
 * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef SkRecordPattern_DEFINED
#define SkRecordPattern_DEFINED

#include "include/private/base/SkTLogic.h"
#include "src/core/SkRecord.h"

namespace SkRecords {

// First, some matchers.  These match a single command in the SkRecord,
// and may hang onto some data from it.  If so, you can get the data by calling .get().

// Matches a command of type T, and stores that command.
template <typename T>
class Is {};

// Matches any command that draws, and stores its paint.
class IsDraw {};

// Matches any command that draws *once* (logically), and stores its paint.
class IsSingleDraw {};

// Matches if Matcher doesn't.  Stores nothing.
template <typename Matcher>
struct Not {};

// Matches if any of First or Rest... does.  Stores nothing.
template <typename First, typename... Rest>
struct Or {};

// Greedy is a special matcher that greedily matches Matcher 0 or more times.  Stores nothing.
template <typename Matcher>
struct Greedy {};

// Pattern matches each of its matchers in order.
// This is the main entry point to pattern matching, and so provides a couple of extra API bits:
//  - search scans through the record to look for matches;
//  - first, second, third, ... return the data stored by their respective matchers in the pattern.

template <typename... Matchers> class Pattern;

template <> class Pattern<> {};

Pattern<First, Rest...>;

}  // namespace SkRecords
