
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.mojo.bindings;

import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.Interface.Proxy.Handler;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.Core;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.Handle;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.MessagePipeHandle;
import org.chromium.mojo.system.Pair;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Helper class to encode a mojo struct. It keeps track of the output buffer, resizing it as needed.
 * It also keeps track of the associated handles, and the offset of the current data section.
public class Encoder {

     * Container class for all state that must be shared between the main encoder and any used sub
     * encoder.
    private static class EncoderState {

        /** The core used to encode interfaces. */
        public final Core core;

        /** The ByteBuffer to which the message will be encoded. */
        public ByteBuffer byteBuffer;

        /** The list of encountered handles. */
        public final List<Handle> handles = new ArrayList<Handle>();

        /** The current absolute position for the next data section. */
        public int dataEnd;

         * @param core the |Core| implementation used to generate handles. Only used if the data
         *            structure being encoded contains interfaces, can be |null| otherwise.
         * @param bufferSize A hint on the size of the message. Used to build the initial byte
         *            buffer.
        private EncoderState(Core core, int bufferSize) {
            assert bufferSize % BindingsHelper.ALIGNMENT == 0;
            this.core = core;
            byteBuffer =
                    ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bufferSize > 0 ? bufferSize : INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE);
            dataEnd = 0;

        /** Claim the given amount of memory at the end of the buffer, resizing it if needed. */
        public void claimMemory(int size) {
            dataEnd += size;

        /** Grow the associated ByteBuffer if needed. */
        private void growIfNeeded() {
            if (byteBuffer.capacity() >= dataEnd) {
            int targetSize = byteBuffer.capacity() * 2;
            while (targetSize < dataEnd) {
                targetSize *= 2;
            ByteBuffer newBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(targetSize);
            byteBuffer = newBuffer;

    /** Default initial size of the data buffer. This must be a multiple of 8 bytes. */
    private static final int INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;

    /** Base offset in the byte buffer for writing. */
    private int mBaseOffset;

    /** The encoder state shared by the main encoder and all its sub-encoder. */
    private final EncoderState mEncoderState;

    /** Returns the result message. */
    public Message getMessage() {
        return new Message(mEncoderState.byteBuffer, mEncoderState.handles);

     * Constructor.
     * @param core the |Core| implementation used to generate handles. Only used if the data
     *            structure being encoded contains interfaces, can be |null| otherwise.
     * @param sizeHint A hint on the size of the message. Used to build the initial byte buffer.
    public Encoder(Core core, int sizeHint) {
        this(new EncoderState(core, sizeHint));

    /** Private constructor for sub-encoders. */
    private Encoder(EncoderState bufferInformation) {
        mEncoderState = bufferInformation;
        mBaseOffset = bufferInformation.dataEnd;

    /** Returns a new encoder that will append to the current buffer. */
    public Encoder getEncoderAtDataOffset(DataHeader dataHeader) {
        Encoder result = new Encoder(mEncoderState);
        return result;

     * Encode a {@link DataHeader} and claim the amount of memory required for the data section
     * (resizing the buffer if required).
    public void encode(DataHeader s) {
        encode(s.size, DataHeader.SIZE_OFFSET);
        encode(s.elementsOrVersion, DataHeader.ELEMENTS_OR_VERSION_OFFSET);

    /** Encode a byte at the given offset. */
    public void encode(byte v, int offset) {
        mEncoderState.byteBuffer.put(mBaseOffset + offset, v);

    /** Encode a boolean at the given offset. */
    public void encode(boolean v, int offset, int bit) {
        if (v) {
            byte encodedValue = mEncoderState.byteBuffer.get(mBaseOffset + offset);
            encodedValue |= (byte) (1 << bit);
            mEncoderState.byteBuffer.put(mBaseOffset + offset, encodedValue);

    /** Encode a short at the given offset. */
    public void encode(short v, int offset) {
        mEncoderState.byteBuffer.putShort(mBaseOffset + offset, v);

    /** Encode an int at the given offset. */
    public void encode(int v, int offset) {
        mEncoderState.byteBuffer.putInt(mBaseOffset + offset, v);

    /** Encode a float at the given offset. */
    public void encode(float v, int offset) {
        mEncoderState.byteBuffer.putFloat(mBaseOffset + offset, v);

    /** Encode a long at the given offset. */
    public void encode(long v, int offset) {
        mEncoderState.byteBuffer.putLong(mBaseOffset + offset, v);

