) {}

       RunH264RateController2TemporalLayersFixedDeltaQPTest) {}

TEST_F(H264RateControllerTest, RunH264RateControllerFramerateMeanTest) {}

TEST_F(H264RateControllerTest, RunH264RateControllerSetBufferParametersTest) {}

// The test verifies the following conditions:
// 1. The first intra encoded frame fills up the buffer more than 50%. This is
//    handled in FinishIntraFrame() method.
// 2. QP adjustment in EstimateIntraFrameQP() method when the previous encoded
//    frame is an intra frame.
// 3. Modifying QP value in EstimateIntraFrameQP() method when the buffer is
//    full.
TEST_F(H264RateControllerTest, RunH264RateControllerIntraEncodedFrameTest) {}
}  // namespace

}  // namespace media