
// Copyright (c) 2015-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights
// reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdbool.h>

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#if defined(_WIN32)

// Helpers

#define SPV_BIT(shift)

#define SPV_FORCE_16_BIT_ENUM(name)
#define SPV_FORCE_32_BIT_ENUM(name)

// Enumerations


// Severity levels of messages communicated to the consumer.


// The kinds of operands that an instruction may have.
// Some operand types are "concrete".  The binary parser uses a concrete
// operand type to describe an operand of a parsed instruction.
// The assembler uses all operand types.  In addition to determining what
// kind of value an operand may be, non-concrete operand types capture the
// fact that an operand might be optional (may be absent, or present exactly
// once), or might occur zero or more times.
// Sometimes we also need to be able to express the fact that an operand
// is a member of an optional tuple of values.  In that case the first member
// would be optional, and the subsequent members would be required.
// NOTE: Although we don't promise binary compatibility, as a courtesy, please
// add new enum values at the end.

// Returns true if the given type is concrete.
bool spvOperandIsConcrete(spv_operand_type_t type);

// Returns true if the given type is concrete and also a mask.
bool spvOperandIsConcreteMask(spv_operand_type_t type);


// This determines at a high level the kind of a binary-encoded literal
// number, but not the bit width.
// In principle, these could probably be folded into new entries in
// spv_operand_type_t.  But then we'd have some special case differences
// between the assembler and disassembler.



// Constants

// The default id bound is to the minimum value for the id limit
// in the spir-v specification under the section "Universal Limits".
const uint32_t kDefaultMaxIdBound =;

// Structures

// Information about an operand parsed from a binary SPIR-V module.
// Note that the values are not included.  You still need access to the binary
// to extract the values.

// An instruction parsed from a binary SPIR-V module.







// Opaque struct containing the context used to operate on a SPIR-V module.
// Its object is used by various translation API functions.






// Type Definitions


// Platform API

// Returns the SPIRV-Tools software version as a null-terminated string.
// The contents of the underlying storage is valid for the remainder of
// the process.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT const char* spvSoftwareVersionString(void);
// Returns a null-terminated string containing the name of the project,
// the software version string, and commit details.
// The contents of the underlying storage is valid for the remainder of
// the process.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT const char* spvSoftwareVersionDetailsString(void);

// Certain target environments impose additional restrictions on SPIR-V, so it's
// often necessary to specify which one applies.  SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_* implies an
// environment-agnostic SPIR-V.
// When an API method needs to derive a SPIR-V version from a target environment
// (from the spv_context object), the method will choose the highest version of
// SPIR-V supported by the target environment.  Examples:
//    SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0           ->  SPIR-V 1.0
//    SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1           ->  SPIR-V 1.3
//    SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1_SPIRV_1_4 ->  SPIR-V 1.4
//    SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2           ->  SPIR-V 1.5
//    SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_3           ->  SPIR-V 1.6
// Consult the description of API entry points for specific rules.

// SPIR-V Validator can be parameterized with the following Universal Limits.

// Returns a string describing the given SPIR-V target environment.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT const char* spvTargetEnvDescription(spv_target_env env);

// Parses s into *env and returns true if successful.  If unparsable, returns
// false and sets *env to SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_0.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT bool spvParseTargetEnv(const char* s, spv_target_env* env);

// Determines the target env value with the least features but which enables
// the given Vulkan and SPIR-V versions. If such a target is supported, returns
// true and writes the value to |env|, otherwise returns false.
// The Vulkan version is given as an unsigned 32-bit number as specified in
// Vulkan section "29.2.1 Version Numbers": the major version number appears
// in bits 22 to 21, and the minor version is in bits 12 to 21.  The SPIR-V
// version is given in the SPIR-V version header word: major version in bits
// 16 to 23, and minor version in bits 8 to 15.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT bool spvParseVulkanEnv(uint32_t vulkan_ver,
                                          uint32_t spirv_ver,
                                          spv_target_env* env);

