
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module mojo_base.mojom;

// Error codes used by the file system. These error codes line up exactly with
// those of base::File and are typemapped to base::File::Error enum.
enum FileError {
  OK                =   0,
  FAILED            =  -1,
  IN_USE            =  -2,
  EXISTS            =  -3,
  NOT_FOUND         =  -4,
  ACCESS_DENIED     =  -5,
  TOO_MANY_OPENED   =  -6,
  NO_MEMORY         =  -7,
  NO_SPACE          =  -8,
  NOT_A_DIRECTORY   =  -9,
  SECURITY          = -11,
  ABORT             = -12,
  NOT_A_FILE        = -13,
  NOT_EMPTY         = -14,
  INVALID_URL       = -15,
  IO                = -16,