
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


# Meta target to build everything
group("mojo_rust") {
  deps = [ ":mojo" ]

# These tests require real mojo and can't be mixed with test-only mojo. Mojo can
# only be initialized once per process, and can't change modes.
test("mojo_rust_integration_unittests") {
  deps = [

# These tests use stubbed out test-only mojo and can't be mixed with real mojo.
# Mojo can only be initialized once per process, and can't change modes.
test("mojo_rust_unittests") {
  deps = [

  if (enable_rust_mojom_bindings) {
    deps += [ "//mojo/public/rust/tests:mojo_rust_bindings_tests" ]

source_set("mojo_c_system_wrapper") {
  sources = [ "system/wrapper.h" ]
  deps = [ "//mojo/public/c/system:headers" ]
  visibility = [ ":*" ]

rust_bindgen("mojo_c_system_binding") {
  header = "system/wrapper.h"
  deps = [ ":mojo_c_system_wrapper" ]
  visibility = [ ":*" ]

rust_static_library("mojo_system") {
  crate_root = "system/"
  allow_unsafe = true

  sources = [

  deps = [

  bindgen_output = get_target_outputs(":mojo_c_system_binding")
  inputs = bindgen_output
  rustenv = [ "BINDGEN_RS_FILE=" +
              rebase_path(bindgen_output[0], get_path_info(crate_root, "dir")) ]

rust_static_library("mojo_system_test_support") {
  testonly = true
  crate_root = "system/test_support/"

  # Calls Mojo FFI functions.
  allow_unsafe = true

  sources = [ "system/test_support/" ]

  deps = [

rust_static_library("mojo_bindings") {
  crate_root = "bindings/"
  allow_unsafe = true

  sources = [

  deps = [

# Convenience target to link both Mojo Rust components and reexport them under a
# single `mojo` name.
rust_static_library("mojo") {
  crate_root = ""

  sources = [ "" ]
  deps = [