// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::ptr;
use std::vec;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use crate::ffi;
use crate::handle;
use crate::handle::{CastHandle, Handle};
// This full import is intentional; nearly every type in mojo_types needs to be
// used.
use crate::mojo_types::*;
use ffi::c_void;
use super::UntypedHandle;
bitflags::bitflags! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct CreateMessageFlags: u32 {
/// Do not enforce size restrictions on this message, allowing its serialized
/// payload to grow arbitrarily large. If this flag is NOT specified, Mojo will
/// throw an assertion failure at serialization time when the message exceeds a
/// globally configured maximum size.
const UNLIMITED_SIZE = 1 << 0;
bitflags::bitflags! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct AppendMessageFlags: u32 {
/// If set, this comments the resulting (post-append) message size as the final
/// size of the message payload, in terms of both bytes and attached handles.
const COMMIT_SIZE = 1 << 0;
bitflags::bitflags! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct ReadMessageFlags: u32 {
/// Ignores attached handles when retrieving message data. This leaves any
/// attached handles intact and owned by the message object.
const IGNORE_HANDLES = 1 << 0;
/// Creates a message pipe in Mojo and gives back two
/// MessageEndpoints which represent the endpoints of the
/// message pipe
pub fn create() -> Result<(MessageEndpoint, MessageEndpoint), MojoResult> {
let mut handle0 = UntypedHandle::invalid();
let mut handle1 = UntypedHandle::invalid();
let opts = ffi::MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions::new(0);
match MojoResult::from_code(unsafe {
ffi::MojoCreateMessagePipe(opts.inner_ptr(), handle0.as_mut_ptr(), handle1.as_mut_ptr())
}) {
MojoResult::Okay => {
Ok((MessageEndpoint { handle: handle0 }, MessageEndpoint { handle: handle1 }))
e => Err(e),
/// Represents the one endpoint of a message pipe.
/// This data structure wraps a handle and acts
/// effectively as a typed handle.
pub struct MessageEndpoint {
handle: handle::UntypedHandle,
impl MessageEndpoint {
/// Read the next message from the endpoint. Messages in Mojo
/// are some set of bytes plus a bunch of handles, so we
/// return both a vector of bytes and a vector of untyped handles.
/// Because the handles are untyped, it is up to the user of this
/// library to know what type the handle actually is and to use
/// from_untyped in order to convert the handle to the correct type.
/// This is abstracted away, however, when using the Mojo bindings
/// generator where you may specify your interface in Mojom.
/// If an empty message (that is, it has neither data nor handles)
/// is received, it will show up as an Err() containing MojoResult::Okay.
pub fn read(&self) -> Result<(vec::Vec<u8>, vec::Vec<handle::UntypedHandle>), MojoResult> {
// Read the message, yielding a message object we can copy data from.
let message_handle = {
let mut h = 0;
match MojoResult::from_code(unsafe {
&mut h as *mut ffi::types::MojoMessageHandle,
}) {
MojoResult::Okay => h,
e => return Err(e),
let mut buffer: *mut c_void = ptr::null_mut();
let mut num_bytes: u32 = 0;
let mut num_handles: u32 = 0;
let result_prelim = MojoResult::from_code(unsafe {
&mut buffer as *mut _,
&mut num_bytes as *mut _,
&mut num_handles as *mut _,
if result_prelim != MojoResult::Okay && result_prelim != MojoResult::ResourceExhausted {
return Err(result_prelim);
let mut handles: vec::Vec<UntypedHandle> = vec::Vec::with_capacity(num_handles as usize);
if num_handles > 0 {
let result = MojoResult::from_code(unsafe {
&mut buffer as *mut _,
&mut num_bytes as *mut _,
UntypedHandle::slice_as_mut_ptr(&mut handles),
&mut num_handles as *mut _,
if result != MojoResult::Okay {
return Err(result);
let data: Vec<u8> = if num_bytes > 0 {
assert_ne!(buffer, ptr::null_mut());
// Will not panic if usize has at least 32 bits, which is true for our targets
let buffer_size: usize = num_bytes.try_into().unwrap();
// MojoGetMessageData points us to the data with a c_void pointer and a length.
// This is only available until we destroy the message. We want to
// copy this into our own Vec. Read the buffer as a slice, which is
// safe.
unsafe {
let buffer_slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(buffer.cast(), buffer_size);
} else {
unsafe {
Ok((data, handles))
/// Write a message to the endpoint. Messages in Mojo
/// are some set of bytes plus a bunch of handles, so we
/// return both a vector of bytes and a vector of untyped handles.
/// Because the handles are untyped, it is up to the user of this
/// library to know what type the handle actually is and to use
/// from_untyped in order to convert the handle to the correct type.
/// This is abstracted away, however, when using the Mojo bindings
/// generator where you may specify your interface in Mojom.
/// Additionally, the handles passed in are consumed. This is because
/// Mojo handles operate on move semantics much like Rust data types.
/// When a handle is sent through a message pipe it is invalidated and
/// may not even be represented by the same integer on the other side,
/// so care must be taken to design your application with this in mind.
pub fn write(&self, bytes: &[u8], handles: vec::Vec<handle::UntypedHandle>) -> MojoResult {
// Create the message object we will write data into then send.
let message_handle = unsafe {
let mut h = 0;
let result_code = ffi::MojoCreateMessage(std::ptr::null(), &mut h as *mut _);
assert_eq!(MojoResult::Okay, MojoResult::from_code(result_code));
// "Append" to the message, getting a buffer to copy our data to.
let raw_handles_ptr: *const MojoHandle =
if handles.len() == 0 { ptr::null() } else { UntypedHandle::slice_as_ptr(&handles) };
let mut buffer_ptr: *mut c_void = std::ptr::null_mut();
let mut buffer_size: u32 = 0;
let append_message_options =
let result = MojoResult::from_code(unsafe {
bytes.len() as u32,
handles.len() as u32,
&mut buffer_ptr as *mut _,
&mut buffer_size as *mut _,
if result != MojoResult::Okay {
return result;
// Copy into the message storage
if bytes.len() > 0 {
// Will not panic if usize has at least 32 bits, which is true for our targets
let buffer_size: usize = buffer_size.try_into().unwrap();
assert!(bytes.len() <= buffer_size);
assert_ne!(buffer_ptr, ptr::null_mut());
// MojoAppendMessageData tells us where to write with a c_void pointer and a
// length. This is only available until we destroy or send the
// message. We can view this through a slice and copy our `bytes`
// into it.
unsafe {
// We know `bytes.len() <= buffer_size`, and `buffer_size` is the limit of the
// provided buffer.
let buffer_slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buffer_ptr.cast(), bytes.len());
// Send the message. This takes ownership of the message object.
let write_message_options = ffi::MojoWriteMessageOptions::new(0);
return MojoResult::from_code(unsafe {
impl CastHandle for MessageEndpoint {
/// Generates a MessageEndpoint from an untyped handle wrapper
/// See crate::handle for information on untyped vs. typed
unsafe fn from_untyped(handle: handle::UntypedHandle) -> Self {
MessageEndpoint { handle: handle }
/// Consumes this object and produces a plain handle wrapper
/// See crate::handle for information on untyped vs. typed
fn as_untyped(self) -> handle::UntypedHandle {
impl Handle for MessageEndpoint {
/// Returns the native handle wrapped by this structure.
/// See crate::handle for information on handle wrappers
fn get_native_handle(&self) -> MojoHandle {