
 * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/pathops/SkOpCoincidence.h"

#include "include/core/SkPoint.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTDArray.h"
#include "src/base/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/pathops/SkIntersections.h"
#include "src/pathops/SkOpSegment.h"
#include "src/pathops/SkPathOpsCurve.h"
#include "src/pathops/SkPathOpsLine.h"
#include "src/pathops/SkPathOpsPoint.h"

#include <algorithm>

// returns true if coincident span's start and end are the same
bool SkCoincidentSpans::collapsed(const SkOpPtT* test) const {}

// out of line since this function is referenced by address
const SkOpPtT* SkCoincidentSpans::coinPtTEnd() const {}

// out of line since this function is referenced by address
const SkOpPtT* SkCoincidentSpans::coinPtTStart() const {}

// sets the span's end to the ptT referenced by the previous-next
void SkCoincidentSpans::correctOneEnd(
        const SkOpPtT* (SkCoincidentSpans::* getEnd)() const,
        void (SkCoincidentSpans::*setEnd)(const SkOpPtT* ptT) ) {}

/* Please keep this in sync with debugCorrectEnds */
// FIXME: member pointers have fallen out of favor and can be replaced with
// an alternative approach.
// makes all span ends agree with the segment's spans that define them
void SkCoincidentSpans::correctEnds() {}

/* Please keep this in sync with debugExpand */
// expand the range by checking adjacent spans for coincidence
bool SkCoincidentSpans::expand() {}

// increase the range of this span
bool SkCoincidentSpans::extend(const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd,
        const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd) {}

// set the range of this span
void SkCoincidentSpans::set(SkCoincidentSpans* next, const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart,
        const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd) {}

// returns true if both points are inside this
bool SkCoincidentSpans::contains(const SkOpPtT* s, const SkOpPtT* e) const {}

// out of line since this function is referenced by address
const SkOpPtT* SkCoincidentSpans::oppPtTStart() const {}

// out of line since this function is referenced by address
const SkOpPtT* SkCoincidentSpans::oppPtTEnd() const {}

// A coincident span is unordered if the pairs of points in the main and opposite curves'
// t values do not ascend or descend. For instance, if a tightly arced quadratic is
// coincident with another curve, it may intersect it out of order.
bool SkCoincidentSpans::ordered(bool* result) const {}

// if there is an existing pair that overlaps the addition, extend it
bool SkOpCoincidence::extend(const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd,
        const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd) {}

// verifies that the coincidence hasn't already been added
static void DebugCheckAdd(const SkCoincidentSpans* check, const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart,
        const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd) {}

// adds a new coincident pair
void SkOpCoincidence::add(SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd, SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart,
        SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd) {}

// description below
bool SkOpCoincidence::addEndMovedSpans(const SkOpSpan* base, const SkOpSpanBase* testSpan) {}

// description below
bool SkOpCoincidence::addEndMovedSpans(const SkOpPtT* ptT) {}

/*  If A is coincident with B and B includes an endpoint, and A's matching point
    is not the endpoint (i.e., there's an implied line connecting B-end and A)
    then assume that the same implied line may intersect another curve close to B.
    Since we only care about coincidence that was undetected, look at the
    ptT list on B-segment adjacent to the B-end/A ptT loop (not in the loop, but
    next door) and see if the A matching point is close enough to form another
    coincident pair. If so, check for a new coincident span between B-end/A ptT loop
    and the adjacent ptT loop.
bool SkOpCoincidence::addEndMovedSpans(DEBUG_COIN_DECLARE_ONLY_PARAMS()) {}

/* Please keep this in sync with debugAddExpanded */
// for each coincident pair, match the spans
// if the spans don't match, add the missing pt to the segment and loop it in the opposite span
bool SkOpCoincidence::addExpanded(DEBUG_COIN_DECLARE_ONLY_PARAMS()) {}

// given a t span, map the same range on the coincident span
the curves may not scale linearly, so interpolation may only happen within known points
remap over1s, over1e, cointPtTStart, coinPtTEnd to smallest range that captures over1s
then repeat to capture over1e
double SkOpCoincidence::TRange(const SkOpPtT* overS, double t,
       const SkOpSegment* coinSeg  SkDEBUGPARAMS(const SkOpPtT* overE)) {}

