// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ppapi/c/ppb_input_event.h>
#include <ppapi/cpp/input_event.h>
#include <ppapi/cpp/var.h>
#include <ppapi/cpp/var_array.h>
#include <ppapi/cpp/var_array_buffer.h>
#include <ppapi/cpp/var_dictionary.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "ppapi_simple/ps.h"
#include "ppapi_simple/ps_context_2d.h"
#include "ppapi_simple/ps_event.h"
#include "ppapi_simple/ps_interface.h"
#include "sdk_util/macros.h"
#include "sdk_util/thread_pool.h"
using namespace sdk_util; // For sdk_util::ThreadPool
#define INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
// 128 bit SIMD vector types
typedef uint8_t u8x16_t __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
typedef int32_t i32x4_t __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
typedef uint32_t u32x4_t __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
typedef float f32x4_t __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
// Global properties used to setup Earth demo.
namespace {
const float kPI = M_PI;
const float kTwoPI = kPI * 2.0f;
const float kOneOverPI = 1.0f / kPI;
const float kOneOver2PI = 1.0f / kTwoPI;
const int kArcCosineTableSize = 4096;
const int kFramesToBenchmark = 100;
const float kZoomMin = 1.0f;
const float kZoomMax = 50.0f;
const float kWheelSpeed = 2.0f;
const float kLightMin = 0.0f;
const float kLightMax = 2.0f;
// Timer helper for benchmarking. Returns seconds elapsed since program start,
// as a double.
timeval start_tv;
int start_tv_retv = gettimeofday(&start_tv, NULL);
inline double getseconds() {
const double usec_to_sec = 0.000001;
timeval tv;
if ((0 == start_tv_retv) && (0 == gettimeofday(&tv, NULL)))
return (tv.tv_sec - start_tv.tv_sec) + tv.tv_usec * usec_to_sec;
return 0.0;
// SIMD Vector helper functions.
// Note that a compare between two vectors will return a signed integer vector
// with the same number of elements, where each element will be all bits set
// for true (-1), and all bits clear for false (0) This integer vector can be
// useful as a mask.
// Also note that c-style casts do not mutate the bits of a vector - only the
// type. Boolean operators can't operate on float vectors, but it is possible
// to cast them temporarily to integer vector, perform the mask, and cast
// them back to float.
// To convert a float vector to an integer vector using trunction, or to
// convert an integer vector to a float vector, use __builtin_convertvector().
INLINE f32x4_t min(f32x4_t a, f32x4_t b) {
i32x4_t m = a < b;
return (f32x4_t)(((i32x4_t)a & m) | ((i32x4_t)b & ~m));
INLINE f32x4_t max(f32x4_t a, f32x4_t b) {
i32x4_t m = a > b;
return (f32x4_t)(((i32x4_t)a & m) | ((i32x4_t)b & ~m));
INLINE float dot3(f32x4_t a, f32x4_t b) {
f32x4_t c = a * b;
return c[0] + c[1] + c[2];
INLINE f32x4_t broadcast(float x) {
f32x4_t r = {x, x, x, x};
return r;
// SIMD RGBA helper functions, used for extracting color from RGBA source image.
INLINE f32x4_t ExtractRGBA(uint32_t c) {
const f32x4_t kOneOver255 = broadcast(1.0f / 255.0f);
const i32x4_t kZero = {0, 0, 0, 0};
i32x4_t v = {c, c, c, c};
// zero extend packed color into 32x4 integer vector
v = (i32x4_t)__builtin_shufflevector((u8x16_t)v, (u8x16_t)kZero,
0, 16, 16, 16, 1, 16, 16, 16, 2, 16, 16, 16, 3, 16, 16, 16);
// convert color values to float, range 0..1
f32x4_t f = __builtin_convertvector(v, f32x4_t) * kOneOver255;
return f;
// SIMD BGRA helper function, for constructing a pixel for a BGRA buffer.
