
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "media/parsers/h264_level_limits.h"

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/checked_math.h"
#include "media/parsers/h264_parser.h"

namespace media {
namespace {
struct LevelLimits {};

LevelLimits LevelToLevelLimits(uint8_t level) {}
}  // namespace

uint32_t H264LevelToMaxMBPS(uint8_t level) {}

uint32_t H264LevelToMaxFS(uint8_t level) {}

uint32_t H264LevelToMaxDpbMbs(uint8_t level) {}

uint32_t H264ProfileLevelToMaxBR(VideoCodecProfile profile, uint8_t level) {}

bool CheckH264LevelLimits(VideoCodecProfile profile,
                          uint8_t level,
                          uint32_t bitrate,
                          uint32_t framerate,
                          uint32_t framesize_in_mbs) {}

std::optional<uint8_t> FindValidH264Level(VideoCodecProfile profile,
                                          uint32_t bitrate,
                                          uint32_t framerate,
                                          uint32_t framesize_in_mbs) {}

}  // namespace media