# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import tempfile
import time
import unittest
import mock
import version
def _ReplaceArgs(args, *replacements):
new_args = args[:]
for flag, val in replacements:
flag_index = args.index(flag)
new_args[flag_index + 1] = val
return new_args
class _VersionTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unittests for the version module.
_CHROME_VERSION_FILE = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, 'chrome', 'VERSION')
_SCRIPT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'version.py')
'MAJOR': '74',
'MINOR': '0',
'BUILD': '3720',
'PATCH': '0',
'full = "@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@BUILD@.@PATCH@" '
'major = "@MAJOR@" minor = "@MINOR@" '
'build = "@BUILD@" patch = "@PATCH@" version_id = @VERSION_ID@ ')
['%s = "@%s@" ' % (el, el.upper()) for el in _ANDROID_CHROME_VARS]))
def _RunBuildOutput(new_version_values={},
get_new_args=lambda old_args: old_args):
"""Parameterized helper method for running the main testable method in
Keyword arguments:
new_version_values -- dict used to update _EXAMPLE_VERSION
get_new_args -- lambda for updating _EXAMPLE_ANDROID_ARGS
with mock.patch('version.FetchValuesFromFile') as \
fetch_values_from_file_mock.side_effect = (lambda values, file :
dict(_VersionTest._EXAMPLE_VERSION, **new_version_values)))
new_args = get_new_args(_VersionTest._EXAMPLE_ARGS)
return version.BuildOutput(new_args)
def testFetchValuesFromFile(self):
"""It returns a dict in correct format - { <str>: <str> }, to verify
assumption of other tests that mock this function
result = {}
version.FetchValuesFromFile(result, self._CHROME_VERSION_FILE)
for key, val in result.items():
self.assertIsInstance(key, str)
self.assertIsInstance(val, str)
def testBuildOutputAndroid(self):
"""Assert it gives includes assignments of expected variables"""
output = self._RunBuildOutput(
get_new_args=lambda args: self._EXAMPLE_ANDROID_ARGS)
contents = output['contents']
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\bchrome_version_code = "\d+"\s')
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\bmonochrome_version_code = "\d+"\s')
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\btrichrome_version_code = "\d+"\s')
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\bwebview_stable_version_code = "\d+"\s')
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\bwebview_beta_version_code = "\d+"\s')
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\bwebview_dev_version_code = "\d+"\s')
def testBuildOutputAndroidArchVariantsArm64(self):
"""Assert 64-bit-specific version codes"""
new_template = (
"monochrome_64_32_version_code = \"@MONOCHROME_64_32_VERSION_CODE@\" "
"monochrome_64_version_code = \"@MONOCHROME_64_VERSION_CODE@\" "
"trichrome_64_32_version_code = \"@TRICHROME_64_32_VERSION_CODE@\" "
"trichrome_64_version_code = \"@TRICHROME_64_VERSION_CODE@\" ")
args_with_template = _ReplaceArgs(self._EXAMPLE_ANDROID_ARGS,
['-t', new_template])
new_args = _ReplaceArgs(args_with_template, ['-a', 'arm64'])
output = self._RunBuildOutput(get_new_args=lambda args: new_args)
contents = output['contents']
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\bmonochrome_64_32_version_code = "\d+"\s')
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\bmonochrome_64_version_code = "\d+"\s')
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\btrichrome_64_32_version_code = "\d+"\s')
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\btrichrome_64_version_code = "\d+"\s')
def testBuildOutputAndroidArchVariantsX64(self):
"""Assert 64-bit-specific version codes"""
new_template = (
"monochrome_64_32_version_code = \"@MONOCHROME_64_32_VERSION_CODE@\" "
"monochrome_64_version_code = \"@MONOCHROME_64_VERSION_CODE@\" "
"trichrome_64_32_version_code = \"@TRICHROME_64_32_VERSION_CODE@\" "
"trichrome_64_version_code = \"@TRICHROME_64_VERSION_CODE@\" ")
args_with_template = _ReplaceArgs(self._EXAMPLE_ANDROID_ARGS,
['-t', new_template])
new_args = _ReplaceArgs(args_with_template, ['-a', 'x64'])
output = self._RunBuildOutput(get_new_args=lambda args: new_args)
contents = output['contents']
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\bmonochrome_64_32_version_code = "\d+"\s')
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\bmonochrome_64_version_code = "\d+"\s')
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\btrichrome_64_32_version_code = "\d+"\s')
self.assertRegex(contents, r'\btrichrome_64_version_code = "\d+"\s')
def testBuildOutputAndroidChromeArchInput(self):
"""Assert it raises an exception when using an invalid architecture input"""
new_args = _ReplaceArgs(self._EXAMPLE_ANDROID_ARGS, ['-a', 'foobar'])
# Mock sys.stderr because argparse will print to stderr when we pass
# the invalid '-a' value.
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm, mock.patch('sys.stderr'):
self._RunBuildOutput(get_new_args=lambda args: new_args)
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 2)
def testSetExecutable(self):
"""Assert that -x sets executable on POSIX and is harmless on Windows."""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
in_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "in")
out_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "out")
with open(in_file, "w") as f:
self.assertEqual(version.main(['-i', in_file, '-o', out_file, '-x']), 0)
# Whether lstat(out_file).st_mode has the executable bits set is
# platform-specific. Therefore, test that out_file has the same
# permissions that in_file would have after chmod(in_file, 0o755).
# On Windows: both files will have 0o666.
# On POSIX: both files will have 0o755.
os.chmod(in_file, 0o755) # On Windows, this sets in_file to 0o666.
self.assertEqual(os.lstat(in_file).st_mode, os.lstat(out_file).st_mode)
def testWriteIfChangedUpdateWhenContentChanged(self):
"""Assert it updates mtime of file when content is changed."""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
file_name = os.path.join(tmpdir, "version.h")
old_contents = "old contents"
with open(file_name, "w") as f:
os.chmod(file_name, 0o644)
mtime = os.lstat(file_name).st_mtime
contents = "new contents"
version.WriteIfChanged(file_name, contents, 0o644)
with open(file_name) as f:
self.assertEqual(contents, f.read())
self.assertNotEqual(mtime, os.lstat(file_name).st_mtime)
def testWriteIfChangedUpdateWhenModeChanged(self):
"""Assert it updates mtime of file when mode is changed."""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
file_name = os.path.join(tmpdir, "version.h")
contents = "old contents"
with open(file_name, "w") as f:
os.chmod(file_name, 0o644)
mtime = os.lstat(file_name).st_mtime
version.WriteIfChanged(file_name, contents, 0o755)
with open(file_name) as f:
self.assertEqual(contents, f.read())
self.assertNotEqual(mtime, os.lstat(file_name).st_mtime)
def testWriteIfChangedNoUpdate(self):
"""Assert it does not update mtime of file when nothing is changed."""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
file_name = os.path.join(tmpdir, "version.h")
contents = "old contents"
with open(file_name, "w") as f:
os.chmod(file_name, 0o644)
mtime = os.lstat(file_name).st_mtime
version.WriteIfChanged(file_name, contents, 0o644)
with open(file_name) as f:
self.assertEqual(contents, f.read())
self.assertEqual(mtime, os.lstat(file_name).st_mtime)
if __name__ == '__main__':