#!/usr/bin/env vpython3
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import cStringIO
import difflib
import os
import sys
import unittest
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
TOOLS_DIR = os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR)
CHROME_SRC = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(TOOLS_DIR)))
BUILD_TOOLS_DIR = os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR)
import easy_template
import mock
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
class EasyTemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def _RunTest(self, template, expected, template_dict):
src = cStringIO.StringIO(template)
dst = cStringIO.StringIO()
easy_template.RunTemplate(src, dst, template_dict)
if dst.getvalue() != expected:
expected_lines = expected.splitlines(1)
actual_lines = dst.getvalue().splitlines(1)
diff = ''.join(difflib.unified_diff(
expected_lines, actual_lines,
fromfile='expected', tofile='actual'))
self.fail('Unexpected output:\n' + diff)
def testEmpty(self):
self._RunTest('', '', {})
def testNewlines(self):
self._RunTest('\n\n', '\n\n', {})
def testNoInterpolation(self):
template = """I love paris in the
the springtime [don't you?]
{this is not interpolation}.
self._RunTest(template, template, {})
def testSimpleInterpolation(self):
'{{foo}} is my favorite number',
'42 is my favorite number',
{'foo': 42})
def testLineContinuations(self):
template = "Line 1 \\\nLine 2\n"""
self._RunTest(template, template, {})
def testIfStatement(self):
template = r"""
[[if foo:]]
not foo
self._RunTest(template, "\n foo\n", {'foo': True})
self._RunTest(template, "\n not foo\n", {'foo': False})
def testForStatement(self):
template = r"""[[for beers in [99, 98, 1]:]]
{{beers}} bottle{{(beers != 1) and 's' or ''}} of beer on the wall...
expected = r"""99 bottles of beer on the wall...
98 bottles of beer on the wall...
1 bottle of beer on the wall...
self._RunTest(template, expected, {})
def testListVariables(self):
template = r"""
[[for i, item in enumerate(my_list):]]
{{i+1}}: {{item}}
self._RunTest(template, "\n1: Banana\n2: Grapes\n3: Kumquat\n",
{'my_list': ['Banana', 'Grapes', 'Kumquat']})
def testListInterpolation(self):
template = "{{', '.join(growing[0:-1]) + ' and ' + growing[-1]}} grow..."
self._RunTest(template, "Oats, peas, beans and barley grow...",
{'growing': ['Oats', 'peas', 'beans', 'barley']})
self._RunTest(template, "Love and laughter grow...",
{'growing': ['Love', 'laughter']})
def testComplex(self):
template = r"""
struct {{name}} {
[[for field in fields:]]
[[ if field['type'] == 'array':]]
{{field['basetype']}} {{field['name']}}[{{field['size']}}];
[[ else:]]
{{field['type']}} {{field['name']}};
[[ ]]
expected = r"""
struct Foo {
std::string name;
int problems[99];
self._RunTest(template, expected, {
'name': 'Foo',
'fields': [
{'name': 'name', 'type': 'std::string'},
{'name': 'problems', 'type': 'array', 'basetype': 'int', 'size': 99}]})
def testModulo(self):
self._RunTest('No expression %', 'No expression %', {})
self._RunTest('% before {{3 + 4}}', '% before 7', {})
self._RunTest('{{2**8}} % after', '256 % after', {})
self._RunTest('inside {{8 % 3}}', 'inside 2', {})
self._RunTest('Everywhere % {{8 % 3}} %', 'Everywhere % 2 %', {})
@mock.patch('sys.stdout', mock.Mock())
def testMainArgParsing(self, mock_template_to_python):
if __name__ == '__main__':