    /** Encode a double at the given offset. */
    public void encode(double v, int offset) {
        mEncoderState.byteBuffer.putDouble(mBaseOffset + offset, v);

    /** Encode a {@link Struct} at the given offset. */
    public void encode(Struct v, int offset, boolean nullable) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, nullable);

    /** Encode a {@link Union} at the given offset. */
    public void encode(Union v, int offset, boolean nullable) {
        if (v == null && !nullable) {
            throw new SerializationException(
                    "Trying to encode a null pointer for a non-nullable type.");
        if (v == null) {
            encode(0L, offset);
            encode(0L, offset + DataHeader.HEADER_SIZE);
        v.encode(this, offset);

    /** Encodes a String. */
    public void encode(String v, int offset, boolean nullable) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, nullable);
        final int arrayNullability =
                nullable ? BindingsHelper.ARRAY_NULLABLE : BindingsHelper.NOTHING_NULLABLE;

    /** Encodes a {@link Handle}. */
    public void encode(Handle v, int offset, boolean nullable) {
        if (v == null || !v.isValid()) {
            encodeInvalidHandle(offset, nullable);
        } else {
            encode(mEncoderState.handles.size(), offset);

    /** Encode an {@link Interface}. */
    public <T extends Interface> void encode(
            T v, int offset, boolean nullable, Interface.Manager<T, ?> manager) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeInvalidHandle(offset, nullable);
            encode(0, offset + BindingsHelper.SERIALIZED_HANDLE_SIZE);
        if (mEncoderState.core == null) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    "The encoder has been created without a Core. It can't encode an interface.");
        // If the instance is a proxy, pass the proxy's handle instead of creating a new stub.
        if (v instanceof Interface.Proxy) {
            Handler handler = ((Interface.Proxy) v).getProxyHandler();
            encode(handler.passHandle(), offset, nullable);
            encode(handler.getVersion(), offset + BindingsHelper.SERIALIZED_HANDLE_SIZE);
        Pair<MessagePipeHandle, MessagePipeHandle> handles =
        manager.bind(v, handles.first);
        encode(handles.second, offset, nullable);
        encode(manager.getVersion(), offset + BindingsHelper.SERIALIZED_HANDLE_SIZE);

    /** Encode an {@link InterfaceRequest}. */
    public <I extends Interface> void encode(InterfaceRequest<I> v, int offset, boolean nullable) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeInvalidHandle(offset, nullable);
        if (mEncoderState.core == null) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    "The encoder has been created without a Core. It can't encode an interface.");
        encode(v.passHandle(), offset, nullable);

    /** Encode an associated interface. Not yet supported. */
    public void encode(AssociatedInterfaceNotSupported v, int offset, boolean nullable) {}

    /** Encode an associated interface request. Not yet supported. */
    public void encode(AssociatedInterfaceRequestNotSupported v, int offset, boolean nullable) {}

    /** Returns an {@link Encoder} suitable for encoding an array of pointer of the given length. */
    public Encoder encodePointerArray(int length, int offset, int expectedLength) {
        return encoderForArray(BindingsHelper.POINTER_SIZE, length, offset, expectedLength);

    /** Returns an {@link Encoder} suitable for encoding an array of union of the given length. */
    public Encoder encodeUnionArray(int length, int offset, int expectedLength) {
        return encoderForArray(BindingsHelper.UNION_SIZE, length, offset, expectedLength);

     * Computes the packed bitfield which signals whether or not an element at a certain index has
     * value or should be considered unset.
     * @param arr The array. The bit for an index will be set if the value is not null, otherwise it
     *     will have a zero value.
     * @param alignmentBytes The alignment for the arr data type. This determines how much padding
     *     is needed to keep alignment. For example, if alignmentByte is 4-bytes and only 2 bytes
     *     are needed to represent the bitfield, then another 2 bytes of padding will be added to
     *     maintain alignment.
    public static byte[] computeHasValueBitfieldForArray(Object[] arr, int alignmentBytes) {
        boolean[] nullMap = new boolean[arr.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
            nullMap[i] = arr[i] != null;
        return packBoolsToBitfield(nullMap, alignmentBytes);

