#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import copy
import cStringIO
import os
import re
import sys
STATEMENT_RE = "\[\[(.*?)\]\]" # [[...]]
EXPR_RE = "\{\{(.*?)\}\}" # {{...}}
def TemplateToPython(template, statement_re, expr_re):
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
indent_re = re.compile(r'\s*')
indent_string = ''
for line in template.splitlines(1): # 1 => keep line ends
m = statement_re.match(line)
if m:
statement = m.group(1)
indent_string = indent_re.match(statement).group()
if statement.rstrip()[-1:] == ':':
indent_string += ' '
output.write(statement + '\n')
line_ending = ''
while line and line[-1] in '\\"\n\r':
line_ending = line[-1] + line_ending
line = line[:-1]
ms = list(expr_re.finditer(line))
if ms:
# Only replace % with %% outside of the expr matches.
new_line = ''
start = 0
for m in ms:
new_line += line[start:m.start()].replace('%', '%%')
new_line += line[m.start():m.end()]
start = m.end()
new_line += line[start:].replace('%', '%%')
line = new_line
subst_line = r'r"""%s""" %% (%s,)' % (
re.sub(expr_re, '%s', line),
', '.join(re.findall(expr_re, line)))
subst_line = r'r"""%s"""' % line
out_string = r'%s__outfile__.write(%s + %s)' % (
output.write(out_string + '\n')
return output.getvalue()
def RunTemplate(srcfile, dstfile, template_dict, statement_re=None,
statement_re = statement_re or re.compile(STATEMENT_RE)
expr_re = expr_re or re.compile(EXPR_RE)
script = TemplateToPython(srcfile.read(), statement_re, expr_re)
template_dict = copy.copy(template_dict)
template_dict['__outfile__'] = dstfile
exec script in template_dict
def RunTemplateFile(srcpath, dstpath, template_dict, statement_re=None,
with open(srcpath) as srcfile:
with open(dstpath, 'w') as dstfile:
RunTemplate(srcfile, dstfile, template_dict, statement_re, expr_re)
def RunTemplateFileIfChanged(srcpath, dstpath, replace):
dststr = cStringIO.StringIO()
with open(srcpath) as srcfile:
RunTemplate(srcfile, dststr, replace)
if os.path.exists(dstpath):
with open(dstpath) as dstfile:
if dstfile.read() == dststr.getvalue():
with open(dstpath, 'w') as dstfile:
def RunTemplateString(src, template_dict, statement_re=None, expr_re=None):
srcstr = cStringIO.StringIO(src)
dststr = cStringIO.StringIO()
RunTemplate(srcstr, dststr, template_dict, statement_re, expr_re)
return dststr.getvalue()
def main(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
options = parser.parse_args(args)
with open(options.template) as f:
print TemplateToPython(
f.read(), re.compile(STATEMENT_RE), re.compile(EXPR_RE))
if __name__ == '__main__':