

Many of the steps in this tutorial will be easier to copy and paste
into the Dev Environment.
To copy and paste in the Dev Environment web page,
you can use the keyboard or the menu options (top right corner |chrome_menu|).

.. |chrome_menu| raw:: html

  ☰ → Edit

On your platform use:

  * |copy_key| to Copy
  * |paste_key| to Paste

.. |copy_key| raw:: html

  <span id="copy_key">Loading...</span>
  var tag = document.getElementById('copy_key');
  if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac') >= 0) {
    tag.innerHTML = '&#8984;-C';
  } else {
    tag.innerHTML = 'Ctrl-C';

.. |paste_key| raw:: html

  <span id="paste_key">Loading...</span>
  var tag = document.getElementById('paste_key');
  if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac') >= 0) {
    tag.innerHTML = '&#8984;-V';
  } else {
    tag.innerHTML = 'Ctrl-V';