
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This file contains type and function definitions relevant to Mojo invitation
// APIs.
// Note: This header should be compilable as C.


#include <stdint.h>

#include "mojo/public/c/system/macros.h"
#include "mojo/public/c/system/platform_handle.h"
#include "mojo/public/c/system/system_export.h"
#include "mojo/public/c/system/types.h"

// Flags included in |MojoProcessErrorDetails| indicating additional status
// information.

// No flags.

// If set, the process has been disconnected. No further
// |MojoProcessErrorHandler| invocations occur for it, and any IPC primitives
// (message pipes, data pipes) which were connected to it have been or will
// imminently be disconnected.

// Details regarding why an invited process has had its connection to this
// process terminated by the system. See |MojoProcessErrorHandler| and
// |MojoSendInvitation()|.
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoProcessErrorDetails {};

// An opaque process handle value which must be provided when sending an
// invitation to another process via a platform transport. See
// |MojoSendInvitation()|.
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoPlatformProcessHandle {};

// Enumeration indicating the type of transport over which an invitation will be
// sent or received.

// The channel transport type embodies common platform-specific OS primitives
// for FIFO message passing:
//   - For Windows, this is a named pipe.
//   - For Fuchsia, it's a channel.
//   - For all other POSIX systems, it's a Unix domain socket pair.
// See |MojoInvitationTransportHandle| for details.

// Similar to CHANNEL transport, but used for an endpoint which requires an
// additional step to accept an inbound connection. This corresponds to a
// bound listening socket on POSIX, or named pipe server handle on Windows.
// The remote endpoint should establish a working connection to the server side
// and wrap the handle to that connection using a CHANNEL transport.

// Similar to CHANNEL transport. Normally with a CHANNEL transport, the inviting
// client sends a secondary sync channel to the invited client, and the invited
// client synchronously waits for this before it can accept the invitation.
// With this transport type, the invited client creates its own sync channel and
// sends the remote endpoint to the inviting client to be passed along to the
// broker. This allows acceptance of incoming invitations to avoid blocking
// operations, making both sides of the channel initialization process fully
// asynchronous.
// Not supported in all platform sandbox configurations.

// A transport endpoint over which an invitation may be sent or received via
// |MojoSendInvitation()| or |MojoAcceptInvitation()| respectively.
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoInvitationTransportEndpoint {};

// Flags passed to |MojoCreateInvitation()| via |MojoCreateInvitationOptions|.

// No flags. Default behavior.

// Options passed to |MojoCreateInvitation()|.
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoCreateInvitationOptions {};

// Flags passed to |MojoAttachMessagePipeToInvitation()| via
// |MojoAttachMessagePipeToInvitationOptions|.

// No flags. Default behavior.

// Options passed to |MojoAttachMessagePipeToInvitation()|.
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoAttachMessagePipeToInvitationOptions {};

// Flags passed to |MojoExtractMessagePipeFromInvitation()| via
// |MojoExtractMessagePipeFromInvitationOptions|.

// No flags. Default behavior.

// Options passed to |MojoExtractMessagePipeFromInvitation()|.
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoExtractMessagePipeFromInvitationOptions {};

// Flags passed to |MojoSendInvitation()| via |MojoSendInvitationOptions|.

// No flags. Default behavior.

// Send an isolated invitation to the receiver. Isolated invitations only
// establish communication between the sender and the receiver. Accepting an
// isolated invitation does not make IPC possible between the sender and any
// other members of the receiver's process graph, nor does it make IPC possible
// between the receiver and any other members of the sender's process graph.
// Invitations sent with this flag set must be accepted with the corresponding
// |MOJO_ACCEPT_INVITATION_FLAG_ISOLATED| flag set, and may only have a single
// message pipe attached with a name of exactly four zero-bytes ("\0\0\0\0").

// Indicates that the invitation is being sent to a process which should be
// considered "untrusted."" This may impose various security constraints on what
// can be transferred by Mojo between e.g. a broker process and the remote
// process in question.

// Indicates that the invitation is being sent to a process which may be running
// at an elevated privilege level compared to the broker. Such processes are
// implicitly trusted more than others.