// Creates a context object for most of the SPIRV-Tools API.
// Returns null if env is invalid.
// See specific API calls for how the target environment is interpreted
// (particularly assembly and validation).
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_context spvContextCreate(spv_target_env env);

// Destroys the given context object.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvContextDestroy(spv_context context);

// Creates a Validator options object with default options. Returns a valid
// options object. The object remains valid until it is passed into
// spvValidatorOptionsDestroy.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_validator_options spvValidatorOptionsCreate(void);

// Destroys the given Validator options object.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsDestroy(
    spv_validator_options options);

// Records the maximum Universal Limit that is considered valid in the given
// Validator options object. <options> argument must be a valid options object.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetUniversalLimit(
    spv_validator_options options, spv_validator_limit limit_type,
    uint32_t limit);

// Record whether or not the validator should relax the rules on types for
// stores to structs.  When relaxed, it will allow a type mismatch as long as
// the types are structs with the same layout.  Two structs have the same layout
// if
// 1) the members of the structs are either the same type or are structs with
// same layout, and
// 2) the decorations that affect the memory layout are identical for both
// types.  Other decorations are not relevant.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetRelaxStoreStruct(
    spv_validator_options options, bool val);

// Records whether or not the validator should relax the rules on pointer usage
// in logical addressing mode.
// When relaxed, it will allow the following usage cases of pointers:
// 1) OpVariable allocating an object whose type is a pointer type
// 2) OpReturnValue returning a pointer value
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetRelaxLogicalPointer(
    spv_validator_options options, bool val);

// Records whether or not the validator should relax the rules because it is
// expected that the optimizations will make the code legal.
// When relaxed, it will allow the following:
// 1) It will allow relaxed logical pointers.  Setting this option will also
//    set that option.
// 2) Pointers that are pass as parameters to function calls do not have to
//    match the storage class of the formal parameter.
// 3) Pointers that are actual parameters on function calls do not have to point
//    to the same type pointed as the formal parameter.  The types just need to
//    logically match.
// 4) GLSLstd450 Interpolate* instructions can have a load of an interpolant
//    for a first argument.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetBeforeHlslLegalization(
    spv_validator_options options, bool val);

// Records whether the validator should use "relaxed" block layout rules.
// Relaxed layout rules are described by Vulkan extension
// VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layout, and they affect uniform blocks, storage blocks,
// and push constants.
// This is enabled by default when targeting Vulkan 1.1 or later.
// Relaxed layout is more permissive than the default rules in Vulkan 1.0.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetRelaxBlockLayout(
    spv_validator_options options, bool val);

// Records whether the validator should use standard block layout rules for
// uniform blocks.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetUniformBufferStandardLayout(
    spv_validator_options options, bool val);

// Records whether the validator should use "scalar" block layout rules.
// Scalar layout rules are more permissive than relaxed block layout.
// See Vulkan extension VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout.  The scalar alignment is
// defined as follows:
// - scalar alignment of a scalar is the scalar size
// - scalar alignment of a vector is the scalar alignment of its component
// - scalar alignment of a matrix is the scalar alignment of its component
// - scalar alignment of an array is the scalar alignment of its element
// - scalar alignment of a struct is the max scalar alignment among its
//   members
// For a struct in Uniform, StorageClass, or PushConstant:
// - a member Offset must be a multiple of the member's scalar alignment
// - ArrayStride or MatrixStride must be a multiple of the array or matrix
//   scalar alignment
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetScalarBlockLayout(
    spv_validator_options options, bool val);

// Records whether the validator should use "scalar" block layout
// rules (as defined above) for Workgroup blocks.  See Vulkan
// extension VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetWorkgroupScalarBlockLayout(
    spv_validator_options options, bool val);

// Records whether or not the validator should skip validating standard
// uniform/storage block layout.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetSkipBlockLayout(
    spv_validator_options options, bool val);

// Records whether or not the validator should allow the LocalSizeId
// decoration where the environment otherwise would not allow it.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetAllowLocalSizeId(
    spv_validator_options options, bool val);