INLINE uint32_t PackBGRA(f32x4_t f) {
const f32x4_t kZero = broadcast(0.0f);
const f32x4_t kHalf = broadcast(0.5f);
const f32x4_t k255 = broadcast(255.0f);
f = max(f, kZero);
// Add 0.5 to perform rounding instead of truncation.
f = f * k255 + kHalf;
f = min(f, k255);
i32x4_t i = __builtin_convertvector(f, i32x4_t);
u32x4_t p = (u32x4_t)__builtin_shufflevector((u8x16_t)i, (u8x16_t)i,
8, 4, 0, 12, 8, 4, 0, 12, 8, 4, 0, 12, 8, 4, 0, 12);
return p[0];
// BGRA helper function, for constructing a pixel for a BGRA buffer.
INLINE uint32_t MakeBGRA(uint32_t b, uint32_t g, uint32_t r, uint32_t a) {
return (((a) << 24) | ((r) << 16) | ((g) << 8) | (b));
// simple container for earth texture
struct Texture {
int width, height;
uint32_t* pixels;
Texture(int w, int h) : width(w), height(h) {
pixels = new uint32_t[w * h];
memset(pixels, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * w * h);
explicit Texture(int w, int h, uint32_t* p) : width(w), height(h) {
pixels = new uint32_t[w * h];
memcpy(pixels, p, sizeof(uint32_t) * w * h);
Texture(const Texture&) = delete;
Texture& operator=(const Texture&) = delete;
~Texture() { delete[] pixels; }
struct ArcCosine {
// slightly larger table so we can interpolate beyond table size
float table[kArcCosineTableSize + 2];
float TableLerp(float x);
ArcCosine::ArcCosine() {
// build a slightly larger table to allow for numeric imprecision
for (int i = 0; i < (kArcCosineTableSize + 2); ++i) {
float f = static_cast<float>(i) / kArcCosineTableSize;
f = f * 2.0f - 1.0f;
table[i] = acos(f);
// looks up acos(f) using a table and lerping between entries
// (it is expected that input f is between -1 and 1)
INLINE float ArcCosine::TableLerp(float f) {
float x = (f + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
x = x * kArcCosineTableSize;
int ix = static_cast<int>(x);
float fx = static_cast<float>(ix);
float dx = x - fx;
float af = table[ix];
float af2 = table[ix + 1];
return af + (af2 - af) * dx;
// Helper functions for quick but approximate sqrt.
union Convert {
float f;
int i;
Convert(int x) { i = x; }
Convert(float x) { f = x; }
int AsInt() { return i; }
float AsFloat() { return f; }
INLINE const int AsInteger(const float f) {
Convert u(f);
return u.AsInt();
INLINE const float AsFloat(const int i) {
Convert u(i);
return u.AsFloat();
const long int kOneAsInteger = AsInteger(1.0f);
INLINE float inline_quick_sqrt(float x) {
int i;
i = (AsInteger(x) >> 1) + (kOneAsInteger >> 1);
return AsFloat(i);
INLINE float inline_sqrt(float x) {
float y;
y = inline_quick_sqrt(x);
y = (y * y + x) / (2.0f * y);
y = (y * y + x) / (2.0f * y);
return y;
} // namespace
// The main object that runs the Earth demo.
class Planet {
virtual ~Planet();
// Runs a tick of the simulations, update 2D output.
void Update();
// Handle event from user, or message from JS.
void HandleEvent(PSEvent* ps_event);
// Methods prefixed with 'w' are run on worker threads.
uint32_t* wGetAddr(int x, int y);
void wRenderPixelSpan(int x0, int x1, int y);
void wMakeRect(int r, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
void wRenderRect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
void wRenderRegion(int region);
static void wRenderRegionEntry(int region, void *thiz);
// These methods are only called by the main thread.
void CacheCalcs();
void SetPlanetXYZR(float x, float y, float z, float r);
void SetPlanetPole(float x, float y, float z);
void SetPlanetEquator(float x, float y, float z);
void SetPlanetSpin(float x, float y);
void SetEyeXYZ(float x, float y, float z);
void SetLightXYZ(float x, float y, float z);
void SetAmbientRGB(float r, float g, float b);
void SetDiffuseRGB(float r, float g, float b);
void SetZoom(float zoom);
void SetLight(float zoom);
void SetTexture(const std::string& name, int width, int height,
uint32_t* pixels);
void SpinPlanet(pp::Point new_point, pp::Point last_point);
void Reset();
void RequestTextures();
void UpdateSim();
void Render();
void Draw();
void StartBenchmark();
void EndBenchmark();
// Post a small key-value message to update JS.
