{#--- Constants #}
{%- for constant in module.constants %}
{% if generate_closure_exports -%}
{%- endif %}
* @const { {{constant.kind|lite_closure_type_with_nullability}} }
* @export
{{module.namespace}}.{{constant.name}} = {{constant|constant_value}};
{%- endfor %}
{#--- Enums #}
{% from "lite/enum_definition.tmpl" import enum_def with context %}
{%- for enum in enums %}
{{enum_def(module.namespace, module.namespace, enum)}}
{% endfor %}
{#--- Interface definitions #}
{%- for interface in interfaces %}
{% include "lite/interface_definition.tmpl" %}
{%- endfor %}
{#--- Struct and Union forward declarations #}
{# Note that we do an evil type cast here because we know that
# mojo.internal.Struct and mojo.internal.Union will fix-up the object
# appropriately, and we don't want Closure to complain. #}
{% for struct in structs %}
{% if generate_closure_exports -%}
{%- endif %}
* @const { {$:!mojo.internal.MojomType}}
* @export
{{module.namespace}}.{{struct.name}}Spec =
{ $: /** @type {!mojo.internal.MojomType} */ ({}) };
{% endfor %}
{%- for union in unions %}
{% if generate_closure_exports -%}
{%- endif %}
* @const { {$:!mojo.internal.MojomType} }
* @export
{{module.namespace}}.{{union.name}}Spec =
{ $: /** @type {!mojo.internal.MojomType} */ ({}) };
{% endfor %}
{#--- Struct definitions #}
{% for struct in structs %}
{%- include "lite/struct_definition.tmpl" %}
{% endfor -%}
{#--- Union definitions #}
{% for union in unions %}
{%- include "lite/union_definition.tmpl" %}
{% endfor %}