// Whether friendly names should be used in validation error messages.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetFriendlyNames(
    spv_validator_options options, bool val);

// Creates an optimizer options object with default options. Returns a valid
// options object. The object remains valid until it is passed into
// |spvOptimizerOptionsDestroy|.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_optimizer_options spvOptimizerOptionsCreate(void);

// Destroys the given optimizer options object.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvOptimizerOptionsDestroy(
    spv_optimizer_options options);

// Records whether or not the optimizer should run the validator before
// optimizing.  If |val| is true, the validator will be run.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvOptimizerOptionsSetRunValidator(
    spv_optimizer_options options, bool val);

// Records the validator options that should be passed to the validator if it is
// run.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvOptimizerOptionsSetValidatorOptions(
    spv_optimizer_options options, spv_validator_options val);

// Records the maximum possible value for the id bound.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvOptimizerOptionsSetMaxIdBound(
    spv_optimizer_options options, uint32_t val);

// Records whether all bindings within the module should be preserved.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvOptimizerOptionsSetPreserveBindings(
    spv_optimizer_options options, bool val);

// Records whether all specialization constants within the module
// should be preserved.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvOptimizerOptionsSetPreserveSpecConstants(
    spv_optimizer_options options, bool val);

// Creates a reducer options object with default options. Returns a valid
// options object. The object remains valid until it is passed into
// |spvReducerOptionsDestroy|.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_reducer_options spvReducerOptionsCreate(void);

// Destroys the given reducer options object.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvReducerOptionsDestroy(spv_reducer_options options);

// Sets the maximum number of reduction steps that should run before the reducer
// gives up.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvReducerOptionsSetStepLimit(
    spv_reducer_options options, uint32_t step_limit);

// Sets the fail-on-validation-error option; if true, the reducer will return
// kStateInvalid if a reduction step yields a state that fails SPIR-V
// validation. Otherwise, an invalid state is treated as uninteresting and the
// reduction backtracks and continues.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvReducerOptionsSetFailOnValidationError(
    spv_reducer_options options, bool fail_on_validation_error);

// Sets the function that the reducer should target.  If set to zero the reducer
// will target all functions as well as parts of the module that lie outside
// functions.  Otherwise the reducer will restrict reduction to the function
// with result id |target_function|, which is required to exist.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvReducerOptionsSetTargetFunction(
    spv_reducer_options options, uint32_t target_function);

// Creates a fuzzer options object with default options. Returns a valid
// options object. The object remains valid until it is passed into
// |spvFuzzerOptionsDestroy|.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_fuzzer_options spvFuzzerOptionsCreate(void);

// Destroys the given fuzzer options object.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvFuzzerOptionsDestroy(spv_fuzzer_options options);

// Enables running the validator after every transformation is applied during
// a replay.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvFuzzerOptionsEnableReplayValidation(
    spv_fuzzer_options options);

// Sets the seed with which the random number generator used by the fuzzer
// should be initialized.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvFuzzerOptionsSetRandomSeed(
    spv_fuzzer_options options, uint32_t seed);

// Sets the range of transformations that should be applied during replay: 0
// means all transformations, +N means the first N transformations, -N means all
// except the final N transformations.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvFuzzerOptionsSetReplayRange(
    spv_fuzzer_options options, int32_t replay_range);

// Sets the maximum number of steps that the shrinker should take before giving
// up.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvFuzzerOptionsSetShrinkerStepLimit(
    spv_fuzzer_options options, uint32_t shrinker_step_limit);

// Enables running the validator after every pass is applied during a fuzzing
// run.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvFuzzerOptionsEnableFuzzerPassValidation(
    spv_fuzzer_options options);

// Enables all fuzzer passes during a fuzzing run (instead of a random subset
// of passes).
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvFuzzerOptionsEnableAllPasses(
    spv_fuzzer_options options);

