// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module media.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "media/mojo/mojom/media_types.mojom";
// Contains data linked to an origin that the CDM stores in the browser
// process.
struct MediaFoundationCdmData {
// The origin ID of the document associated with the CDM. The origin ID
// is used in place of the origin when hiding the concrete origin is needed.
// The origin ID is also user resettable by clearing the browsing data.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken origin_id;
// The token is set by the CDM. The token is then saved in the Pref Service so
// that it can be reused by the CDM for that same origin in the future.
array<uint8>? client_token;
// The path where the MediaFoundation CDM should store its data. The path is
// specific to the current chrome user and the device's architecture.
mojo_base.mojom.FilePath cdm_store_path_root;
// The service itself is associated with a RenderFrameHost in the browser
// process and will be called by a client living in the utility process hosting
// the CDM.
interface CdmDocumentService {
// Allows authorized services to verify that the underlying platform is
// trusted. An example of a trusted platform is a Chrome OS device in
// verified boot mode. This can be used for protected content playback.
// Input parameters:
// - |service_id|: the service ID for the |challenge|.
// - |challenge|: the challenge data.
// Output parameters:
// - |success|: whether the platform is successfully verified. If true/false
// the following 3 parameters should be non-empty/empty.
// - |signed_data|: the data signed by the platform.
// - |signed_data_signature|: the signature of the signed data block.
// - |platform_key_certificate|: the device specific certificate for the
// requested service.
ChallengePlatform(string service_id, string challenge) =>
(bool success,
string signed_data,
string signed_data_signature,
string platform_key_certificate);
// Requests a particular version of the device's Storage Id (or latest
// available version if 0 is specified). This returns the requested
// |storage_id|, which may be empty if it is not supported by the platform.
GetStorageId(uint32 version) => (uint32 version, array<uint8> storage_id);
// Returns true if Verified Access is enabled in settings, false otherwise.
IsVerifiedAccessEnabled() => (bool enabled);
// Gets the Media FoundationCDM data for the origin associated with the CDM.
// - `media_foundation_cdm_data`: The CDM data for the origin associated with
// the CDM.
GetMediaFoundationCdmData() => (MediaFoundationCdmData cdm_data);
// Sets the client token for the origin associated with the CDM. The token is
// set by the CDM. The token is then saved in the Pref Service so that it can
// be reused by the CDM for that same origin in the future.
SetCdmClientToken(array<uint8> client_token);
// Reports a CDM event, which can facilitate metrics reporting or fallback
// logic. For error events, the `hresult` provides more details about the
// error.
OnCdmEvent(CdmEvent event, uint32 hresult);