
 * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/core/SkImageFilterTypes.h"

#include "include/core/SkAlphaType.h"
#include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "include/core/SkBlender.h"
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkClipOp.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorType.h"
#include "include/core/SkImage.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/core/SkM44.h"
#include "include/core/SkPaint.h"
#include "include/core/SkPicture.h"  // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "include/core/SkShader.h"
#include "include/effects/SkRuntimeEffect.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkDebug.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkFloatingPoint.h"
#include "src/base/SkMathPriv.h"
#include "src/base/SkVx.h"
#include "src/core/SkBitmapDevice.h"
#include "src/core/SkBlenderBase.h"
#include "src/core/SkBlurEngine.h"
#include "src/core/SkCanvasPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkColorSpacePriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkDevice.h"
#include "src/core/SkImageFilterCache.h"
#include "src/core/SkImageFilter_Base.h"
#include "src/core/SkKnownRuntimeEffects.h"
#include "src/core/SkMatrixPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkRectPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkTraceEvent.h"
#include "src/effects/colorfilters/SkColorFilterBase.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

namespace skif {

namespace {

// This exists to cover up issues where infinite precision would produce integers but float
// math produces values just larger/smaller than an int and roundOut/In on bounds would produce
// nearly a full pixel error. One such case is where the caller has produced
// near integer CTM and uses integer crop rects that would grab an extra row/column of the
// input image when using a strict roundOut.
static constexpr float kRoundEpsilon =;

std::pair<bool, bool> are_axes_nearly_integer_aligned(const LayerSpace<SkMatrix>& m,
                                                      LayerSpace<SkIPoint>* out=nullptr) {}

// If m is epsilon within the form [1 0 tx], this returns true and sets out to [tx, ty]
//                                 [0 1 ty]
//                                 [0 0 1 ]
// TODO: Use this in decomposeCTM() (and possibly extend it to support is_nearly_scale_translate)
// to be a little more forgiving on matrix types during layer configuration.
bool is_nearly_integer_translation(const LayerSpace<SkMatrix>& m,
                                   LayerSpace<SkIPoint>* out=nullptr) {}

void decompose_transform(const SkMatrix& transform, SkPoint representativePoint,
                         SkMatrix* postScaling, SkMatrix* scaling) {}

std::optional<LayerSpace<SkMatrix>> periodic_axis_transform(
        SkTileMode tileMode,
        const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& crop,
        const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& output) {}

class RasterBackend : public Backend {};

} // anonymous namespace


Backend::Backend(sk_sp<SkImageFilterCache> cache,
                 const SkSurfaceProps& surfaceProps,
                 const SkColorType colorType)

Backend::~Backend() = default;

sk_sp<Backend> MakeRasterBackend(const SkSurfaceProps& surfaceProps, SkColorType colorType) {}

void Stats::dumpStats() const {}

void Stats::reportStats() const {}

// Mapping

SkIRect RoundOut(SkRect r) {}

SkIRect RoundIn(SkRect r) {}

bool Mapping::decomposeCTM(const SkMatrix& ctm, MatrixCapability capability,
                           const skif::ParameterSpace<SkPoint>& representativePt) {}

bool Mapping::decomposeCTM(const SkMatrix& ctm,
                           const SkImageFilter* filter,
                           const skif::ParameterSpace<SkPoint>& representativePt) {}

bool Mapping::adjustLayerSpace(const SkMatrix& layer) {}

// Instantiate map specializations for the 6 geometric types used during filtering
SkRect Mapping::map<SkRect>(const SkRect& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {}

SkIRect Mapping::map<SkIRect>(const SkIRect& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {}

SkIPoint Mapping::map<SkIPoint>(const SkIPoint& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {}

SkPoint Mapping::map<SkPoint>(const SkPoint& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {}

Vector Mapping::map<Vector>(const Vector& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {}

IVector Mapping::map<IVector>(const IVector& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {}

// Sizes are also treated as non-positioned values (although this assumption breaks down if there's
// perspective). Unlike vectors, we treat input sizes as specifying lengths of the local X and Y
// axes and return the lengths of those mapped axes.
SkSize Mapping::map<SkSize>(const SkSize& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {}

SkISize Mapping::map<SkISize>(const SkISize& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {}

SkMatrix Mapping::map<SkMatrix>(const SkMatrix& m, const SkMatrix& matrix) {}

// LayerSpace<T>

LayerSpace<SkIRect> LayerSpace<SkIRect>::relevantSubset(const LayerSpace<SkIRect> dstRect,
                                                        SkTileMode tileMode) const {}

// Match rounding tolerances of SkRects to SkIRects
LayerSpace<SkISize> LayerSpace<SkSize>::round() const {}
LayerSpace<SkISize> LayerSpace<SkSize>::ceil() const {}
LayerSpace<SkISize> LayerSpace<SkSize>::floor() const {}

LayerSpace<SkRect> LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::mapRect(const LayerSpace<SkRect>& r) const {}

// Effectively mapRect(SkRect).roundOut() but more accurate when the underlying matrix or
// SkIRect has large floating point values.
LayerSpace<SkIRect> LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::mapRect(const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& r) const {}

LayerSpace<SkPoint> LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::mapPoint(const LayerSpace<SkPoint>& p) const {}

LayerSpace<Vector> LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::mapVector(const LayerSpace<Vector>& v) const {}

LayerSpace<SkSize> LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::mapSize(const LayerSpace<SkSize>& s) const {}

bool LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::inverseMapRect(const LayerSpace<SkRect>& r,
                                          LayerSpace<SkRect>* out) const {}

bool LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::inverseMapRect(const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& rect,
                                          LayerSpace<SkIRect>* out) const {}

