
 * Copyright 2023 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#include "include/private/SkXmp.h"

#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkData.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/core/SkStream.h"
#include "include/private/SkGainmapInfo.h"
#include "include/utils/SkParse.h"
#include "src/codec/SkCodecPriv.h"
#include "src/xml/SkDOM.h"

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>

// XMP parsing helper functions

const char* kXmlnsPrefix =;
const size_t kXmlnsPrefixLength =;

static const char* get_namespace_prefix(const char* name) {}

 * Given a node, see if that node has only one child with the indicated name. If so, see if that
 * child has only a single child of its own, and that child is text. If all of that is the case
 * then return the text, otherwise return nullptr.
 * In the following example, innerText will be returned.
 *    <node><childName>innerText</childName></node>
 * In the following examples, nullptr will be returned (because there are multiple children with
 * childName in the first case, and because the child has children of its own in the second).
 *    <node><childName>innerTextA</childName><childName>innerTextB</childName></node>
 *    <node><childName>innerText<otherGrandChild/></childName></node>
static const char* get_unique_child_text(const SkDOM& dom,
                                         const SkDOM::Node* node,
                                         const std::string& childName) {}

 * Given a node, find a child node of the specified type.
 * If there exists a child node with name |prefix| + ":" + |type|, then return that child.
 * If there exists a child node with name "rdf:type" that has attribute "rdf:resource" with value
 * of |type|, then if there also exists a child node with name "rdf:value" with attribute
 * "rdf:parseType" of "Resource", then return that child node with name "rdf:value". See Example
 * 3 in section RDF Typed Nodes.
 * TODO(ccameron): This should also accept a URI for the type.
static const SkDOM::Node* get_typed_child(const SkDOM* dom,
                                          const SkDOM::Node* node,
                                          const std::string& prefix,
                                          const std::string& type) {}

 * Given a node, return its value for the specified attribute.
 * This will first look for an attribute with the name |prefix| + ":" + |key|, and return the value
 * for that attribute.
 * This will then look for a child node of name |prefix| + ":" + |key|, and return the field value
 * for that child.
static const char* get_attr(const SkDOM* dom,
                            const SkDOM::Node* node,
                            const std::string& prefix,
                            const std::string& key) {}

// Perform get_attr and parse the result as a bool.
static bool get_attr_bool(const SkDOM* dom,
                          const SkDOM::Node* node,
                          const std::string& prefix,
                          const std::string& key,
                          bool* outValue) {}

// Perform get_attr and parse the result as an int32_t.
static bool get_attr_int32(const SkDOM* dom,
                           const SkDOM::Node* node,
                           const std::string& prefix,
                           const std::string& key,
                           int32_t* value) {}

// Perform get_attr and parse the result as a float.
static bool get_attr_float(const SkDOM* dom,
                           const SkDOM::Node* node,
                           const std::string& prefix,
                           const std::string& key,
                           float* outValue) {}

// Perform get_attr and parse the result as three comma-separated floats. Return the result as an
// SkColor4f with the alpha component set to 1.
static bool get_attr_float3_as_list(const SkDOM* dom,
                                    const SkDOM::Node* node,
                                    const std::string& prefix,
                                    const std::string& key,
                                    SkColor4f* outValue) {}

static bool get_attr_float3(const SkDOM* dom,
                            const SkDOM::Node* node,
                            const std::string& prefix,
                            const std::string& key,
                            SkColor4f* outValue) {}

static void find_uri_namespaces(const SkDOM& dom,
                                const SkDOM::Node* node,
                                size_t count,
                                const char* uris[],
                                const char* outNamespaces[]) {}

// See SkXmp::findUriNamespaces. This function has the same behavior, but only searches
// a single SkDOM.
static const SkDOM::Node* find_uri_namespaces(const SkDOM& dom,
                                              size_t count,
                                              const char* uris[],
                                              const char* outNamespaces[]) {}

// SkXmpImpl

class SkXmpImpl final : public SkXmp {};

const char* SkXmpImpl::getExtendedXmpGuid() const {}

bool SkXmpImpl::findUriNamespaces(size_t count,
                                  const char* uris[],
                                  const char* outNamespaces[],
                                  const SkDOM** outDom,
                                  const SkDOM::Node** outNode) const {}

bool SkXmpImpl::getContainerGainmapLocation(size_t* outOffset, size_t* outSize) const {}

// Return true if the specified XMP metadata identifies this image as an HDR gainmap.
bool SkXmpImpl::getGainmapInfoApple(float exifHdrHeadroom, SkGainmapInfo* info) const {}

bool SkXmpImpl::getGainmapInfoAdobe(SkGainmapInfo* outGainmapInfo) const {}

bool SkXmpImpl::parseDom(sk_sp<SkData> xmpData, bool extended) {}

// SkXmp

std::unique_ptr<SkXmp> SkXmp::Make(sk_sp<SkData> xmpData) {}

std::unique_ptr<SkXmp> SkXmp::Make(sk_sp<SkData> xmpStandard, sk_sp<SkData> xmpExtended) {}