
 * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef GrRefCnt_DEFINED
#define GrRefCnt_DEFINED

#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkAssert.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkDebug.h"

#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>

// We have to use auto for the function pointers here because if the actual functions live on the
// base class of T we need the function here to be a pointer to a function of the base class and not
// a function on T. Thus we can't have something like void(T::*Ref)() since we may need T or we may
// need some base class of T.
template <typename T, auto Ref, auto Unref> class gr_sp {};


 * Shared pointer class to wrap classes that support a refCommandBuffer() and unrefCommandBuffer()
 * interface.
 * This class supports copying, moving, and assigning an sk_sp into it. In general these commands do
 * not modify the sk_sp at all but just call refCommandBuffer() on the underlying object.
 * This class is designed to be used by GrGpuResources/graphite::Resources that need to track when
 * they are in use on gpu (usually via a command buffer) separately from tracking if there are any
 * current logical usages in Skia. This allows for a scratch resources to be reused for new draw
 * calls even if it is in use on the GPU.


 * This class mimics sk_sp but instead of calling unref it calls recycle instead.

 *  Returns a gr_rp wrapping the provided ptr AND calls ref on it (if not null).
 *  This is different than the semantics of the constructor for gr_rp, which just wraps the ptr,
 *  effectively "adopting" it.
template <typename T> gr_rp<T> gr_ref_rp(T* obj) {}

template <typename T> gr_rp<T> gr_ref_rp(const T* obj) {}