void PostUpdateMessage(const char* message_name, double value);
// User Interface settings. These settings are controlled via html
// controls or via user input.
float ui_light_;
float ui_zoom_;
float ui_spin_x_;
float ui_spin_y_;
pp::Point ui_last_point_;
// Various settings for position & orientation of planet. Do not change
// these variables, instead use SetPlanet*() functions.
float planet_radius_;
float planet_spin_x_;
float planet_spin_y_;
float planet_x_, planet_y_, planet_z_;
float planet_pole_x_, planet_pole_y_, planet_pole_z_;
float planet_equator_x_, planet_equator_y_, planet_equator_z_;
// Observer's eye. Do not change these variables, instead use SetEyeXYZ().
float eye_x_, eye_y_, eye_z_;
// Light position, ambient and diffuse settings. Do not change these
// variables, instead use SetLightXYZ(), SetAmbientRGB() and SetDiffuseRGB().
float light_x_, light_y_, light_z_;
float diffuse_r_, diffuse_g_, diffuse_b_;
float ambient_r_, ambient_g_, ambient_b_;
// Cached calculations. Do not change these variables - they are updated by
// CacheCalcs() function.
float planet_xyz_;
float planet_pole_x_equator_x_;
float planet_pole_x_equator_y_;
float planet_pole_x_equator_z_;
float planet_radius2_;
float planet_one_over_radius_;
float eye_xyz_;
// Source texture (earth map).
Texture* base_tex_;
Texture* night_tex_;
int width_for_tex_;
int height_for_tex_;
// Quick ArcCos helper.
ArcCosine acos_;
// Misc.
PSContext2D_t* ps_context_;
int num_threads_;
ThreadPool* workers_;
bool benchmarking_;
int benchmark_frame_counter_;
double benchmark_start_time_;
double benchmark_end_time_;
void Planet::RequestTextures() {
// Request a set of images from JS. After images are loaded by JS, a
// message from JS -> NaCl will arrive containing the pixel data. See
// HandleMessage() method in this file.
pp::VarDictionary message;
message.Set("message", "request_textures");
pp::VarArray names;
names.Set(0, "earth.jpg");
names.Set(1, "earthnight.jpg");
message.Set("names", names);
PSInterfaceMessaging()->PostMessage(PSGetInstanceId(), message.pp_var());
void Planet::Reset() {
// Reset has to first fill in all variables with valid floats, so
// CacheCalcs() doesn't potentially propagate NaNs when calling Set*()
// functions further below.
planet_radius_ = 1.0f;
planet_spin_x_ = 0.0f;
planet_spin_y_ = 0.0f;
planet_x_ = 0.0f;
planet_y_ = 0.0f;
planet_z_ = 0.0f;
planet_pole_x_ = 0.0f;
planet_pole_y_ = 0.0f;
planet_pole_z_ = 0.0f;
planet_equator_x_ = 0.0f;
planet_equator_y_ = 0.0f;
planet_equator_z_ = 0.0f;
eye_x_ = 0.0f;
eye_y_ = 0.0f;
eye_z_ = 0.0f;
light_x_ = 0.0f;
light_y_ = 0.0f;
light_z_ = 0.0f;
diffuse_r_ = 0.0f;
diffuse_g_ = 0.0f;
diffuse_b_ = 0.0f;
ambient_r_ = 0.0f;
ambient_g_ = 0.0f;
ambient_b_ = 0.0f;
planet_xyz_ = 0.0f;
planet_pole_x_equator_x_ = 0.0f;
planet_pole_x_equator_y_ = 0.0f;
planet_pole_x_equator_z_ = 0.0f;
planet_radius2_ = 0.0f;
planet_one_over_radius_ = 0.0f;
eye_xyz_ = 0.0f;
ui_zoom_ = 14.0f;
ui_light_ = 1.0f;
ui_spin_x_ = 0.01f;
ui_spin_y_ = 0.0f;
ui_last_point_ = pp::Point(0, 0);
// Set up reasonable default values.
