
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module media.learning.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "media/learning/mojo/public/mojom/learning_types.mojom";

// Client for a single learning task.  Intended to be the primary API for client
// code that generates FeatureVectors / requests predictions for a single task.
// The API supports sending in an observed FeatureVector without a target value,
// so that framework-provided features (FeatureProvider) can be snapshotted at
// the right time.  One doesn't generally want to wait until the TargetValue is
// observed to do that.
// Typically, this interface will allow non-browser processes to communicate
// with the learning framework in the browser.
interface LearningTaskController {
  // Start a new observation.  Call this at the time one would try to predict
  // the TargetValue.  This lets the framework snapshot any framework-provided
  // feature values at prediction time.  Later, if you want to turn these
  // features into an example for training a model, then call
  // CompleteObservation with the same id and an ObservationCompletion.
  // Otherwise, call CancelObservation with |id|.  It's also okay to destroy the
  // controller with outstanding observations; these will be cancelled if no
  // |default_target| was specified, else they will be completed using that as
  // the target value.
  BeginObservation(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken id,
          array<FeatureValue> features,
          TargetValue? default_target);

  // Complete observation |id| by providing |completion|.
  CompleteObservation(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken id,
          ObservationCompletion completion);

  // Cancel observation |id|.  Deleting |this| will do the same.
  CancelObservation(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken id);

  // Update the default target for |id| to |default_target|.  May also unset it,
  // so that the observation will be cancelled if the controller is destroyed.
  UpdateDefaultTarget(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken id,
          TargetValue? default_target);

  // Asynchronously predicts distribution for given |features|. |callback| will
  // receive a std::nullopt prediction when model is not available.
  PredictDistribution(array<FeatureValue> features)
      => (TargetHistogram? predicted);