
 * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/core/SkDistanceFieldGen.h"

#include "include/core/SkPoint.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMalloc.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTPin.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTemplates.h"
#include "src/base/SkAutoMalloc.h"
#include "src/core/SkMask.h"
#include "src/core/SkPointPriv.h"

#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>


#if !defined(SK_DISABLE_SDF_TEXT)

struct DFData {};

enum NeighborFlags {};

// We treat an "edge" as a place where we cross from >=128 to <128, or vice versa, or
// where we have two non-zero pixels that are <128.
// 'neighborFlags' is used to limit the directions in which we test to avoid indexing
// outside of the image
static bool found_edge(const unsigned char* imagePtr, int width, int neighborFlags) {}

static void init_glyph_data(DFData* data, unsigned char* edges, const unsigned char* image,
                            int dataWidth, int dataHeight,
                            int imageWidth, int imageHeight,
                            int pad) {}

// from Gustavson (2011)
// computes the distance to an edge given an edge normal vector and a pixel's alpha value
// assumes that direction has been pre-normalized
static float edge_distance(const SkPoint& direction, float alpha) {}

static void init_distances(DFData* data, unsigned char* edges, int width, int height) {}

// Danielsson's 8SSEDT

// first stage forward pass
// (forward in Y, forward in X)
static void F1(DFData* curr, int width) {}

// second stage forward pass
// (forward in Y, backward in X)
static void F2(DFData* curr, int width) {}

// first stage backward pass
// (backward in Y, forward in X)
static void B1(DFData* curr, int width) {}

// second stage backward pass
// (backward in Y, backwards in X)
static void B2(DFData* curr, int width) {}

// enable this to output edge data rather than the distance field
#define DUMP_EDGE

template <int distanceMagnitude>
static unsigned char pack_distance_field_val(float dist) {}

// assumes a padded 8-bit image and distance field
// width and height are the original width and height of the image
static bool generate_distance_field_from_image(unsigned char* distanceField,
                                               const unsigned char* copyPtr,
                                               int width, int height) {}

// assumes an 8-bit image and distance field
bool SkGenerateDistanceFieldFromA8Image(unsigned char* distanceField,
                                        const unsigned char* image,
                                        int width, int height, size_t rowBytes) {}

// assumes a 16-bit lcd mask and 8-bit distance field
bool SkGenerateDistanceFieldFromLCD16Mask(unsigned char* distanceField,
                                           const unsigned char* image,
                                           int w, int h, size_t rowBytes) {}

// assumes a 1-bit image and 8-bit distance field
bool SkGenerateDistanceFieldFromBWImage(unsigned char* distanceField,
                                        const unsigned char* image,
                                        int width, int height, size_t rowBytes) {}

#endif // !defined(SK_DISABLE_SDF_TEXT)