SetPlanetXYZR(0.0f, 0.0f, 48.0f, 4.0f);
SetEyeXYZ(0.0f, 0.0f, -ui_zoom_);
SetLightXYZ(-60.0f, -30.0f, 0.0f);
SetAmbientRGB(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
SetDiffuseRGB(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
SetPlanetPole(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
SetPlanetEquator(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
SetPlanetSpin(kPI / 2.0f, kPI / 2.0f);
// Send UI values to JS to reset html sliders.
PostUpdateMessage("set_zoom", ui_zoom_);
PostUpdateMessage("set_light", ui_light_);
Planet::Planet() : base_tex_(NULL), night_tex_(NULL), num_threads_(0),
benchmarking_(false), benchmark_frame_counter_(0) {
// By default, render from the dispatch thread.
workers_ = new ThreadPool(num_threads_);
ps_context_ = PSContext2DAllocate(PP_IMAGEDATAFORMAT_BGRA_PREMUL);
Planet::~Planet() {
delete workers_;
// Given a region r, derive a rectangle.
// This rectangle shouldn't overlap with work being done by other workers.
// If multithreading, this function is only called by the worker threads.
void Planet::wMakeRect(int r, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h) {
*x = 0;
*w = ps_context_->width;
*y = r;
*h = 1;
inline uint32_t* Planet::wGetAddr(int x, int y) {
return ps_context_->data + x + y * ps_context_->stride / sizeof(uint32_t);
// This is the inner loop of the ray tracer. Given a pixel span (x0, x1) on
// scanline y, shoot rays into the scene and render what they hit. Use
// scanline coherence to do a few optimizations.
// This version uses portable SIMD 4 element single precision floating point
// vectors to perform many of the calculations, and builds only on PNaCl.
void Planet::wRenderPixelSpan(int x0, int x1, int y) {
if (!base_tex_ || !night_tex_)
const uint32_t kColorBlack = MakeBGRA(0, 0, 0, 0xFF);
const uint32_t kSolidAlpha = MakeBGRA(0, 0, 0, 0xFF);
const f32x4_t kOne = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
const f32x4_t diffuse = {diffuse_r_, diffuse_g_, diffuse_b_, 0.0f};
const f32x4_t ambient = {ambient_r_, ambient_g_, ambient_b_, 0.0f};
const f32x4_t light_pos = {light_x_, light_y_, light_z_, 1.0f};
const f32x4_t planet_pos = {planet_x_, planet_y_, planet_z_, 1.0f};
const f32x4_t planet_one_over_radius = broadcast(planet_one_over_radius_);
const f32x4_t planet_equator = {
planet_equator_x_, planet_equator_y_, planet_equator_z_, 0.0f};
const f32x4_t planet_pole = {
planet_pole_x_, planet_pole_y_, planet_pole_z_, 1.0f};
const f32x4_t planet_pole_x_equator = {
planet_pole_x_equator_x_, planet_pole_x_equator_y_,
planet_pole_x_equator_z_, 0.0f};
float width = ps_context_->width;
float height = ps_context_->height;
float min_dim = width < height ? width : height;
float offset_x = width < height ? 0 : (width - min_dim) * 0.5f;
float offset_y = width < height ? (height - min_dim) * 0.5f : 0;
float y0 = eye_y_;
float z0 = eye_z_;
float y1 = (static_cast<float>(y - offset_y) / min_dim) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
float z1 = 0.0f;
float dy = (y1 - y0);
float dz = (z1 - z0);
float dy_dy_dz_dz = dy * dy + dz * dz;
float two_dy_y0_y_two_dz_z0_z = 2.0f * dy * (y0 - planet_y_) +
2.0f * dz * (z0 - planet_z_);
float planet_xyz_eye_xyz = planet_xyz_ + eye_xyz_;
float y_y0_z_z0 = planet_y_ * y0 + planet_z_ * z0;
float oowidth = 1.0f / min_dim;
uint32_t* pixels = this->wGetAddr(x0, y);
for (int x = x0; x <= x1; ++x) {
// scan normalized screen -1..1
float x1 = (static_cast<float>(x - offset_x) * oowidth) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
// eye
float x0 = eye_x_;
// delta from screen to eye
float dx = (x1 - x0);
// build a, b, c
float a = dx * dx + dy_dy_dz_dz;
float b = 2.0f * dx * (x0 - planet_x_) + two_dy_y0_y_two_dz_z0_z;
float c = planet_xyz_eye_xyz +
-2.0f * (planet_x_ * x0 + y_y0_z_z0) - (planet_radius2_);
// calculate discriminant
float disc = b * b - 4.0f * a * c;
// Did ray hit the sphere?