// Indicates that the invitation is being sent from a non-broker to another
// non-broker and that the sender is referring its broker to the recipient.
// The recipient must except this and accept the invitation with

// Options passed to |MojoSendInvitation()|.
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoSendInvitationOptions {};

// Flags passed to |MojoAcceptInvitation()| via |MojoAcceptInvitationOptions|.

// No flags. Default behavior.

// Accept an isoalted invitation from the sender. See

// The transport endpoint used to accept this invitation should be leaked, i.e.
// never closed until it's implicitly closed on process death. This exists to
// support adaptation of legacy code to Mojo IPC so that, e.g., a broken pipe
// can be used as a reliable indication of remote process death.
// This flag should generally not be used unless strictly necessary, and it is
// unsafe to use in any situation where a process may accept multiple
// invitations over the course of its lifetime.

// The process accepting this invitation is running at an elevated privilege
// level relative to the broker. In order for IPC to function properly when this
// flag is specified, the invitation sender must also specify

// This invitation is being accepted by a non-broker who expects the sender to
// refer its own broker to the caller. Invitations accepted with this flag must

// Options passed to |MojoAcceptInvitation()|.
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoAcceptInvitationOptions {};

// Flags passed to |MojoSetDefaultProcessErrorHandler()| via
// |MojoSetDefaultProcessErrorHandlerOptions|.

// No flags. Default behavior.

// Options passed to |MojoSetDefaultProcessErrorHandler()|.
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoSetDefaultProcessErrorHandlerOptions {};

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// A callback which may be invoked by the system when a connection to an invited
// process is terminated due to a communication error (i.e. the invited process
// has sent a message which fails some validation check in the system). See
// |MojoSendInvitation()|.
// |context| is the value of |context| given to |MojoSendInvitation()| when
// inviting the process for whom this callback is being invoked.

// Similar to above, but registered globally via
// |MojoSetDefaultProcessErrorHandler()| and invoked only for communication
// errors regarding processes NOT invited by the calling process.

// Creates a new invitation to be sent to another process.
// An invitation is used to invite another process to join this process's
// IPC network. The caller must already be a member of a Mojo network, either
// either by itself having been previously invited, or by being the Mojo broker
// process initialized via the Mojo Core Embedder API.
// Invitations can have message pipes attached to them, and these message pipes
// are used to bootstrap Mojo IPC between the inviter and the invitee. See
// |MojoAttachMessagePipeToInvitation()| for attaching message pipes, and
// |MojoSendInvitation()| for sending an invitation.
// |options| controls behavior. May be null for default behavior.
// |invitation_handle| must be the address of storage for a MojoHandle value
//     to be output upon success.
// NOTE: If discarding an invitation instead of sending it with
// |MojoSendInvitation()|, you must close its handle (i.e. |MojoClose()|) to
// avoid leaking associated system resources.
// Returns:
//   |MOJO_RESULT_OK| if the invitation was created successfully. The new
//       invitation's handle is stored in |*invitation_handle| before returning.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |options| was non-null but malformed.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED| if a handle could not be allocated for the
//       new invitation.
MojoCreateInvitation(const struct MojoCreateInvitationOptions* options,
                     MojoHandle* invitation_handle);

// Attaches a message pipe endpoint to an invitation.
// This creates a new message pipe which will span the boundary between the
// calling process and the invitation's eventual target process. One end of the
// new pipe is attached to the invitation while the other end is returned to the
// caller. Every attached message pipe has an arbitrary |name| value which
// identifies it within the invitation.
// Message pipes can be extracted by the recipient by calling
// |MojoExtractMessagePipeFromInvitation()|. It is up to applications to
// communicate out-of-band or establish a convention for how attached pipes
// are named.
// |invitation_handle| is the invitation to which a pipe should be attached.
// |name| is an arbitrary name to give this pipe, required to extract the pipe
//     on the receiving end of the invitation. Note that the name is scoped to
//     this invitation only, so e.g. multiple invitations may attach pipes with
//     the name "foo", but any given invitation may only have a single pipe
//     attached with that name.
// |name_num_bytes| is the number of bytes from |name| to use as the name.
// |options| controls behavior. May be null for default behavior.
// |message_pipe_handle| is the address of storage for a MojoHandle value.
//     Upon success, the handle of the local endpoint of the new message pipe
//     will be stored here.
// Returns:
//   |MOJO_RESULT_OK| if the pipe was created and attached successfully. The
//       local endpoint of the pipe has its handle stored in
//       |*message_pipe_handle| before returning. The other endpoint is attached
//       to the invitation.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |invitation_handle| was not an invitation
//       handle, |options| was non-null but malformed, or |message_pipe_handle|
//       was null.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_ALREADY_EXISTS| if |name| was already in use for this
//       invitation.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED| if a handle could not be allocated for the
//       new local message pipe endpoint.
MOJO_SYSTEM_EXPORT MojoResult MojoAttachMessagePipeToInvitation(
    MojoHandle invitation_handle,
    const void* name,
    uint32_t name_num_bytes,
    const struct MojoAttachMessagePipeToInvitationOptions* options,
    MojoHandle* message_pipe_handle);