     * Packs a boolean array to bitfield so that only 1 bit is needed to represent a bool value.
     * @param bool the boolean array.
     * @param alignmentBytes Determines the width of the bitfield. If a bitfield size is not a
     *     multiple of alignmentBytes, additional padding will be added so that the final size is a
     *     multiple of alignmentBytes.
    private static byte[] packBoolsToBitfield(boolean[] bools, int alignmentBytes) {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[BindingsHelper.computeBitfieldSize(alignmentBytes, bools.length)];
        for (int i = 0; i < bools.length; ++i) {
            if (bools[i]) {
                int idx = i / 8;
                int mask = i % 8;
                bytes[idx] |= (byte) (1 << mask);
        return bytes;

    /** Encodes an array of booleans. */
    public void encode(boolean[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        if (expectedLength != BindingsHelper.UNSPECIFIED_ARRAY_LENGTH
                && expectedLength != v.length) {
            throw new SerializationException("Trying to encode a fixed array of incorrect length.");
        byte[] bytes = packBoolsToBitfield(v, 1);
        Encoder encoder = encoderForArrayByTotalSize(bytes.length, v.length, offset);

        encoder.mEncoderState.byteBuffer.position(encoder.mBaseOffset + DataHeader.HEADER_SIZE);

    public void encode(Boolean[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        if (expectedLength != BindingsHelper.UNSPECIFIED_ARRAY_LENGTH
                && expectedLength != v.length) {
            throw new SerializationException("Trying to encode a fixed array of incorrect length.");
        byte[] hasValueBitfield = computeHasValueBitfieldForArray(v, 1);

        boolean[] unboxed = new boolean[v.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) {
            if (v[i] != null) {
                unboxed[i] = v[i].booleanValue();
            } else {
                unboxed[i] = false;
        byte[] packed = packBoolsToBitfield(unboxed, 1);

        Encoder encoder =
                        hasValueBitfield.length + packed.length, v.length, offset);
        encoder.mEncoderState.byteBuffer.position(encoder.mBaseOffset + DataHeader.HEADER_SIZE);

    /** Encodes an array of bytes. */
    public void encode(byte[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForArrayOfElements(1, v.length, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of bytes. */
    public void encode(Byte[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForNullablePrimitives(1, v, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of shorts. */
    public void encode(short[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForArrayOfElements(2, v.length, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of shorts. */
    public void encode(Short[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForNullablePrimitives(2, v, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of ints. */
    public void encode(int[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForArrayOfElements(4, v.length, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of Integers. */
    public void encode(Integer[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForNullablePrimitives(4, v, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of floats. */
    public void encode(float[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForArrayOfElements(4, v.length, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of floats. */
    public void encode(Float[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForNullablePrimitives(4, v, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of longs. */
    public void encode(long[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForArrayOfElements(8, v.length, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of longs. */
    public void encode(Long[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForNullablePrimitives(8, v, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of doubles. */
    public void encode(double[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForArrayOfElements(8, v.length, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of doubles. */
    public void encode(Double[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        encoderForNullablePrimitives(8, v, offset, expectedLength).append(v);

    /** Encodes an array of {@link Handle}. */
    public void encode(Handle[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        Encoder e =
                        BindingsHelper.SERIALIZED_HANDLE_SIZE, v.length, offset, expectedLength);
        for (int i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) {
                    DataHeader.HEADER_SIZE + BindingsHelper.SERIALIZED_HANDLE_SIZE * i,

    /** Encodes an array of {@link Interface}. */
    public <T extends Interface> void encode(
            T[] v,
            int offset,
            int arrayNullability,
            int expectedLength,
            Interface.Manager<T, ?> manager) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        Encoder e =
                        BindingsHelper.SERIALIZED_INTERFACE_SIZE, v.length, offset, expectedLength);
        for (int i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) {
                    DataHeader.HEADER_SIZE + BindingsHelper.SERIALIZED_INTERFACE_SIZE * i,

    public Encoder encoderForMap(int offset) {
        return getEncoderAtDataOffset(BindingsHelper.MAP_STRUCT_HEADER);

     * Encodes a pointer to the next unclaimed memory and returns an encoder suitable to encode an
     * union at this location.
    public Encoder encoderForUnionPointer(int offset) {
        Encoder result = new Encoder(mEncoderState);
        return result;

    /** Encodes an array of {@link InterfaceRequest}. */
    public <I extends Interface> void encode(
            InterfaceRequest<I>[] v, int offset, int arrayNullability, int expectedLength) {
        if (v == null) {
            encodeNullPointer(offset, BindingsHelper.isArrayNullable(arrayNullability));
        Encoder e =
                        BindingsHelper.SERIALIZED_HANDLE_SIZE, v.length, offset, expectedLength);
        for (int i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) {
                    DataHeader.HEADER_SIZE + BindingsHelper.SERIALIZED_HANDLE_SIZE * i,

