// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "mojo/core/ports/event.h"
#include "mojo/core/ports/message_queue.h"
#include "mojo/core/ports/user_data.h"
namespace mojo {
namespace core {
namespace ports {
class PortLocker;
// A Port is essentially a node in a circular list of addresses. For the sake of
// this documentation such a list will henceforth be referred to as a "route."
// Routes are the fundamental medium upon which all Node event circulation takes
// place and are thus the backbone of all Mojo message passing.
// Each Port is identified by a 128-bit address within a Node (see node.h). A
// Port doesn't really *do* anything per se: it's a named collection of state,
// and its owning Node manages all event production, transmission, routing, and
// processing logic. See Node for more details on how Ports may be used to
// transmit arbitrary user messages as well as other Ports.
// Ports may be in any of a handful of states (see State below) which dictate
// how they react to system events targeting them. In the simplest and most
// common case, Ports are initially created as an entangled pair (i.e. a simple
// cycle consisting of two Ports) both in the |kReceiving| State. Consider Ports
// we'll label |A| and |B| here, which may be created using
// Node::CreatePortPair():
// +-----+ +-----+
// | |--------->| |
// | A | | B |
// | |<---------| |
// +-----+ +-----+
// |A| references |B| via |peer_node_name| and |peer_port_name|, while |B| in
// turn references |A|. Note that a Node is NEVER aware of who is sending events
// to a given Port; it is only aware of where it must route events FROM a given
// Port.
// For the sake of documentation, we refer to one receiving port in a route as
// the "conjugate" of the other. A receiving port's conjugate is also its peer
// upon initial creation, but because of proxying this may not be the case at a
// later time.
// ALL access to this data structure must be guarded by |lock_| acquisition,
// which is only possible using a PortLocker. PortLocker ensures that
// overlapping Port lock acquisitions on a single thread are always acquired in
// a globally consistent order.
class Port : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Port> {
// The state of a given Port. A Port may only exist in one of these states at
// any given time.
enum State {
// The Port is not yet paired with a peer and is therefore unusable. See
// Node::CreateUninitializedPort and Node::InitializePort for motivation.
// The Port is publicly visible outside of its Node and may be used to send
// and receive user messages. There are always AT MOST two |kReceiving|
// Ports along any given route. A user message event sent from a receiving
// port is always circulated along the Port's route until it reaches either
// a dead-end -- in which case the route is broken -- or it reaches the
// other receiving Port in the route -- in which case it lands in that
// Port's incoming message queue which can by read by user code.
// The Port has been taken out of the |kReceiving| state in preparation for
// proxying to a new destination. A Port enters this state immediately when
// it's attached to a user message and may only leave this state when
// transitioning to |kProxying|. See Node for more details.
// The Port is forwarding all user messages (and most other events) to its
// peer without discretion. Ports in the |kProxying| state may never leave
// this state and only exist temporarily until their owning Node has
// established that no more events will target them. See Node for more
// details.
// The Port has been closed and is now permanently unusable. Only
// |kReceiving| ports can be closed.
// The current State of the Port.
State state;
// The Node and Port address to which events should be routed FROM this Port.
// Note that this is NOT necessarily the address of the Port currently sending
// events TO this Port.
NodeName peer_node_name;
PortName peer_port_name;
// We keep track of the port that is currently sending messages to this port.
// This allows us to verify that the sender node is allowed to send messages
// to this port as a mitigation against info leak vulnerabilities.
// Tracking the previous port has the nice side effect of keeping received
// messages in order.
NodeName prev_node_name;
PortName prev_port_name;
// Mark this port as to be merged.
bool pending_merge_peer;
// Next sequence number to send for all event messages.
uint64_t next_control_sequence_num_to_send;
uint64_t next_control_sequence_num_to_receive;
// The next available sequence number to use for outgoing user message events
// originating from this port.
uint64_t next_sequence_num_to_send;
// The largest acknowledged user message event sequence number.
uint64_t last_sequence_num_acknowledged;
// The interval for which acknowledge requests will be sent. A value of N will
// cause an acknowledge request for |last_sequence_num_acknowledged| + N when
// initially set and on received acknowledge. This means that the lower bound
// for unread or in-transit messages is |next_sequence_num_to_send| -
// |last_sequence_num_acknowledged| + |sequence_number_acknowledge_interval|.
// If zero, no acknowledge requests are sent.
uint64_t sequence_num_acknowledge_interval;
// The sequence number of the last message this Port should ever expect to
// receive in its lifetime. May be used to determine that a proxying port is
// ready to be destroyed or that a receiving port's conjugate has been closed
// and we know the sequence number of the last message it sent.
uint64_t last_sequence_num_to_receive;
// The sequence number of the message for which this Port should send an
// acknowledge message. In the buffering state, holds the acknowledge request
// value that is forwarded to the peer on transition to proxying.
// This is zero in any port that's never received an acknowledge request, and
// in proxies that have forwarded a stored acknowledge.
uint64_t sequence_num_to_acknowledge;
// The queue of incoming user messages received by this Port. Only non-empty
// for buffering or receiving Ports. When a buffering port enters the proxying
// state, it flushes its queue and the proxy then bypasses the queue
// indefinitely.
// A receiving port's queue only has elements removed by user code reading
// messages from the port.
// Note that this is a priority queue which only exposes messages to consumers
// in strict sequential order.
MessageQueue message_queue;
// Buffer outgoing control messages while this port is in kBuffering state.
base::queue<std::pair<NodeName, ScopedEvent>> control_message_queue;
// In some edge cases, a Node may need to remember to route a single special
// event upon destruction of this (proxying) Port. That event is stashed here
// in the interim.
std::unique_ptr<std::pair<NodeName, ScopedEvent>> send_on_proxy_removal;
// Arbitrary user data attached to the Port. In practice, Mojo uses this to
// stash an observer interface which can be notified about various Port state
// changes.
scoped_refptr<UserData> user_data;
// Indicates that this (proxying) Port has received acknowledgement that no
// new user messages will be routed to it. If |true|, the proxy will be
// removed once it has received and forwarded all sequenced messages up to and
// including the one numbered |last_sequence_num_to_receive|.
bool remove_proxy_on_last_message;
// Indicates that this Port is aware that its nearest (in terms of forward,
// non-zero cyclic routing distance) receiving Port has been closed.
bool peer_closed;
// Indicates that this Port lost its peer unexpectedly (e.g. via process death
// rather than receiving an ObserveClosure event). In this case
// |peer_closed| will be true but |last_sequence_num_to_receive| cannot be
// known. Such ports will continue to make message available until their
// message queue is empty.
bool peer_lost_unexpectedly;
Port(uint64_t next_sequence_num_to_send,
uint64_t next_sequence_num_to_receive);
Port(const Port&) = delete;
Port& operator=(const Port&) = delete;
void AssertLockAcquired() {
// Check if the given event should be handled next based on the sequence
// number and sender peer.
bool IsNextEvent(const NodeName& from_node, const Event& event);
// Get the next buffered event to be processed. If none is available, |event|
// will not be modified.
void NextEvent(NodeName* from_node, ScopedEvent* event);
// Buffer the event for later processing.
void BufferEvent(const NodeName& from_node, ScopedEvent event);
// Flushes the queue of events pending peer verification and returns all user
// events
void TakePendingMessages(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<UserMessageEvent>>& messages);
using NodePortPair = std::pair<NodeName, PortName>;
using EventQueue = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Event>>;
std::map<NodePortPair, EventQueue> control_event_queues_;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Port>;
friend class PortLocker;
base::Lock lock_;
} // namespace ports
} // namespace core
} // namespace mojo