// return true if span overlaps existing and needs to adjust the coincident list
bool SkOpCoincidence::checkOverlap(SkCoincidentSpans* check,
        const SkOpSegment* coinSeg, const SkOpSegment* oppSeg,
        double coinTs, double coinTe, double oppTs, double oppTe,
        SkTDArray<SkCoincidentSpans*>* overlaps) const {}

/* Please keep this in sync with debugAddIfMissing() */
// note that over1s, over1e, over2s, over2e are ordered
bool SkOpCoincidence::addIfMissing(const SkOpPtT* over1s, const SkOpPtT* over2s,
        double tStart, double tEnd, SkOpSegment* coinSeg, SkOpSegment* oppSeg, bool* added
        SkDEBUGPARAMS(const SkOpPtT* over1e) SkDEBUGPARAMS(const SkOpPtT* over2e)) {}

/* Please keep this in sync with debugAddOrOverlap() */
// If this is called by addEndMovedSpans(), a returned false propogates out to an abort.
// If this is called by AddIfMissing(), a returned false indicates there was nothing to add
bool SkOpCoincidence::addOrOverlap(SkOpSegment* coinSeg, SkOpSegment* oppSeg,
        double coinTs, double coinTe, double oppTs, double oppTe, bool* added) {}

// Please keep this in sync with debugAddMissing()
/* detects overlaps of different coincident runs on same segment */
/* does not detect overlaps for pairs without any segments in common */
// returns true if caller should loop again
bool SkOpCoincidence::addMissing(bool* added  DEBUG_COIN_DECLARE_PARAMS()) {}

bool SkOpCoincidence::addOverlap(const SkOpSegment* seg1, const SkOpSegment* seg1o,
        const SkOpSegment* seg2, const SkOpSegment* seg2o,
        const SkOpPtT* overS, const SkOpPtT* overE) {}

bool SkOpCoincidence::contains(const SkOpSegment* seg, const SkOpSegment* opp, double oppT) const {}

bool SkOpCoincidence::contains(const SkCoincidentSpans* coin, const SkOpSegment* seg,
        const SkOpSegment* opp, double oppT) const {}

bool SkOpCoincidence::contains(const SkOpPtT* coinPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* coinPtTEnd,
        const SkOpPtT* oppPtTStart, const SkOpPtT* oppPtTEnd) const {}

void SkOpCoincidence::correctEnds(DEBUG_COIN_DECLARE_ONLY_PARAMS()) {}

// walk span sets in parallel, moving winding from one to the other
bool SkOpCoincidence::apply(DEBUG_COIN_DECLARE_ONLY_PARAMS()) {}

// Please keep this in sync with debugRelease()
bool SkOpCoincidence::release(SkCoincidentSpans* coin, SkCoincidentSpans* remove)  {}

void SkOpCoincidence::releaseDeleted(SkCoincidentSpans* coin) {}

void SkOpCoincidence::releaseDeleted() {}

void SkOpCoincidence::restoreHead() {}

// Please keep this in sync with debugExpand()
// expand the range by checking adjacent spans for coincidence
bool SkOpCoincidence::expand(DEBUG_COIN_DECLARE_ONLY_PARAMS()) {}

bool SkOpCoincidence::findOverlaps(SkOpCoincidence* overlaps  DEBUG_COIN_DECLARE_PARAMS()) const {}

void SkOpCoincidence::fixUp(SkOpPtT* deleted, const SkOpPtT* kept) {}

void SkOpCoincidence::fixUp(SkCoincidentSpans* coin, SkOpPtT* deleted, const SkOpPtT* kept) {}

// Please keep this in sync with debugMark()
/* this sets up the coincidence links in the segments when the coincidence crosses multiple spans */
bool SkOpCoincidence::mark(DEBUG_COIN_DECLARE_ONLY_PARAMS()) {}

// Please keep in sync with debugMarkCollapsed()
void SkOpCoincidence::markCollapsed(SkCoincidentSpans* coin, SkOpPtT* test) {}

// Please keep in sync with debugMarkCollapsed()
void SkOpCoincidence::markCollapsed(SkOpPtT* test) {}

bool SkOpCoincidence::Ordered(const SkOpSegment* coinSeg, const SkOpSegment* oppSeg) {}

bool SkOpCoincidence::overlap(const SkOpPtT* coin1s, const SkOpPtT* coin1e,
        const SkOpPtT* coin2s, const SkOpPtT* coin2e, double* overS, double* overE) const {}

// Commented-out lines keep this in sync with debugRelease()
void SkOpCoincidence::release(const SkOpSegment* deleted) {}