// Extracts a message pipe endpoint from an invitation.
// |invitation_handle| is the invitation from which to extract the endpoint.
// |name| is the name of the endpoint within the invitation. This corresponds
//     to the name that was given to |MojoAttachMessagePipeToInvitation()| when
//     the endpoint was attached.
// |name_num_bytes| is the number of bytes from |name| to use as the name.
// |options| controls behavior. May be null for default behavior.
// |message_pipe_handle| is the address of storage for a MojoHandle value.
//     Upon success, the handle of the extracted message pipe endpoint will be
//     stored here.
// Note that it is possible to extract an endpoint from an invitation even
// before the invitation has been sent to a remote process. If this is done and
// then the invitation is sent, the receiver will not see this endpoint as it
// will no longer be attached.
// Returns:
//   |MOJO_RESULT_OK| if a new local message pipe endpoint was successfully
//       created and returned in |*message_pipe_handle|. Note that the
//       association of this endpoint with an invitation attachment is
//       necessarily an asynchronous operation, and it is not known at return
//       whether an attachment named |name| actually exists on the invitation.
//       As such, the operation may still fail eventually, resuling in a broken
//       pipe, i.e. the extracted pipe will signal peer closure.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |invitation_handle| was not an invitation
//       handle, |options| was non-null but malformed, or |message_pipe_handle|
//       was null.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED| if a handle could not be allocated for the
//       new local message pipe endpoint.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_NOT_FOUND| if it is known at call time that there is no pipe
//       named |name| attached to the invitation. This is possible if the
//       invtation was created within the calling process by
//       |MojoCreateInvitation()|.
MOJO_SYSTEM_EXPORT MojoResult MojoExtractMessagePipeFromInvitation(
    MojoHandle invitation_handle,
    const void* name,
    uint32_t name_num_bytes,
    const struct MojoExtractMessagePipeFromInvitationOptions* options,
    MojoHandle* message_pipe_handle);

// Sends an invitation on a transport endpoint to bootstrap IPC between the
// calling process and another process.
// |invitation_handle| is the handle of the invitation to send.
// |process_handle| is an opaque, platform-specific handle to the remote
//     process. See |MojoPlatformProcessHandle|. This is not necessarily
//     required to be a valid process handle, but on some platforms (namely
//     Windows and Mac) it's important if the invitation target will need to
//     send or receive any kind of platform handles (including shared memory)
//     over Mojo message pipes.
// |transport_endpoint| is one endpoint of a platform transport primitive, the
//     other endpoint of which should be established within the process
//     corresponding to |*process_handle|. See |MojoInvitationTransportEndpoint|
//     for details.
// |error_handler| is a function to invoke if the connection to the invitee
//     encounters any kind of error condition, e.g. a message validation failure
//     reported by |MojoNotifyBadMessage()|, or permanent disconnection. See
//     |MojoProcessErrorDetails| for more information.
// |error_handler_context| is an arbitrary value to be associated with this
//     process invitation. This value is passed as the |context| argument to
//     |error_handler| when invoked regarding this invitee.
// |options| controls behavior. May be null for default behavior.
// This assumes ownership of any platform handles in |transport_endpoint| if
// and only if returning |MOJO_RESULT_OK|. In that case, |invitation_handle| is
// also invalidated.
// NOTE: It's pointless to send an invitation without at least one message pipe
// attached, so it is considered an error to attempt to do so.
// Returns:
//   |MOJO_RESULT_OK| if the invitation was successfully sent over the
//       transport. |invitation_handle| is implicitly closed. Note that this
//       does not guarantee that the invitation has been received by the target
//       yet, or that it ever will be (e.g. the target process may terminate
//       first or simply fail to accept the invitation).
//   |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |invitation_handle| was not an invitation
//       handle, |transport_endpoint| was null or malformed, or |options| was
//       non-null but malformed.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_ABORTED| if the system failed to issue any necessary
//       communication via |transport_endpoint|, possibly due to a configuration
//       issue with the endpoint. The caller may attempt to correct this
//       situation and call again.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_FAILED_PRECONDITION| if there were no message pipes attached
//       to the invitation. The caller may correct this situation and call
//       again.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_UNIMPLEMENTED| if the transport endpoint type is not supported
//       by the system's version of Mojo.
MOJO_SYSTEM_EXPORT MojoResult MojoSendInvitation(
    MojoHandle invitation_handle,
    const struct MojoPlatformProcessHandle* process_handle,
    const struct MojoInvitationTransportEndpoint* transport_endpoint,
    MojoProcessErrorHandler error_handler,
    uintptr_t error_handler_context,
    const struct MojoSendInvitationOptions* options);