if (disc < 0.0f) {
*pixels = kColorBlack;
f32x4_t delta = {dx, dy, dz, 1.0f};
f32x4_t base = {x0, y0, z0, 1.0f};
// Calc parametric t value.
float t = (-b - inline_sqrt(disc)) / (2.0f * a);
f32x4_t pos = base + broadcast(t) * delta;
f32x4_t normal = (pos - planet_pos) * planet_one_over_radius;
// Misc raytrace calculations.
f32x4_t L = light_pos - pos;
float Lq = 1.0f / inline_quick_sqrt(dot3(L, L));
L = L * broadcast(Lq);
float d = dot3(L, normal);
f32x4_t p = diffuse * broadcast(d) + ambient;
float ds = -dot3(normal, planet_pole);
float ang = acos_.TableLerp(ds);
float v = ang * kOneOverPI;
float dp = dot3(planet_equator, normal);
float w = dp / sinf(ang);
if (w > 1.0f) w = 1.0f;
if (w < -1.0f) w = -1.0f;
float th = acos_.TableLerp(w) * kOneOver2PI;
float dps = dot3(planet_pole_x_equator, normal);
float u;
if (dps < 0.0f)
u = th;
u = 1.0f - th;
// Look up daylight texel.
int tx = static_cast<int>(u * base_tex_->width);
int ty = static_cast<int>(v * base_tex_->height);
int offset = tx + ty * base_tex_->width;
uint32_t base_texel = base_tex_->pixels[offset];
f32x4_t dc = ExtractRGBA(base_texel);
// Look up night texel.
int nix = static_cast<int>(u * night_tex_->width);
int niy = static_cast<int>(v * night_tex_->height);
int noffset = nix + niy * night_tex_->width;
uint32_t night_texel = night_tex_->pixels[noffset];
f32x4_t nc = ExtractRGBA(night_texel);
// Blend between daylight (dc) and nighttime (nc) color.
f32x4_t pc = min(p, kOne);
f32x4_t fc = dc * p + nc * (kOne - pc);
uint32_t color = PackBGRA(fc);
*pixels = color | kSolidAlpha;
// Renders a rectangular area of the screen, scan line at a time
void Planet::wRenderRect(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
for (int j = y; j < (y + h); ++j) {
this->wRenderPixelSpan(x, x + w - 1, j);
// If multithreading, this function is only called by the worker threads.
void Planet::wRenderRegion(int region) {
// convert region # into x0, y0, x1, y1 rectangle
int x, y, w, h;
wMakeRect(region, &x, &y, &w, &h);
// render this rectangle
wRenderRect(x, y, w, h);
// Entry point for worker thread. Can't pass a member function around, so we
// have to do this little round-about.
void Planet::wRenderRegionEntry(int region, void* thiz) {
// Renders the planet, dispatching the work to multiple threads.
void Planet::Render() {
workers_->Dispatch(ps_context_->height, wRenderRegionEntry, this);
// Pre-calculations to make inner loops faster.