// FilterResult::AutoSurface
// AutoSurface manages an SkCanvas and device state to draw to a layer-space bounding box,
// and then snap it into a FilterResult. It provides operators to be used directly as an SkDevice,
// assuming surface creation succeeded. It can also be viewed as an SkCanvas (for when an operation
// is unavailable on SkDevice). A given AutoSurface should only rely on one access API.
// Usage:
//     AutoSurface surface{ctx, dstBounds, renderInParameterSpace}; // if true, concats layer matrix
//     if (surface) {
//         surface->drawFoo(...);
//     }
//     return surface.snap(); // Automatically handles failed allocations
class FilterResult::AutoSurface {};

// FilterResult

sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> FilterResult::imageAndOffset(const Context& ctx, SkIPoint* offset) const {}

std::pair<sk_sp<SkSpecialImage>, LayerSpace<SkIPoint>>FilterResult::imageAndOffset(
        const Context& ctx) const {}

FilterResult FilterResult::insetForSaveLayer() const {}

FilterResult FilterResult::insetByPixel() const {}

SkEnumBitMask<FilterResult::BoundsAnalysis> FilterResult::analyzeBounds(
        const SkMatrix& xtraTransform,
        const SkIRect& dstBounds,
        BoundsScope scope) const {}

void FilterResult::updateTileMode(const Context& ctx, SkTileMode tileMode) {}

FilterResult FilterResult::applyCrop(const Context& ctx,
                                     const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& crop,
                                     SkTileMode tileMode) const {}

FilterResult FilterResult::applyColorFilter(const Context& ctx,
                                            sk_sp<SkColorFilter> colorFilter) const {}

static bool compatible_sampling(const SkSamplingOptions& currentSampling,
                                bool currentXformWontAffectNearest,
                                SkSamplingOptions* nextSampling,
                                bool nextXformWontAffectNearest) {}

FilterResult FilterResult::applyTransform(const Context& ctx,
                                          const LayerSpace<SkMatrix> &transform,
                                          const SkSamplingOptions &sampling) const {}

FilterResult FilterResult::resolve(const Context& ctx,
                                   LayerSpace<SkIRect> dstBounds,
                                   bool preserveDstBounds) const {}

FilterResult FilterResult::subset(const LayerSpace<SkIPoint>& knownOrigin,
                                  const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& subsetBounds,
                                  bool clampSrcIfDisjoint) const {}

void FilterResult::draw(const Context& ctx, SkDevice* target, const SkBlender* blender) const {}

void FilterResult::draw(const Context& ctx,
                        SkDevice* device,
                        bool preserveDeviceState,
                        const SkBlender* blender) const {}

void FilterResult::drawAnalyzedImage(const Context& ctx,
                                     SkDevice* device,
                                     const SkSamplingOptions& finalSampling,
                                     SkEnumBitMask<BoundsAnalysis> analysis,
                                     const SkBlender* blender) const {}

sk_sp<SkShader> FilterResult::asShader(const Context& ctx,
                                       const SkSamplingOptions& xtraSampling,
                                       SkEnumBitMask<ShaderFlags> flags,
                                       const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& sampleBounds) const {}

sk_sp<SkShader> FilterResult::getAnalyzedShaderView(
        const Context& ctx,
        const SkSamplingOptions& finalSampling,
        SkEnumBitMask<BoundsAnalysis> analysis) const {}

// FilterResult::rescale() implementation

namespace {

// The following code uses "PixelSpace" as an alias to refer to the LayerSpace of the low-res
// input image and blurred output to differentiate values for the original and final layer space

int downscale_step_count(float netScaleFactor) {}

PixelSpace<SkRect> scale_about_center(const PixelSpace<SkRect> src, float sx, float sy) {}

void draw_color_filtered_border(SkCanvas* canvas,
                                PixelSpace<SkIRect> border,
                                sk_sp<SkColorFilter> colorFilter) {}

void draw_tiled_border(SkCanvas* canvas,
                       SkTileMode tileMode,
                       const SkPaint& paint,
                       const PixelSpace<SkMatrix>& srcToDst,
                       PixelSpace<SkRect> srcBorder,
                       PixelSpace<SkRect> dstBorder) {}

} // anonymous namespace

FilterResult FilterResult::rescale(const Context& ctx,
                                   const LayerSpace<SkSize>& scale,
                                   bool enforceDecal) const {}

FilterResult FilterResult::MakeFromPicture(const Context& ctx,
                                           sk_sp<SkPicture> pic,
                                           ParameterSpace<SkRect> cullRect) {}

FilterResult FilterResult::MakeFromShader(const Context& ctx,
                                          sk_sp<SkShader> shader,
                                          bool dither) {}

FilterResult FilterResult::MakeFromImage(const Context& ctx,
                                         sk_sp<SkImage> image,
                                         SkRect srcRect,
                                         ParameterSpace<SkRect> dstRect,
                                         const SkSamplingOptions& sampling) {}

// FilterResult::Builder

FilterResult::Builder::Builder(const Context& context) :{}
FilterResult::Builder::~Builder() = default;

SkSpan<sk_sp<SkShader>> FilterResult::Builder::createInputShaders(
        const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& outputBounds,
        bool evaluateInParameterSpace) {}

LayerSpace<SkIRect> FilterResult::Builder::outputBounds(
        std::optional<LayerSpace<SkIRect>> explicitOutput) const {}

FilterResult FilterResult::Builder::drawShader(sk_sp<SkShader> shader,
                                               const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& outputBounds,
                                               bool evaluateInParameterSpace) const {}

FilterResult FilterResult::Builder::merge() {}

FilterResult FilterResult::Builder::blur(const LayerSpace<SkSize>& sigma) {}

} // end namespace skif