    /** Encodes an array of associated interfaces. Not yet supported. */
    public void encode(
            AssociatedInterfaceNotSupported[] v,
            int offset,
            int arrayNullability,
            int expectedLength) {}

    /** Encodes an array of associated interface requests. Not yet supported. */
    public void encode(
            AssociatedInterfaceRequestNotSupported[] v,
            int offset,
            int arrayNullability,
            int expectedLength) {}

     * Encodes a <code>null</code> pointer iff the object is nullable, raises an exception
     * otherwise.
    public void encodeNullPointer(int offset, boolean nullable) {
        if (!nullable) {
            throw new SerializationException(
                    "Trying to encode a null pointer for a non-nullable type.");
        mEncoderState.byteBuffer.putLong(mBaseOffset + offset, 0);

    /** Encodes an invalid handle iff the object is nullable, raises an exception otherwise. */
    public void encodeInvalidHandle(int offset, boolean nullable) {
        if (!nullable) {
            throw new SerializationException(
                    "Trying to encode an invalid handle for a non-nullable type.");
        mEncoderState.byteBuffer.putInt(mBaseOffset + offset, -1);

    /** Claim the given amount of memory at the end of the buffer, resizing it if needed. */
    void claimMemory(int size) {

    private void encodePointerToNextUnclaimedData(int offset) {
        encode((long) mEncoderState.dataEnd - (mBaseOffset + offset), offset);

     * Returns an encoder which is ready to accept an array of nullable elements. Users should not
     * advance the byte buffer to account for the header.
    private Encoder encoderForNullablePrimitives(
            int elementSizeInByte, Object[] values, int offset, int expectedLength) {
        if (expectedLength != BindingsHelper.UNSPECIFIED_ARRAY_LENGTH
                && expectedLength != values.length) {
            throw new SerializationException("Trying to encode a fixed array of incorrect length.");
        byte[] bitField = computeHasValueBitfieldForArray(values, elementSizeInByte);
        Encoder encoder =
                        (values.length * elementSizeInByte) + bitField.length,
        encoder.mEncoderState.byteBuffer.position(encoder.mBaseOffset + DataHeader.HEADER_SIZE);
        return encoder;

     * Returns an encoder which is ready to accept an array of elements. Users should not advance
     * the byte buffer to account for the header.
    private Encoder encoderForArrayOfElements(
            int elementSizeInByte, int length, int offset, int expectedLength) {
        Encoder encoder = encoderForArray(elementSizeInByte, length, offset, expectedLength);
        encoder.mEncoderState.byteBuffer.position(encoder.mBaseOffset + DataHeader.HEADER_SIZE);
        return encoder;

    private Encoder encoderForArray(
            int elementSizeInByte, int length, int offset, int expectedLength) {
        if (expectedLength != BindingsHelper.UNSPECIFIED_ARRAY_LENGTH && expectedLength != length) {
            throw new SerializationException("Trying to encode a fixed array of incorrect length.");
        return encoderForArrayByTotalSize(length * elementSizeInByte, length, offset);

    private Encoder encoderForArrayByTotalSize(int byteSize, int length, int offset) {
        return getEncoderAtDataOffset(new DataHeader(DataHeader.HEADER_SIZE + byteSize, length));

    private void append(byte[] v) {

    private void append(Byte[] values) {
        for (Byte b : values) {
            if (b != null) {
            } else {
                mEncoderState.byteBuffer.put((byte) 0);

    private void append(short[] v) {

    private void append(Short[] values) {
        for (Short s : values) {
            if (s != null) {
            } else {
                mEncoderState.byteBuffer.putShort((short) 0);

    private void append(int[] v) {

    private void append(Integer[] values) {
        for (Integer i : values) {
            if (i != null) {
            } else {

    private void append(float[] v) {

    private void append(Float[] values) {
        for (Float f : values) {
            if (f != null) {
            } else {

    private void append(double[] v) {

    private void append(Double[] values) {
        for (Double d : values) {
            if (d != null) {
            } else {

    private void append(long[] v) {

    private void append(Long[] values) {
        for (Long v : values) {
            if (v != null) {
            } else {