
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "media/midi/midi_manager_alsa.h"

#include <memory>
#include <utility>

#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace midi {

class MidiManagerAlsaTest : public ::testing::Test {};

// Tests that ExtractManufacturerString works as expected.
TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, ExtractManufacturer) {}

// Tests that verify proper serialization and generation of opaque key for
// MidiPort.
TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, JSONPortMetadata) {}

// Tests Match* methods.
TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, MatchConnected) {}

TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, MatchCard1) {}

TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, MatchCard2) {}

TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, MatchNoCard1) {}

TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, MatchNoCard2) {}

// Tests that MidiPorts start connected.
TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, PortStartsConnected) {}

// Tests that the web_port_index gets updated by MidiPortState.
TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, PortIndexSet) {}

// Tests that the web_port_index is not updated by TemporaryMidiPortState.
TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, PortIndexNotSet) {}

// Tests that inputs and outputs stay separate in MidiPortState.
TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, SeparateInputOutput) {}

// Tests FindConnected.
TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, FindConnected) {}

TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, FindConnected2) {}

TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, FindConnected3) {}

// Tests FindDisconnected.
TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, FindDisconnected) {}

TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, FindDisconnected2) {}

TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, FindDisconnected3) {}

// Tests AlsaSeqState -> MidiPortState.
TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, ToMidiPortState) {}

// Tests card_client_count of AlsaSeqState.
TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, CardClientCount) {}

TEST_F(MidiManagerAlsaTest, AlsaCards) {}

// TODO(agoode): Test old -> new state event generation, using mocks.

}  // namespace midi