
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace media {
namespace remoting {

// Events and conditions that can trigger remoting to start.
// NOTE: Never re-number or re-use numbers for different triggers. These are
// used in UMA histograms, and must remain backwards-compatible for all time.
// However, *do* change START_TRIGGER_MAX to one after the greatest value when
// adding new ones. Also, don't forget to update histograms.xml!
enum StartTrigger {};

// Events and conditions that can result in a start failure, or trigger remoting
// to stop.
// NOTE: Never re-number or re-use numbers for different triggers. These are
// used in UMA histograms, and must remain backwards-compatible for all time.
// ADDITIONAL NOTE: The values are intentionally out-of-order to maintain a
// logical grouping. When adding a new value, add one to STOP_TRIGGER_MAX, then
// update STOP_TRIGGER_MAX. Also, don't forget to update enums.xml!
enum StopTrigger {};

}  // namespace remoting
}  // namespace media