
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <optional>

#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "media/filters/h26x_annex_b_bitstream_builder.h"
#include "media/gpu/h264_dpb.h"
#include "media/gpu/h264_ratectrl_rtc.h"
#include "media/gpu/vaapi/vaapi_video_encoder_delegate.h"

namespace media {
class VaapiWrapper;

struct H264RateControllerSettings;
struct H264FrameParamsRTC;
// Wrapper for the H264RateCtrlRTC that allows us to override methods for unit
// testing.
class H264RateControlWrapper {};

// This class provides an H264 encoder functionality, generating stream headers,
// managing encoder state, reference frames, and other codec parameters, while
// requiring support from an Accelerator to encode frame data based on these
// parameters.
// This class must be created, called and destroyed on a single sequence.
// Names used in documentation of this class refer directly to naming used
// in the H.264 specification (
class H264VaapiVideoEncoderDelegate : public VaapiVideoEncoderDelegate {};

}  // namespace media