
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This file provides a C++ wrapping around the Mojo C API for message pipes,
// replacing the prefix of "Mojo" with a "mojo" namespace, and using more
// strongly-typed representations of |MojoHandle|s.
// Please see "mojo/public/c/system/message_pipe.h" for complete documentation
// of the API.


#include <stdint.h>

#include <vector>

#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "mojo/public/c/system/message_pipe.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/handle.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/message.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/system_export.h"

namespace mojo {

// A strongly-typed representation of a |MojoHandle| to one end of a message
// pipe.
class MessagePipeHandle : public Handle {};



// Creates a message pipe. See |MojoCreateMessagePipe()| for complete
// documentation.
inline MojoResult CreateMessagePipe(const MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions* options,
                                    ScopedMessagePipeHandle* message_pipe0,
                                    ScopedMessagePipeHandle* message_pipe1) {}

// A helper for writing a serialized message to a message pipe. Use this for
// convenience in lieu of the lower-level MojoWriteMessage API, but beware that
// it does incur an extra copy of the message payload.
// See documentation for MojoWriteMessage for return code details.
WriteMessageRaw(MessagePipeHandle message_pipe,
                const void* bytes,
                size_t num_bytes,
                const MojoHandle* handles,
                size_t num_handles,
                MojoWriteMessageFlags flags);

// A helper for reading serialized messages from a pipe. Use this for
// convenience in lieu of the lower-level MojoReadMessage API, but beware that
// it does incur an extra copy of the message payload.
// See documentation for MojoReadMessage for return code details. In addition to
// those return codes, this may return |MOJO_RESULT_ABORTED| if the message was
// unable to be serialized into the provided containers.
ReadMessageRaw(MessagePipeHandle message_pipe,
               std::vector<uint8_t>* payload,
               std::vector<ScopedHandle>* handles,
               MojoReadMessageFlags flags);

// Writes to a message pipe. Takes ownership of |message| and any attached
// handles.
inline MojoResult WriteMessageNew(MessagePipeHandle message_pipe,
                                  ScopedMessageHandle message,
                                  MojoWriteMessageFlags flags) {}

// Reads from a message pipe. See |MojoReadMessage()| for complete
// documentation.
inline MojoResult ReadMessageNew(MessagePipeHandle message_pipe,
                                 ScopedMessageHandle* message,
                                 MojoReadMessageFlags flags) {}

// Fuses two message pipes together at the given handles. See
// |MojoFuseMessagePipes()| for complete documentation.
inline MojoResult FuseMessagePipes(ScopedMessagePipeHandle message_pipe0,
                                   ScopedMessagePipeHandle message_pipe1) {}

// A wrapper class that automatically creates a message pipe and owns both
// handles.
class MessagePipe {};

inline MessagePipe::MessagePipe() {}

inline MessagePipe::MessagePipe(const MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions& options) {}

inline MessagePipe::~MessagePipe() {}

}  // namespace mojo