
module test;

[Stable, SandboxType=kSecure, Extensible]
interface Interface {
  // First.
  Mount@0(uint32 uid, int32 mount_id) => (handle? fd);

  // Line Break -----.

  // Second.
  [MinVersion] DoAThing() => (pending_remote<VeryLongAbstractTypeNameThatDoesNotFit> long_response_type,
    map<uint32, array<>> tt);

  // Thrid.
  Another([MinVersion=2] handle<platform>? param);

  // Fourth.
  CountFeature(WebFeature feature);

  // Fifth.
  SendHandle(handle? h) => ();

  ConvulteTypes(map<string, string?>? t1, array<uint32>? t2);


    // With params comments like this.
    string fix,

    // And like this.
    int32 foo);

    string foo // With comment here.

  Method() => (string foo // foo

  Method() => (int32 x, string bar // bar

  // Foo.
  Method() => ();