// Encodes the given SPIR-V assembly text to its binary representation. The
// length parameter specifies the number of bytes for text. Encoded binary will
// be stored into *binary. Any error will be written into *diagnostic if
// diagnostic is non-null, otherwise the context's message consumer will be
// used. The generated binary is independent of the context and may outlive it.
// The SPIR-V binary version is set to the highest version of SPIR-V supported
// by the context's target environment.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_result_t spvTextToBinary(const spv_const_context context,
                                                const char* text,
                                                const size_t length,
                                                spv_binary* binary,
                                                spv_diagnostic* diagnostic);

// Encodes the given SPIR-V assembly text to its binary representation. Same as
// spvTextToBinary but with options. The options parameter is a bit field of
// spv_text_to_binary_options_t.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_result_t spvTextToBinaryWithOptions(
    const spv_const_context context, const char* text, const size_t length,
    const uint32_t options, spv_binary* binary, spv_diagnostic* diagnostic);

// Frees an allocated text stream. This is a no-op if the text parameter
// is a null pointer.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvTextDestroy(spv_text text);

// Decodes the given SPIR-V binary representation to its assembly text. The
// word_count parameter specifies the number of words for binary. The options
// parameter is a bit field of spv_binary_to_text_options_t. Decoded text will
// be stored into *text. Any error will be written into *diagnostic if
// diagnostic is non-null, otherwise the context's message consumer will be
// used.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_result_t spvBinaryToText(const spv_const_context context,
                                                const uint32_t* binary,
                                                const size_t word_count,
                                                const uint32_t options,
                                                spv_text* text,
                                                spv_diagnostic* diagnostic);

// Frees a binary stream from memory. This is a no-op if binary is a null
// pointer.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvBinaryDestroy(spv_binary binary);

// Validates a SPIR-V binary for correctness. Any errors will be written into
// *diagnostic if diagnostic is non-null, otherwise the context's message
// consumer will be used.
// Validate for SPIR-V spec rules for the SPIR-V version named in the
// binary's header (at word offset 1).  Additionally, if the context target
// environment is a client API (such as Vulkan 1.1), then validate for that
// client API version, to the extent that it is verifiable from data in the
// binary itself.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_result_t spvValidate(const spv_const_context context,
                                            const spv_const_binary binary,
                                            spv_diagnostic* diagnostic);

// Validates a SPIR-V binary for correctness. Uses the provided Validator
// options. Any errors will be written into *diagnostic if diagnostic is
// non-null, otherwise the context's message consumer will be used.
// Validate for SPIR-V spec rules for the SPIR-V version named in the
// binary's header (at word offset 1).  Additionally, if the context target
// environment is a client API (such as Vulkan 1.1), then validate for that
// client API version, to the extent that it is verifiable from data in the
// binary itself, or in the validator options.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_result_t spvValidateWithOptions(
    const spv_const_context context, const spv_const_validator_options options,
    const spv_const_binary binary, spv_diagnostic* diagnostic);

// Validates a raw SPIR-V binary for correctness. Any errors will be written
// into *diagnostic if diagnostic is non-null, otherwise the context's message
// consumer will be used.
spvValidateBinary(const spv_const_context context, const uint32_t* words,
                  const size_t num_words, spv_diagnostic* diagnostic);

// Creates a diagnostic object. The position parameter specifies the location in
// the text/binary stream. The message parameter, copied into the diagnostic
// object, contains the error message to display.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_diagnostic
spvDiagnosticCreate(const spv_position position, const char* message);

// Destroys a diagnostic object.  This is a no-op if diagnostic is a null
// pointer.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvDiagnosticDestroy(spv_diagnostic diagnostic);

// Prints the diagnostic to stderr.
spvDiagnosticPrint(const spv_diagnostic diagnostic);

// Gets the name of an instruction, without the "Op" prefix.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT const char* spvOpcodeString(const uint32_t opcode);

// The binary parser interface.

// A pointer to a function that accepts a parsed SPIR-V header.
// The integer arguments are the 32-bit words from the header, as specified
// in SPIR-V 1.0 Section 2.3 Table 1.
// The function should return SPV_SUCCESS if parsing should continue.

