
 * Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.
#include "modules/skottie/src/text/RangeSelector.h"

#include "include/core/SkCubicMap.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkAssert.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkFloatingPoint.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkPoint_impl.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTPin.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTo.h"
#include "modules/skottie/include/Skottie.h"
#include "modules/skottie/src/SkottieJson.h"
#include "modules/skottie/src/SkottiePriv.h"
#include "modules/skottie/src/animator/Animator.h"
#include "src/utils/SkJSON.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>

namespace skottie {
namespace internal {

namespace  {

// Maps a 1-based JSON enum to one of the values in the array.
template <typename T, typename TArray>
T ParseEnum(const TArray& arr, const skjson::Value& jenum,
            const AnimationBuilder* abuilder, const char* warn_name) {}

template <RangeSelector::Units>
struct UnitTraits;

template <>
struct UnitTraits<RangeSelector::Units::kPercentage> {};

template <>
struct UnitTraits<RangeSelector::Units::kIndex> {};

class CoverageProcessor {};

  Selector shapes can be generalized as a signal generator with the following

  1  +               -------------------------
     |              /.           .           .\
     |             / .           .           . \
     |            /  .           .           .  \
     |           /   .           .           .   \
     |          /    .           .           .    \
     |         /     .           .           .     \
     |        /      .           .           .      \
     |       /       .           .           .       \
  0  +----------------------------------------------------------
            ^ <----->            ^            <-----> ^
           e0   crs             sp              crs    e1

    * e0, e1: left/right edges
    * sp    : symmetry/reflection point (sp == (e0+e1)/2)
    * crs   : cubic ramp size (transitional portion mapped using a Bezier easing function)

  Based on these,

            |  0                  , t <= e0
            |  Bez((t-e0)/crs)    , e0 < t < e0+crs
     F(t) = |
            |  1                  , e0 + crs <= t <= sp
            |  F(reflect(t,sp))   , t > sp

   Tweaking this function's parameters, we can achieve all range selectors shapes:

     - square    -> e0:    0, e1:    1, crs: 0
     - ramp up   -> e0:    0, e1: +inf, crs: 1
     - ramp down -> e0: -inf, e1:    1, crs: 1
     - triangle  -> e0:    0, e1:    1, crs: 0.5
     - round     -> e0:    0, e1:    1, crs: 0.5   (nonlinear cubic mapper)
     - smooth    -> e0:    0, e1:    1, crs: 0.5   (nonlinear cubic mapper)


struct ShapeInfo {};

SkVector EaseVec(float ease) {}

struct ShapeGenerator {};

static constexpr ShapeInfo gShapeInfo[] =;

} // namespace

sk_sp<RangeSelector> RangeSelector::Make(const skjson::ObjectValue* jrange,
                                         const AnimationBuilder* abuilder,
                                         AnimatablePropertyContainer* acontainer) {}

RangeSelector::RangeSelector(Units u, Domain d, Mode m, Shape sh)

std::tuple<float, float> RangeSelector::resolve(size_t len) const {}

 * General RangeSelector operation:
 *   1) The range is resolved to a target domain (characters, words, etc) interval, based on
 *      |start|, |end|, |offset|, |units|.
 *   2) A shape generator is mapped to this interval and applied across the whole domain, yielding
 *      coverage values in [0..1].
 *   3) The coverage is then scaled by the |amount| parameter.
 *   4) Finally, the resulting coverage is accumulated to existing fragment coverage based on
 *      the specified Mode (add, difference, etc).
void RangeSelector::modulateCoverage(const TextAnimator::DomainMaps& maps,
                                     TextAnimator::ModulatorBuffer& mbuf) const {}

} // namespace internal
} // namespace skottie