// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
chromium::import! {
// `pub` since a macro refers to `$crate::system`.
pub "//mojo/public/rust:mojo_system" as system;
pub mod data;
pub mod mojom;
use std::mem::size_of;
use bytemuck::{Pod, Zeroable};
/// Describes why a mojo message is invalid.
/// The `Debug` impl outputs extra helpful metadata.
pub struct ValidationError {
kind: ValidationErrorKind,
// Include code location info to help see why an error occurred. This is
// more intended for debugging the implementation itself, rather than for
// determining why an invalid message is invalid.
location: &'static std::panic::Location<'static>,
impl ValidationError {
pub fn new(kind: ValidationErrorKind) -> ValidationError {
ValidationError { kind, location: std::panic::Location::caller() }
pub fn kind(&self) -> ValidationErrorKind {
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, ValidationError>;
/// Mojo validation error category.
/// This mirrors //mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/validation_errors.h; refer to
/// that file for documentation. Do not assume the integer representations are
/// the same as in C++. `VALIDATION_ERROR_NONE` has no corresponding variant;
/// use `Result<(), ValidationError>` if needed.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum ValidationErrorKind {
impl ValidationErrorKind {
pub fn to_str(self) -> &'static str {
use ValidationErrorKind::*;
match self {
/// A read-only view to a serialized mojo message.
pub struct MessageView<'b> {
// The entire message buffer, including the header.
buf: &'b [u8],
// Parsed message header.
header: data::MessageHeader,
impl<'b> MessageView<'b> {
/// Create from a buffer that contains a serialized message. Validates the
/// message header.
pub fn new(buf: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Self> {
let mut this = MessageView { buf, header: Zeroable::zeroed() };
let header_chunk = this.get_struct_chunk(AbsolutePointer::<data::MessageHeader> {
offset: 0,
_phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,
this.header = header_chunk.read();
let this = this;
match this.header.header.version {
0 => {
if this.header.header.size as usize != data::MESSAGE_HEADER_V0_SIZE {
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::UnexpectedStructHeader));
// Either of these flags require the request_id field, which
// implies the version should be at least 1.
if this.header.flags.intersects(
| data::MessageHeaderFlags::IS_RESPONSE,
) {
return Err(ValidationError::new(
1 => {
if this.header.header.size as usize != data::MESSAGE_HEADER_V1_SIZE {
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::UnexpectedStructHeader));
2 => {
if this.header.header.size as usize != data::MESSAGE_HEADER_V2_SIZE {
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::UnexpectedStructHeader));
_ => {
if (this.header.header.size as usize) < data::MESSAGE_HEADER_V2_SIZE {
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::UnexpectedStructHeader));
// These flags are mutually exclusive.
if this.header.flags.contains(
data::MessageHeaderFlags::EXPECTS_RESPONSE | data::MessageHeaderFlags::IS_RESPONSE,
) {
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::MessageHeaderInvalidFlags));
/// Begin to read a mojom struct at buffer location `ptr`.
/// Parses the struct header at `ptr` and returns a view of that struct's
/// extent. Does not perform any validation of the struct's data.
pub fn get_struct_chunk<T>(
&'_ self,
ptr: AbsolutePointer<T>,
) -> Result<MessageViewChunk<'_, 'b, T>> {
let offset = ptr.offset as usize;
// Ensure alignment requirement is met.
if offset % data::OBJECT_ALIGNMENT != 0 {
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::MisalignedObject));
// Read header to know how many bytes to take.
let struct_header: data::StructHeader = bytemuck::pod_read_unaligned(
.get(offset..offset + size_of::<data::StructHeader>())
.ok_or_else(|| ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::IllegalMemoryRange))?,
let Some(end) = offset.checked_add(struct_header.size as usize) else {
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::IllegalMemoryRange));
Ok(MessageViewChunk {
message: self,
data: self
.ok_or_else(|| ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::IllegalMemoryRange))?,
_phantom: std::marker::PhantomData::<T>,
/// Byte offset of the payload (method call or response struct) in the
/// message buffer.
pub fn payload_offset(&self) -> u64 {
self.header.header.size as u64
/// Validate a method call request for mojom interface `I`.
pub fn validate_request<I: mojom::Interface>(&self) -> Result<()> {
/// Validate a method call response for mojom interface `I`.