void Planet::CacheCalcs() {
planet_xyz_ = planet_x_ * planet_x_ +
planet_y_ * planet_y_ +
planet_z_ * planet_z_;
planet_radius2_ = planet_radius_ * planet_radius_;
planet_one_over_radius_ = 1.0f / planet_radius_;
eye_xyz_ = eye_x_ * eye_x_ + eye_y_ * eye_y_ + eye_z_ * eye_z_;
// spin vector from center->equator
planet_equator_x_ = cos(planet_spin_x_);
planet_equator_y_ = 0.0f;
planet_equator_z_ = sin(planet_spin_x_);
// cache cross product of pole & equator
planet_pole_x_equator_x_ = planet_pole_y_ * planet_equator_z_ -
planet_pole_z_ * planet_equator_y_;
planet_pole_x_equator_y_ = planet_pole_z_ * planet_equator_x_ -
planet_pole_x_ * planet_equator_z_;
planet_pole_x_equator_z_ = planet_pole_x_ * planet_equator_y_ -
planet_pole_y_ * planet_equator_x_;
void Planet::SetPlanetXYZR(float x, float y, float z, float r) {
planet_x_ = x;
planet_y_ = y;
planet_z_ = z;
planet_radius_ = r;
void Planet::SetEyeXYZ(float x, float y, float z) {
eye_x_ = x;
eye_y_ = y;
eye_z_ = z;
void Planet::SetLightXYZ(float x, float y, float z) {
light_x_ = x;
light_y_ = y;
light_z_ = z;
void Planet::SetAmbientRGB(float r, float g, float b) {
ambient_r_ = r;
ambient_g_ = g;
ambient_b_ = b;
void Planet::SetDiffuseRGB(float r, float g, float b) {
diffuse_r_ = r;
diffuse_g_ = g;
diffuse_b_ = b;
void Planet::SetPlanetPole(float x, float y, float z) {
planet_pole_x_ = x;
planet_pole_y_ = y;
planet_pole_z_ = z;
void Planet::SetPlanetEquator(float x, float y, float z) {
// This is really over-ridden by spin at the momenent.
planet_equator_x_ = x;
planet_equator_y_ = y;
planet_equator_z_ = z;
void Planet::SetPlanetSpin(float x, float y) {
planet_spin_x_ = x;
planet_spin_y_ = y;
// Run a simple sim to spin the planet. Update loop is run once per frame.
// Called from the main thread only and only when the worker threads are idle.
void Planet::UpdateSim() {
float x = planet_spin_x_ + ui_spin_x_;
float y = planet_spin_y_ + ui_spin_y_;
// keep in nice range
if (x > (kPI * 2.0f))
x = x - kPI * 2.0f;
else if (x < (-kPI * 2.0f))
x = x + kPI * 2.0f;
if (y > (kPI * 2.0f))
y = y - kPI * 2.0f;
else if (y < (-kPI * 2.0f))
y = y + kPI * 2.0f;
SetPlanetSpin(x, y);
void Planet::StartBenchmark() {
// For more consistent benchmark numbers, reset to default state.
printf("Benchmark started...\n");
benchmark_frame_counter_ = kFramesToBenchmark;
benchmarking_ = true;
benchmark_start_time_ = getseconds();
void Planet::EndBenchmark() {
benchmark_end_time_ = getseconds();
printf("Benchmark ended... time: %2.5f\n",
benchmark_end_time_ - benchmark_start_time_);
benchmarking_ = false;
benchmark_frame_counter_ = 0;
double total_time = benchmark_end_time_ - benchmark_start_time_;
// Send benchmark result to JS.
PostUpdateMessage("benchmark_result", total_time);
void Planet::SetZoom(float zoom) {
ui_zoom_ = std::min(kZoomMax, std::max(kZoomMin, zoom));
SetEyeXYZ(0.0f, 0.0f, -ui_zoom_);
void Planet::SetLight(float light) {
ui_light_ = std::min(kLightMax, std::max(kLightMin, light));
SetDiffuseRGB(0.8f * ui_light_, 0.8f * ui_light_, 0.8f * ui_light_);
SetAmbientRGB(0.4f * ui_light_, 0.4f * ui_light_, 0.4f * ui_light_);
void Planet::SetTexture(const std::string& name, int width, int height,
uint32_t* pixels) {
if (pixels) {
if (name == "earth.jpg") {
delete base_tex_;
base_tex_ = new Texture(width, height, pixels);
} else if (name == "earthnight.jpg") {
delete night_tex_;
night_tex_ = new Texture(width, height, pixels);
void Planet::SpinPlanet(pp::Point new_point, pp::Point last_point) {
float delta_x = static_cast<float>(new_point.x() - last_point.x());
float delta_y = static_cast<float>(new_point.y() - last_point.y());
float spin_x = std::min(10.0f, std::max(-10.0f, delta_x * 0.5f));
float spin_y = std::min(10.0f, std::max(-10.0f, delta_y * 0.5f));
ui_spin_x_ = spin_x / 100.0f;
ui_spin_y_ = spin_y / 100.0f;
ui_last_point_ = new_point;
// Handle input events from the user and messages from JS.