// Accepts an invitation from a transport endpoint to complete IPC bootstrapping
// between the calling process and whoever sent the invitation from the other
// end of the transport.
// |transport_endpoint| is one endpoint of a platform transport primitive, the
//     other endpoint of which should be established within a process
//     who has sent or will send an invitation via that endpoint. See
//     |MojoInvitationTransportEndpoint| for details.
// |options| controls behavior. May be null for default behavior.
// |invitation_handle| is the address of storage for a MojoHandle value. Upon
//     success, the handle of the accepted invitation will be stored here.
// Once an invitation is accepted, message pipes endpoints may be extracted from
// it by calling |MojoExtractMessagePipeFromInvitation()|.
// Note that it is necessary to eventually close (i.e. |MojoClose()|) any
// accepted invitation handle in order to clean up any associated system
// resources. If an accepted invitation is closed while it still has message
// pipes attached (i.e. not exracted as above), those pipe endpoints are also
// closed.
// Returns:
//   |MOJO_RESULT_OK| if the invitation was successfully accepted. The handle
//       to the invitation is stored in |*invitation_handle| before returning.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |transport_endpoint| was null or
//       malfored, |options| was non-null but malformed, or |invitation_handle|
//       was null.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_ABORTED| if the system failed to receive any communication via
//       |transport_endpoint|, possibly due to some configuration error. The
//       caller may attempt to correct this situation and call again.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_UNIMPLEMENTED| if the transport endpoint type is not supported
//       by the system's version of Mojo.
MOJO_SYSTEM_EXPORT MojoResult MojoAcceptInvitation(
    const struct MojoInvitationTransportEndpoint* transport_endpoint,
    const struct MojoAcceptInvitationOptions* options,
    MojoHandle* invitation_handle);

// Registers a process-wide handler to be invoked when an error is raised on a
// connection to a peer process. Such errors can be raised if the peer process
// sends malformed data to this process.
// Note that this handler is only invoked for connections to processes NOT
// explicitly invited by this process. To handle errors concerning processes
// invited by this process, see the MojoProcessErrorHandler argument to
// |MojoSendInvitation()|.
// The general use case for this API is to be able to log or report instances of
// bad IPCs received by a client process which no real ability or authority to
// identify the source.
// Returns:
//   |MOJO_RESULT_OK| if |handler| is successfully registered as the global
//       default process error handler within the calling process. If |handler|
//       is null, any registered default process error handler is removed.
//   |MOJO_RESULT_ALREADY_EXISTS| if |handler| is non-null and there is already
//       a registered error handler. Callers wishing to replace an existing
//       handler must first call |MojoSetDefaultProcessErrorHandler()| with null
//       in order to do so.
MOJO_SYSTEM_EXPORT MojoResult MojoSetDefaultProcessErrorHandler(
    MojoDefaultProcessErrorHandler handler,
    const struct MojoSetDefaultProcessErrorHandlerOptions* options);

#ifdef __cplusplus
}  // extern "C"