
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "cc/debug/layer_tree_debug_state.h"

namespace cc {

// IMPORTANT: new fields must be added to Equal() and Unite()
LayerTreeDebugState::LayerTreeDebugState() = default;

LayerTreeDebugState::LayerTreeDebugState(const LayerTreeDebugState& other) =

LayerTreeDebugState::~LayerTreeDebugState() = default;

void LayerTreeDebugState::SetRecordRenderingStats(bool enabled) {}

bool LayerTreeDebugState::RecordRenderingStats() const {}

bool LayerTreeDebugState::ShouldCreateHudLayer() const {}

bool LayerTreeDebugState::ShowDebugRects() const {}

bool LayerTreeDebugState::ShowMemoryStats() const {}

bool LayerTreeDebugState::ShouldDrawHudInfo() const {}

void LayerTreeDebugState::TurnOffHudInfoDisplay() {}

bool LayerTreeDebugState::operator==(const LayerTreeDebugState&) const =

}  // namespace cc