void Planet::HandleEvent(PSEvent* ps_event) {
// Give the 2D context a chance to process the event.
if (0 != PSContext2DHandleEvent(ps_context_, ps_event))
if (ps_event->type == PSE_INSTANCE_HANDLEINPUT) {
// Convert Pepper Simple event to a PPAPI C++ event
pp::InputEvent event(ps_event->as_resource);
switch (event.GetType()) {
pp::KeyboardInputEvent key(event);
uint32_t key_code = key.GetKeyCode();
if (key_code == 84) // 't' key
if (!benchmarking_)
pp::MouseInputEvent mouse = pp::MouseInputEvent(event);
SpinPlanet(mouse.GetPosition(), mouse.GetPosition());
SpinPlanet(mouse.GetPosition(), ui_last_point_);
pp::WheelInputEvent wheel = pp::WheelInputEvent(event);
PP_FloatPoint ticks = wheel.GetTicks();
SetZoom(ui_zoom_ + (ticks.x + ticks.y) * kWheelSpeed);
// Update html slider by sending update message to JS.
PostUpdateMessage("set_zoom", ui_zoom_);
pp::TouchInputEvent touches = pp::TouchInputEvent(event);
uint32_t count = touches.GetTouchCount(PP_TOUCHLIST_TYPE_TOUCHES);
if (count > 0) {
// Use first touch point to spin planet.
pp::TouchPoint touch =
touches.GetTouchByIndex(PP_TOUCHLIST_TYPE_TOUCHES, 0);
pp::Point screen_point(touch.position().x(),
SpinPlanet(screen_point, screen_point);
SpinPlanet(screen_point, ui_last_point_);
} else if (ps_event->type == PSE_INSTANCE_HANDLEMESSAGE) {
// Convert Pepper Simple message to PPAPI C++ vars
pp::Var var(ps_event->as_var);
if (var.is_dictionary()) {
pp::VarDictionary dictionary(var);
std::string message = dictionary.Get("message").AsString();
if (message == "run benchmark" && !benchmarking_) {
} else if (message == "set_light") {
} else if (message == "set_zoom") {
} else if (message == "set_threads") {
int threads = dictionary.Get("value").AsInt();
delete workers_;
workers_ = new ThreadPool(threads);
} else if (message == "texture") {
std::string name = dictionary.Get("name").AsString();
int width = dictionary.Get("width").AsInt();
int height = dictionary.Get("height").AsInt();
pp::VarArrayBuffer array_buffer(dictionary.Get("data"));
if (!name.empty() && !array_buffer.is_null()) {
if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
uint32_t* pixels = static_cast<uint32_t*>(array_buffer.Map());
SetTexture(name, width, height, pixels);
} else {
printf("Handle message unknown type: %s\n", var.DebugString().c_str());
// PostUpdateMessage() helper function for sending small messages to JS.
void Planet::PostUpdateMessage(const char* message_name, double value) {
pp::VarDictionary message;
message.Set("message", message_name);
message.Set("value", value);
PSInterfaceMessaging()->PostMessage(PSGetInstanceId(), message.pp_var());
void Planet::Update() {
// When benchmarking is running, don't update display via
// PSContext2DSwapBuffer() - vsync is enabled by default, and will throttle
// the benchmark results.
if (NULL == ps_context_->data)
do {
if (!benchmarking_) break;
} while (benchmark_frame_counter_ > 0);
if (benchmarking_)
// Starting point for the module.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Planet earth;
while (true) {
PSEvent* ps_event;
// Consume all available events
while ((ps_event = PSEventTryAcquire()) != NULL) {
// Do simulation, render and present.
return 0;