pub fn validate_response<I: mojom::Interface>(&self) -> Result<()> {
fn validate<I: mojom::Interface>(&self, is_response: bool) -> Result<()> {
let Some(method_info) = I::get_method_info(self.header.name) else {
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::MessageHeaderUnknownMethod));
self.validate_impl(method_info, is_response)
fn validate_impl(&self, method_info: &mojom::MethodInfo, is_response: bool) -> Result<()> {
let mut ctx =
ValidationContext { message: self, valid_offset: self.header.header.size as u64 };
// Ensure the message is the kind we are expected.
if is_response != self.header.flags.contains(data::MessageHeaderFlags::IS_RESPONSE) {
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::MessageHeaderInvalidFlags));
// If the request expects a response, ensure the interface bindings
// agree.
if !is_response
&& (method_info.validate_response.is_some()
!= self.header.flags.contains(data::MessageHeaderFlags::EXPECTS_RESPONSE))
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::MessageHeaderInvalidFlags));
// Validate the request or response.
if is_response {
if let Some(validate) = method_info.validate_response {
validate(&mut ctx)
} else {
} else {
(method_info.validate_request)(&mut ctx)
/// A pointer to a mojom object in a message, represented as an offset from the
/// beginning of the message.
/// This is the "absolute" version of `data::Pointer` in that it is absolute for
/// a given mojom message. It is still defined relative to the message.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct AbsolutePointer<T: ?Sized> {
pub offset: u64,
_phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<*mut T>,
impl<T: ?Sized> AbsolutePointer<T> {
/// Given the mojom pointer `rel`, the owning object `owner`, and the
/// object's `chunk`, calculate the absolute pointer.
/// This is safe, but the result will be incorrect or may panic if `rel`
/// doesn't belong to `owner` and `chunk` is not `owner`'s chunk. Using an
/// erroneous value is also incorrect but safe.
pub fn resolve_from<U>(
rel: &data::Pointer<T>,
owner: &U,
chunk: &MessageViewChunk<'_, '_, U>,
) -> Result<Self> {
if rel.offset > u32::MAX as _ {
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::IllegalPointer));
let ptr_offset_in_object =
rel as *const _ as usize - owner as *const _ as *const () as usize;
Ok(AbsolutePointer {
offset: rel.offset + ptr_offset_in_object as u64 + chunk.offset() as u64,
_phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,
/// A piece of a message containing one object, i.e. a struct value, nested
/// union, array, or map.
pub struct MessageViewChunk<'a, 'b: 'a, T> {
message: &'a MessageView<'b>,
data: &'a [u8],
_phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<T>,
impl<'a, 'b: 'a, T> MessageViewChunk<'a, 'b, T> {
/// Absolute byte offset of this chunk in the parent message.
pub fn offset(&self) -> usize {
self.data.as_ptr() as usize - self.message.buf.as_ptr() as usize
/// Length of this chunk in bytes.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a, 'b: 'a, T: Pod> MessageViewChunk<'a, 'b, T> {
/// Read a `T`, zeroing fields not present (i.e. if the message's value of
/// `T` is an older mojom version than ours).
pub fn read(&self) -> T {
let mut result = Zeroable::zeroed();
let bytes_to_copy = std::cmp::min(std::mem::size_of_val(&result), self.data.len());
bytemuck::bytes_of_mut(&mut result)[0..bytes_to_copy]
/// Common state used when validating a message.
pub struct ValidationContext<'a, 'b: 'a> {
// The message being validated.
message: &'a MessageView<'b>,
// The first valid offset into the message buffer. Any preceding offsets are
// not valid since they were already claimed by another value, or they
// violate the depth-first layout of a mojo message.
valid_offset: u64,
impl<'a, 'b: 'a> ValidationContext<'a, 'b> {
/// The message being validated.
pub fn message(&self) -> &'a MessageView<'b> {
/// Claim ownership of a mojom struct at buffer location `ptr`.
/// The bytes claimed are no longer available for other claims. Since mojom
/// messages are serialized depth-first, only following bytes can be claimed
/// later.
pub fn claim_struct<T>(
&mut self,
ptr: AbsolutePointer<T>,
) -> Result<MessageViewChunk<'a, 'b, T>> {
if ptr.offset < self.valid_offset {
return Err(ValidationError::new(ValidationErrorKind::IllegalMemoryRange));
let chunk = self.message.get_struct_chunk(ptr)?;
self.valid_offset = (chunk.offset() + chunk.len()) as u64;
/// Claim the root struct of the message payload.
pub fn claim_payload_root<T>(&mut self) -> Result<MessageViewChunk<'a, 'b, T>> {
let ptr = AbsolutePointer {
offset: self.message.payload_offset(),
_phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,