// dot -Tpng cc/animation/images/new-animation.png.dot > cc/animation/images/new-animation.png
// When making modifications run the above command to regenerate the diagram.
digraph G {
label = "Starting a new composited animation";
subgraph cluster_main {
label = "Main thread";
subgraph cluster_blink {
node [style=filled];
UpdateLifecycle -> RunPaintLifecyclePhase -> UpdateAnimations -> PreCommit -> CreateCompositorAnimation -> AttachCompositorTimeline;
RunPaintLifecyclePhase -> PushPaintArtifactToCompositor;
label = "third_party/blink/";
subgraph cluster_cc_main {
node [style=filled];
AttachAnimation -> SetAnimationTimeline -> RegisterKeyframeEffect;
RegisterElement -> UpdateKeyframeEffectsTickingState;
BeginMainFrame -> RequestMainFrameUpdate -> UpdateLifecycle;
label = "cc/";
subgraph cluster_impl {
label = "Compositor thread";
subgraph cluster_cc_impl {
node [style=filled];
ScheduledActionCommit -> FinishCommitOnImplThread -> PushPropertiesTo -> PushAttachedAnimationsToImplThread;
ScheduledActionCommit -> CommitComplete -> ActivateAnimations;
label = "cc/";
ScheduleVisualUpdate -> BeginMainFrame [style=dashed];
AttachCompositorTimeline -> AttachAnimation;
PushPaintArtifactToCompositor -> RegisterElement;
BeginMainFrame -> ScheduledActionCommit [style=dashed];
subgraph cluster_legend {
label = "Legend";
node [shape=plaintext];
sync -> L1;
async -> L2 [style=dashed];
L1 [label = ""];
L2 [label = ""];