
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/types/to_address.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/message.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/struct_ptr.h"

namespace mojo {

class MessagePipeHandle;

namespace test {

// This overload is used for mojom structures with struct traits. The C++
// structure type is given as an input, and returned as an output.
template <typename MojomType,
          typename UserStructType,
                            std::remove_const_t<UserStructType>>::value &&
                                std::remove_const_t<UserStructType>>::value &&
              int> = 0>
bool SerializeAndDeserialize(UserStructType& input,
                             std::remove_const_t<UserStructType>& output) {}

// This overload is used for mojom structures with struct traits, but here they
// are serialized from a manually constructed StructPtr instead of from the C++
// structure using the struct traits. This allows malformed data to be put in
// the StructPtr<MojomType>, in order to verify the behaviour of deserialization
// back to the C++ structure type.
template <typename MojomType,
          typename UserStructType,
          typename MojomStructPtr,
                            std::remove_const_t<MojomStructPtr>>::value ||
                            std::remove_const_t<MojomStructPtr>>::value) &&
              int> = 0>
bool SerializeAndDeserialize(MojomStructPtr& input, UserStructType& output) {}

// This overload is used for mojom enums. The C++ enum type is given as an
// input, and returned as an output.
template <typename MojomType,
          typename UserEnumType,
          std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<UserEnumType>::value, int> = 0>
bool SerializeAndDeserialize(UserEnumType input, UserEnumType& output) {}

// Writes a message to |handle| with message data |text|. Returns true on
// success.
bool WriteTextMessage(const MessagePipeHandle& handle, const std::string& text);

// Reads a message from |handle|, putting its contents into |*text|. Returns
// true on success. (This blocks if necessary and will call |MojoReadMessage()|
// multiple times, e.g., to query the size of the message.)
bool ReadTextMessage(const MessagePipeHandle& handle, std::string* text);

// Discards a message from |handle|. Returns true on success. (This does not
// block. It will fail if no message is available to discard.)
bool DiscardMessage(const MessagePipeHandle& handle);

// Run |single_iteration| an appropriate number of times and report its
// performance appropriately. (This actually runs |single_iteration| for a fixed
// amount of time and reports the number of iterations per unit time.)
void IterateAndReportPerf(const char* test_name,
                          const char* sub_test_name,
                          PerfTestSingleIteration single_iteration,
                          void* closure);

// Intercepts a single bad message (reported via mojo::ReportBadMessage or
// mojo::GetBadMessageCallback) that would be associated with the global bad
// message handler (typically when the messages originate from a test
// implementation of an interface hosted in the test process).
class BadMessageObserver {};

// Test helper for swapping out a Mojo implementation pointer for testing in a
// given scope. It is possible to nest interceptions on a given receiver;
// however, the scopers must be destroyed in reverse order of creation.
// Usage example:
// // Basic portal implementation.
// class PortalImpl : public mojom::Portal {
//  public:
//   auto& receiver_for_testing() { return receiver_; }
//   private:
//    mojo::Receiver<mojom::Portal> receiver_;
// };
// // In unit test:
// class PortalTester : public mojom::PortalInterceptorForTesting {
//  public:
//   explicit PortalTester(PortalImpl* impl)
//       : swapped_impl_(impl->receiver_for_testing(), impl) {}
//   // PortalInterceptorForTesting overrides:
//   mojom::Portal* GetForwardingInterface() override {
//     // Important: do not just return the `impl` passed in the constructor; if
//     // the receiver is already intercepted, this will result in the
//     // previously-installed interceptor being skipped!
//     return swapped_impl_.old_impl();
//   }
//  private:
//   mojo::test::ScopedSwapImplForTesting<mojom::Portal> swapped_impl_;
// };
// TEST_F(PortalTest, Basic) {
//   PortalTester tester{GetPortal()};
//   // <test code here>
// }
// Postconditions: the caller must destroy `ScopedSwapImplForTesting` before the
// targeted receiver goes out of scope.
// TODO(dcheng): Consider adding a way to cancel the reset at destruction for
// test cases that need this.
template <typename T>
class ScopedSwapImplForTesting {};

}  // namespace test
}  // namespace mojo