// A pointer to a function that accepts a parsed SPIR-V instruction.
// The parsed_instruction value is transient: it may be overwritten
// or released immediately after the function has returned.  That also
// applies to the words array member of the parsed instruction.  The
// function should return SPV_SUCCESS if and only if parsing should
// continue.

// Parses a SPIR-V binary, specified as counted sequence of 32-bit words.
// Parsing feedback is provided via two callbacks provided as function
// pointers.  Each callback function pointer can be a null pointer, in
// which case it is never called.  Otherwise, in a valid parse the
// parsed-header callback is called once, and then the parsed-instruction
// callback once for each instruction in the stream.  The user_data parameter
// is supplied as context to the callbacks.  Returns SPV_SUCCESS on successful
// parse where the callbacks always return SPV_SUCCESS.  For an invalid parse,
// returns a status code other than SPV_SUCCESS, and if diagnostic is non-null
// also emits a diagnostic. If diagnostic is null the context's message consumer
// will be used to emit any errors. If a callback returns anything other than
// SPV_SUCCESS, then that status code is returned, no further callbacks are
// issued, and no additional diagnostics are emitted.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_result_t spvBinaryParse(
    const spv_const_context context, void* user_data, const uint32_t* words,
    const size_t num_words, spv_parsed_header_fn_t parse_header,
    spv_parsed_instruction_fn_t parse_instruction, spv_diagnostic* diagnostic);

// The optimizer interface.

// A pointer to a function that accepts a log message from an optimizer.

// Creates and returns an optimizer object.  This object must be passed to
// optimizer APIs below and is valid until passed to spvOptimizerDestroy.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_optimizer_t* spvOptimizerCreate(spv_target_env env);

// Destroys the given optimizer object.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvOptimizerDestroy(spv_optimizer_t* optimizer);

// Sets an spv_message_consumer on an optimizer object.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvOptimizerSetMessageConsumer(
    spv_optimizer_t* optimizer, spv_message_consumer consumer);

// Registers passes that attempt to legalize the generated code.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvOptimizerRegisterLegalizationPasses(
    spv_optimizer_t* optimizer);

// Registers passes that attempt to improve performance of generated code.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvOptimizerRegisterPerformancePasses(
    spv_optimizer_t* optimizer);

// Registers passes that attempt to improve the size of generated code.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvOptimizerRegisterSizePasses(
    spv_optimizer_t* optimizer);

// Registers a pass specified by a flag in an optimizer object.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT bool spvOptimizerRegisterPassFromFlag(
    spv_optimizer_t* optimizer, const char* flag);

// Registers passes specified by length number of flags in an optimizer object.
// Passes may remove interface variables that are unused.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT bool spvOptimizerRegisterPassesFromFlags(
    spv_optimizer_t* optimizer, const char** flags, const size_t flag_count);

// Registers passes specified by length number of flags in an optimizer object.
// Passes will not remove interface variables.
    spv_optimizer_t* optimizer, const char** flags, const size_t flag_count);

// Optimizes the SPIR-V code of size |word_count| pointed to by |binary| and
// returns an optimized spv_binary in |optimized_binary|.
// Returns SPV_SUCCESS on successful optimization, whether or not the module is
// modified.  Returns an SPV_ERROR_* if the module fails to validate or if
// errors occur when processing using any of the registered passes.  In that
// case, no further passes are executed and the |optimized_binary| contents may
// be invalid.
// By default, the binary is validated before any transforms are performed,
// and optionally after each transform.  Validation uses SPIR-V spec rules
// for the SPIR-V version named in the binary's header (at word offset 1).
// Additionally, if the target environment is a client API (such as
// Vulkan 1.1), then validate for that client API version, to the extent
// that it is verifiable from data in the binary itself, or from the
// validator options set on the optimizer options.
SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT spv_result_t spvOptimizerRun(
    spv_optimizer_t* optimizer, const uint32_t* binary, const size_t word_count,
    spv_binary* optimized_binary, const spv_optimizer_options options);

#ifdef __cplusplus