
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/template_util.h"

namespace mojo {

// This must be specialized for any type |T| to be serialized/deserialized as
// a mojom union. |DataViewType| is the corresponding data view type of the
// mojom union. For example, if the mojom union is example.Foo, |DataViewType|
// will be example::FooDataView, which can also be referred to by
// example::Foo::DataView (in chromium) and example::blink::Foo::DataView (in
// blink).
// Similar to StructTraits, each specialization of UnionTraits implements the
// following methods:
//   1. Getters for each field in the Mojom type.
//   2. Read() method.
//   3. [Optional] IsNull() and SetToNull().
// Please see the documentation of StructTraits for details of these methods.
// Unlike StructTraits, there is one more method to implement:
//   4. A static GetTag() method indicating which field is the current active
//      field for serialization:
//        static DataViewType::Tag GetTag(const T& input);
//      During serialization, only the field getter corresponding to this tag
//      will be called.
template <typename DataViewType, typename T>
struct UnionTraits {};

}  // namespace mojo